Daguo Technology started from the Shanzhai system

Chapter 488: Great changes in the global semiconductor industry!

Chapter 488: Great changes in the global semiconductor industry!
The focus of this Huanqiu Daily report is on mobile phone processors, exploring what the birth of the 65-nanometer Sugon mobile phone chip means to the global mobile phone industry.

At the same time, the Renton Daily News also reported relevant news, with their title being "Daxia once again conquers the 65-nanometer process technology. What does this mean for global semiconductors."

Obviously, the focus of the Renton Daily News report is to explore what it means for Daxia to develop a breakthrough 65-nanometer process technology in just one year.

Let’s explore whether Shuguang Technology can continue to achieve such great results in the future, and whether Daxia can break Moore’s Law again.

In the end, the conclusion of the Renton Daily News article was that it was very possible, and the probability was very high.

Because it only took one year for Sugon R&D Center to break through from the 130-nanometer process technology to the 90-nanometer process technology.

In this process, they did not use other people's technology patents, but developed their own core chip production equipment.

Now it only takes a little more than a year to break through from 90nm to 65nm process technology, less than a year and a half.

Under this circumstance, it is indeed very likely that Sugon R&D Center will break through to the 45nm process technology again in the next year or so!

In this regard, the article naturally triggered a heated discussion around the world, making overseas people full of worries about the future of Western semiconductors.

After all, it takes them 18 months in the West to develop a new generation of process technology, a Moore's Law, while it seems that it only takes a little more than a year in Daxia.

If this trend continues, won't Daxia eventually lead the world in chip manufacturing technology?
Thinking of this issue, many overseas readers feel quite unbalanced.

After all, semiconductor manufacturing technology is the pearl of industry. Now seeing that this industrial pearl is about to be overtaken by Daxia, a country that is perceived to be backward, this naturally makes many people psychologically unbalanced.

So it didn't take long for a huge call to appear on the overseas Internet. This call was for their country to attach great importance to the semiconductor industry.

They are asked to ask the West to unite and invest together to speed up the research and development of semiconductor manufacturing processes, at least to the level of Daxia.

Daxia can conquer the next generation process technology in one year, and they in the West can definitely do it, so there are such calls on the Internet in many overseas countries around the world.

Of course, this call will soon not be limited to the overseas Internet, because the people on the "Bald Eagle" side may be more leisurely, and perhaps there is the involvement of Wall Street and Silicon Valley forces behind this matter.

On the third day after Sugon Technology announced its successful breakthrough in the 65nm process technology, many "wanderers" gathered outside the X Building.

Those "wanderers" are all loudly calling on the "bald eagle" to pay attention to the semiconductor industry.

We cannot just use slogans, but at least provide real funds and policies to support the development of the semiconductor industry in the United States.

In this regard, the voices of these "wanderers" naturally appeared in global media reports as emergency news.

So all of a sudden, the "wanderer" began to spread, and small "wanderer" incidents also occurred in many semiconductor powers around the world.

Although these "wanderer" incidents cannot be compared with the "bald eagle" in terms of number or influence.

However, it still successfully attracted the attention of many people around the world and caused them to discuss this matter, and the popularity of this matter increased rapidly.So on the third day after the incident, the "Bald Eagle" news mouthpiece finally spoke.

Among them, the news mouthpiece made many remarks, but the actual statement can be described in one sentence. This sentence means that the authorities are considering adopting the people's suggestions.

They are currently negotiating details with various government agencies around the world and Silicon Valley semiconductor companies. If nothing unexpected happens, the results will be available within a month at most.

In this regard, the words of the news mouthpiece naturally triggered an earthquake of public opinion around the world.

Countless media outlets have claimed with shock and emotion that the global semiconductor industry will usher in huge changes in the future!

After all, the "Bald Eagle" alone may not be able to speed up the research and development of semiconductor process technology, but what if the R&D strength and funds of the island countries, cold countries, sound countries, Lanxi, German and Italian countries are added together?
Once their forces are combined to invest in research and development, they will definitely be able to rapidly advance the research and development of semiconductor manufacturing processes.

This is much faster than relying solely on the US Semiconductor Alliance's own commercial power to promote semiconductor process technology research and development.

After all, people within a business alliance must be complicated. Everyone wants others to contribute more and themselves to contribute less, and they cannot truly work together.

Therefore, although their total strength is very powerful, seemingly several times that of the entire Shuguang system, the actual [-]% strength is estimated to be less than [-]% to [-]%.

At this time, if the various semiconductor powers in the world take the initiative to use funds and R&D capabilities to jointly promote the accelerated research and development of semiconductor process technology, then Western semiconductor process technology will definitely usher in explosive R&D progress.

Therefore, this incident detonated global public opinion and caused countless overseas media to discuss it excitedly and shocked.

However, the popularity of this matter did not last long. Within two days, a new big news instantly took away the popularity of all technology circles.

The new big news is that Intel held a small press conference and announced that they will hold a product launch conference on September 9. The product to be released this time is the third generation Core processor!

One of the things worth mentioning is that at the end of the small press conference, Paul Oudelin mysteriously revealed that the third-generation Core processor, like the Sugon Ryzen processor, also uses highly streamlined and high-performance new X86 instructions. set!
Therefore, the upcoming third-generation Core processor will have terrifying performance and will definitely not disappoint everyone.

In this regard, the news naturally excited countless Intel fans and even those who support Western Semiconductors.

After all, this is a third-generation Core processor that is comparable to the X86-S instruction set and 65nm process technology.

With so many technical advantages, they in the West should be able to regain their championship status in the computer CPU industry, right?
Therefore, Intel-related news took away all the heat as soon as it came out. Even Daxia reported news about Intel's third-generation Core processor. What does the birth of a weapon mean?

As these news emerged, people in China naturally became worried, worried that Sugon Technology would be defeated by the third-generation Core processor.

But no matter what their mood was, time still passed slowly and unhurriedly, and it did not stop because of the worry and uneasiness of the people of Daxia.

And time slowly came to September 2006, 9, and Intel's press conference was held as scheduled.

(End of this chapter)

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