Daguo Technology started from the Shanzhai system

Chapter 533: Pingguo Company and the four major mobile phone giants who vomited blood!

Chapter 533: Pingguo Company and the four major mobile phone giants who vomited blood!

Although Pingguo Music Platform has changed its name, for example, Shuguang Technology uses the 7-day listening list, while Pingguo Music Platform uses the one-week listening list.

Shuguang Music Platform uses the 30-day listening list, and Pingguo Music Platform uses the monthly listening list...

By analogy, this Pingguo Music Platform is completely a product of plagiarism!

They have whatever Sugon Technology has, without any novel innovation at all.

What makes people complain even more is that Pingguo Music Platform has copied every bit of the music software system. They directly copied the original version of Shuguang Music Platform’s song list sharing system.

Faced with such plagiarism, it’s no wonder that Elon Mascus, a boss who advocates technology and innovation, couldn’t help but complain about the two software launched by Pingguo Company.

As a well-known boss in the American technology circle, Elon Mascus's complaints naturally came into the eyes of the media. In the end, the media naturally reproduced Elon Mascus's words.

Elon Mascus's words soon gained approval from many people around the world, and similar words of approval appeared in major chat groups and BBS forums around the world.

These words all accuse Pingguo Music Platform and Pingguo Film and Television Platform of serious plagiarism, or comment on which software is easier to use, etc.

But no matter what the outside world thinks, this cannot stop the popularity of Pingguo Music APP and Pingguo Film and Television APP.

In the next few days, with the joint recommendation of those companies and the tilt of multiple celebrity advertising resources, the number of users of Pingguo Music Platform APP and Pingguo Film and Television Platform APP also gradually increased.

Among them, Pingguo Company proudly claimed that in just a few days, they already had hundreds of millions of users...

Of course, the outside world doesn’t know whether this is true or false.

After all, Pingguo Music APP and Pingguo Film and Television APP are now directly and compulsorily integrated into Pingguo iOS system, Weisoft operating system and even Weisoft version of Shuguang computer operating system.

In this case, there seems to be nothing wrong with Pingguo Company claiming that their number of users reaches hundreds of millions.

However, if someone carefully investigates, they will find that Pingguo Company is lying and playing word games!
Because if you go to various chat forums or go to the streets, you will find that the reputations of Pingguo Music Platform and Pingguo Film and Television Platform are very different. Many people say that they will never use Pingguo Music Platform and Pingguo Film and Television Platform.

The main complaints people are dissatisfied with are that there is too little music and too few film and television resources. Compared with the Sugon Music Platform and the Sugon Film and Television Platform, the experience is simply too poor.

After all, Shuguang Music Platform and Shuguang Film and Television Platform have not done anything in the past two months since they were officially launched on December 2006, 12.

First of all, in terms of film and television resources, in the past two months, Sugon Technology has signed operating agency rights for hundreds of film and television works for mobile phones, computers, tablets and other electronic products almost every day.

Hundreds of films a day, and in two months Sugon Technology has swept almost every film and television company around the world.

Later, companies led by Pingguo Company, supplemented by Weiruan, Motorola, and Nokia were also competing for the operating agency rights for electronic products such as mobile phones, computers, and tablets.

But the world's film and television companies are not fools. They know which side is stronger. In the end, almost [-]% of the world's film and television companies chose to cooperate with Sugon Technology.

Then put their film and television works on the Suguang Film and Television platform and get profits from them!

As for music platforms, the situation is not much different. These companies are facing the Shuguang Music Platform, which has completely become a trend.

Naturally, they would not choose Pingguo Music Platform, which had no finished software and only invited them with empty words and no achievements.

The final situation is that almost [-]% of the world's well-known music companies or music producers have all fallen into the arms of Sugon Technology.Directly handing over the operating agency rights for their old and new songs to mobile phones, computers, tablets and other electronic products to Sugon Technology.

In this case, facing Sugon Technology’s two-month first-mover advantage, how can the reputations of Pingguo Music Platform and Film and Television Platform not be bad at this time?

So despite the fact that the number of users announced by Pingguo Company is as high as hundreds of millions, it is really quite unrealistic.

Even if there are really so many people, it must be that people abandoned Pingguo Music Platform and Pingguo Film and Television Platform after experiencing it.

At this time, there was a loud noise in the conference room of the Empire State Building on Wall Street.


The person who smashed the table at this time was Galvin, the president of Motorola.

“It’s simply unacceptable that we lost.

The development speed of Shuguang Music Platform and Shuguang Film and Television Platform is so fast that they simply don’t give us a chance to develop! "

When he said this, Motorola President Galvin was really heartbroken, because this time Pingguo Music Platform and Pingguo Film and Television Platform.

Motorola has invested up to US$4000 million as equity capital in the development and operation of these two platforms.

At this time, the Pingguo Music Platform and the Pingguo Film and Television Platform went from high to low, with little gain.

It can be said that all the money was thrown into the water without even bubbling. How can this not make people vomit blood? !
"Sure enough, it is not easy for us to compete with the Sugon Music Platform and Sugon Film and Television Platform."

The speaker at this time was Bill Gates, the president of Weiruan Company.

"It would be fine if this was the case, but the problem is that the mobile phone market share of Sugon Mobile, Da Mi Mobile and even Nahua Technology has increased too fast in the past two months."

The speaker at this time was Ollila, the president of Noma.

When Noah President Ollila said this, he was really depressed. After all, who would have thought that just two APP software would have such a big impact on the mobile phone market.

In the current global mobile phone market, Sugon's smartphone system market share has quietly reached an astonishing 60% in the past two months!

Among them, Sugon Mobile and Rice Mobile have a market share of 58%, and the remaining 2% market share belongs to Huawei Mobile, which has been inconspicuous before!
Currently, with the advantage that only Sugon smartphone systems can use Sugon Music APP and Sugon Film and Television APP, Huawei's mobile phone sales have ushered in a huge breakthrough.

When the market shares of Sugon Mobile and DaMi Mobile soared from 52% to 58%, their market share also quietly reached 2%, directly becoming the top mobile phone company among the tenth largest mobile phone manufacturers in the world. .

The rise of Sugon Technology, Rice Phone, and Huawei Phone naturally represents the decline of mobile phone companies such as Pingguo, Nokia, Motorola, Sony Ericsson, etc.

Although it is not them who are suffering the most, but the small and medium-sized mobile phone manufacturers operating in the feature phone business.

However, the market share of mobile phones such as Pingguo, Nokia, Motorola, Sony Ericsson and others has experienced a huge decline.

So at this time, the presidents of Pingguo Company and the four major mobile phone companies were really depressed and uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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