Chapter 56
The main reason is that our manufacturer will give Sugon A1 mobile phone and some cash, as well as the brand value of Sugon Electronics direct sales store and local capital to establish Sugon Electronics direct sales store in the local area.

Among them, Shuguang Electronics directly-operated stores sell regular products in the form of unified decoration, unified training, unified management, and unified purchase and sales channels.

In order to prevent falsification and shoddy goods, the overall brand image of Shuguang Electronics directly-operated stores will eventually be damaged.

Local capital only has the right to supervise, but not the right to operate or manage.

It can be regarded as a partnership system. After you have contributed capital, you will come to check whether there is any problem with the account and the company's operation, and finally just lie down and count the money.

Of course, it is worth mentioning that our shareholding ratio must reach at least 51%, the actual capital contribution accounts for about 30%, and the remaining 20% ​​is the brand equity of Suguang Electronics Direct Store. "

Hearing Lin Chen's words, many people at the scene frowned, because they felt that the direct sales store of Shuguang Electronics was too crappy.

Among them, Sugon actually only invested 30% of the investment, so is the so-called Sugon Electronics directly-operated store brand really worth 20%?
And this Shuguang Electronics direct store is only a store so far, right?
So this Shuguang Electronics directly-operated store has no brand power at all in the country, and it is only well-known in Pengcheng. Is this worth 20% of the shares?

Of course, if the Shuguang Electronics direct sales store is well-known throughout the country and is a large chain brand, then it must be worth it.

For example, well-known chain brands such as KFC, they can reach a terrifying 70% of the shares just by relying on the brand's shareholding.

It can be said that the KFC company does nothing, and can earn 70% of the shares and profits of a store just by relying on the status of the KFC official authorized store!
But your Shuguang Electronics direct store is not a big chain brand like KFC!

You are only well-known in Pengcheng, and you still want to account for 20% of the brand image?

This is too pitiful!

Besides, it is very risky to really invest in this Shuguang Electronics Direct Store, not to mention that they only have the right to supervise but not the power to control this Shuguang Electronics Direct Store. Is this too bad?

After all, they actually have to contribute 70% of the capital!
Of course, if the Shuguang Electronics direct sales store can really prove that it can make a lot of money, then it doesn't matter if it doesn't have control power, and it will be treated as depositing the money in the bank and earning high interest.

But the question is whether the model of Shuguang Electronics' direct sales store will work. If it closes down, wouldn't it be a loss?
In this era, although there are also Gome and Suning Appliances that prove that the model of chain home appliance sales is indeed feasible.

But Gome and Suning mainly sell home appliances, which are completely different from mobile phones.

Home appliance chains are feasible, but mobile phone chains are not necessarily feasible. After all, mobile phones are too expensive and too fast to replace.

Especially for the updated mobile phones, if the original three or four thousand mobile phones are updated or will be discontinued.

At this time, in order not to drop the mobile phone in the hands of the mobile phone store, you can only sell it at a low price or even at a loss, so the risk of selling mobile phones is greater than that of home appliances.

The frequency of replacement of home appliances is not high, and the upgrade of each generation is not obvious.

After all, home appliances have been sold all over the world for so many years. Although home appliances have improved every year, the progress has not been great.

Therefore, the risk of setting up a direct-sale store of Suguang Electronics is very high and there is no controlling stake. In the end, Suguang Mobile Phone Factory will still occupy 51% of the shares. This is indeed a bit frowning.

Lin Chen didn't stop his words, but he paused for a moment and continued:

"The second sales model is the regional contracted distribution model. Of course, in the local area of ​​Pengcheng, we will be accurate to the urban area, not the entire city.

However, it is worth noting that the Sugon Electronics direct sales store is not affected by the restrictions of regional contracting. Simply put, for example, you contracted the regional sales of Huaqiangbei.

Then Sugon A1 mobile phones can also be sold in the scope of Sugon Electronics Direct Store, which will be specially specified in the regional contract distribution contract. "

Hearing Lin Chen's words, many people at the scene frowned again.

It is natural for Lin Chen to come up with a regional distribution model, and everyone raised their hands in agreement. After all, it is normal for other brands of mobile phones to do the same.

However, Lin Chen just created a Sugon Electronics direct store that can ignore the restrictions on regional distribution and sell Sugon A1 mobile phones directly in the store. In this case, it is still a regional contract? !
Regarding this, a tall dealer from Shandong said with a cold face:
"Mr. Lin, I think you should take back the fact that Suguang Electronics direct stores can sell Sugon A1 mobile phones.

It is your business if you want to set up your Suguang Electronics direct sales store, but since you have contracted the regional distribution, then don't set up another Suguang Electronics direct sales store to disgust people.

Moreover, Sugon Electronics directly-sales stores can get greater discounts. In this case, how can dealers who have contracted regional distribution win the Suguang Electronics direct-sales stores? "

"Yes, very well said."

"Yeah, this Shuguang Electronics direct store is simply breaking the rules."

"That's right, it's okay if there are only one or two stores in a city, but what if there are three or four in a city?"

There were heated discussions at the scene, and people were somewhat dissatisfied with Lin Chen's two sales strategy decisions.

In response to this, the corner of the mouth of the big dealer in Shandong evoked a disdainful smile.

A small mobile phone factory really thinks of itself as Boshima, TLC mobile phones and the like.

If it was Bodao mobile phone, they would still consider it, but Suguang mobile phone is just a small brand.

Facing the accusations from everyone, Lin Chen said calmly:

"The Shuguang Electronics Direct Store is a strategic decision of my Sugon Technology Company. If you don't accept that the Suguang Electronics Direct Store has sales rights in the store, you can leave first."

It is true that the channel is king, but it depends on whether the channel is in your own hands or in the hands of others.

After all, other people's channels belong to others. You can cooperate in the short term, but in the long run, you must establish channels that you can control.

Stronger than Pingguo Mobile and Huawei Mobile, they are all working hard to build offline direct sales stores, even though these offline direct sales stores seem redundant in the online shopping era.

But the offline flagship store not only sells mobile phones, it is actually an after-sales service outlet!

Therefore, offline direct sales stores are also very important for a mobile phone manufacturer.

If these people do not agree with him to build an offline direct store, there is absolutely no possibility of negotiating a compromise.

Moreover, it is impossible for Sugon Electronics direct sales stores to sell only mobile phones in the future. If Sugon Technology wants to launch other things in the future.

For example, computers, home game consoles, refrigerators, televisions, air conditioners, and even cars can be sold by themselves, and they also have a stable after-sales service center.

This undoubtedly adds to the selling point of the product for Sugon Technology Company. After all, whether the after-sales service is complete or not is also one of the major considerations for consumers when considering purchasing products.

(End of this chapter)

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