Daguo Technology started from the Shanzhai system

Chapter 455: The Completely Paralyzed Semiconductor Alliance

Chapter 455: The Completely Paralyzed Semiconductor Alliance
In this regard, this naturally makes countless people who support and recognize Sugon Technology very happy.

At the same time, news came out as Sugon Technology announced the successful development of domestic high-end photoresist and solved the problem of large-scale mass production of domestic high-end photoresist.

Next, Sugon Technology's market value stocks ushered in a round of crazy surge as many people had guessed. The surge was so rapid that it flew straight into the sky like a rocket, leaving countless people stunned!

No matter how badly it fell before, it's soaring now!

In less than 24 hours after Sugon Technology announced the news, Sugon Technology's stock market value rose from the lowest point of more than 3500 billion U.S. dollars to 5200 billion U.S. dollars!
It directly exceeded the US$5000 billion mark that day. This is a terrifying result!

Faced with this situation, countless people who had sold Sugon Technology stocks before were naturally heartbroken and vomited blood. There is really nothing to say about the pain in their hearts.

At that time, people who believed in Sugon Technology and bought Sugon Technology stocks while taking advantage of the low price were all ecstatic that the value of their stocks had increased several times!
However, after experiencing so many crazy plummets and crazy surges, many people have finally seen the monster stock of Sugon Technology.

At this time, countless investors around the world have experienced this incident and have decided not to abandon Sugon Technology's stocks no matter what.

Because Sugon Technology has used facts to prove more than once that they can create miracles, proving that all investors who do not believe in Sugon Technology will ultimately suffer heavy losses.

Investors who believe in Sugon Technology are making a lot of money from the rise and fall of Sugon Technology's stock market value.

Faced with such a scene, they have experienced it several times in less than two years, so this time they are absolutely unwilling to sell Sugon Technology's stocks easily.

As for what benefits Sugon Technology can gain from the surge in stocks?
The good thing is that when investors around the world believe in Sugon Technology, the incidents that occurred in the past may not happen to Sugon Technology. At least they will not dare to use means that are too despicable and inconsistent with business logic.

It can be said that if Sugon Technology was not a listed company, it would still be a little concerned about the global stockholders and public opinion. How could Sugon Technology still enjoy such a fat cake?
But can Shuguang continue to eat the fattest cakes forever?

Will Western semiconductor companies and technology companies really allow Sugon Technology to eat their market cake, and then watch Sugon Technology gobble up the meat with a grimace, feeling envious and jealous?
will not!

They will definitely do everything they can to protect their position and market share, and then they will work tooth and nail to add new troubles to Sugon Technology.


Two days later.

Mediland, Wall Street, and the Empire State Building were once again home to more than 64 CEOs.

"I have to admit that Sugon Technology is indeed a scary company. It has repeatedly created miracles and its R&D capabilities are terrifying."

The person speaking at this time was Bill Gates, the president of Weiruan Company. His eyes were now bloodshot and his face was haggard. It was obvious that he had not slept well during this period.

In response, Intel President Paul Odeline immediately said:
"I think they must have illegally infringed upon the photoresist production equipment of the island country Fuji. Otherwise, how could they have solved the huge problem of mass production of high-end photoresist in just [-] days?!
I absolutely do not believe that Sugon Technology can develop photoresist production equipment that replaces Fujifilm in the island country in just [-] days, and also completely solve the problem of mass production,"

After hearing Paul Oudening's words, Zhang Xiaomou, the president of TSMC Store, also gave his opinion:

“Although we don’t want to admit it, no matter what our attitude is, they have indeed mass-produced photoresist.

After all, according to the news I found, Sugon Semiconductor is now back to full production and is making every effort to fill the vacancies in chip production capacity in the past.

As for Sugon Electronics, it should not be much different. It is estimated that it is producing Sugon mobile phones, Sugon computers, and Sugon home game consoles at full capacity. "Hearing the words of TSMC Store President Zhang Xiaomou, the scene fell into silence again.

The facts are indeed as TSMC President Zhang Xiaomou said. Even if they suspect that Sugon Technology has illegally copied the photoresist production machines of Fujifilm, a copycat island country, so what? Can this change the factual outcome?
In response, Intel President Paul Odeline said frantically:

"Damn it, how can we catch the evidence that they illegally infringed on the manufacturing of photoresist production equipment? Do you have any channels?"

The reason why Paul Oudening said this at this time was because he had no way of knowing the internal information of Sugon Photoresist Factory.

It can be said that at this time, Paul Oudening didn't even know what the appearance of Dawning's photoresist production machine was. He really didn't have any information at all.

After all, the employees of Sugon's photoresist factory are very confidential and loyal. They refuse to disclose details and do not allow anyone except employees of the photoresist factory to enter.

In this case, the US Semiconductor Alliance couldn't find any trouble even if it tried to find trouble with Sugon Semiconductor, and could only make suspicions without evidence.

After all, if you want to report that Sugon Semiconductor is using illegal and infringing production equipment to produce photoresist for profit, you must first have basic evidence.

You can't just open your mouth and whiten your teeth and stop someone from having a normal birth.

"How is it possible that there are channels? We want to inspect someone else's factory just because we have suspicions. This is naturally impossible."

The person speaking at this time was the president of ARM.

In response, the scene fell into silence for a moment.

At this time, Intel President Paul Odening was at his wits end. He hesitated slightly, and then said decisively:

“We will devote all our efforts to Sugon Technology’s infringement lawsuit and make every effort to let Dali Temple in California, the United States, rule on the existence of Sugon Technology’s monopoly and impose penalties!

We cannot let Sugon Technology's antitrust lawsuit continue to be stalemate. According to this situation, this lawsuit may last for several years. "

"Given the current situation, that's all we can do."

Eric, the head of Google, expressed his conclusion.

In this regard, another CEO of Texas Instruments also slowly said:
"That's all it can do. Even if Sugon Technology doesn't have a monopoly, it does seriously threaten the status and profits of the Western semiconductor industry.

So as long as we show the seriousness of the situation, proactively provide evidence to cooperate with Sugon Technology’s antitrust lawsuit, and finally use public opinion to put pressure on it.

I believe that it will soon be judged that Shuguang Technology has a monopoly! "

After hearing the words of the CEO of Texas Instruments, many CEOs at the scene also nodded gently to express their approval.

So then many CEOs in the conference room discussed how to cooperate and coordinate.

(End of this chapter)

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