Daguo Technology started from the Shanzhai system

Chapter 572 Strongly suppress Sugon Technology?


Time passed slowly like this, and the busy and lively October passed in the blink of an eye. The popularity of the artificial intelligence "Dawn" and "Personal Teacher" functions gradually declined.

However, when the time came to early November, the attention of people around the world gradually turned to the "dawn" of artificial intelligence and the portable teacher function again.

Because as usual, there is a mid-month exam every month, and it has been a month since the artificial intelligence "Shuguang" launched the "portable teacher" function.

I don’t know what the students’ scores will be with the assistance of artificial intelligence “Shuguang”, so countless people around the world have focused their attention on Sugon Technology.

However, when countless people around the world were focusing their attention on Sugon Technology, on November 2007, 11, Chapman, the representative of the High Entropy Alloy Strategic R&D Alliance and the president of Tongyong Automobile, held a press conference.

The core focus of this press conference was to announce that they had produced the first piece of new high-entropy alloy in the modified smelting equipment. This marked the beginning of the West's official break of the monopoly of Sugon Technology's pure compression ignition gasoline engine.

Although the West is still facing production capacity problems, this is a huge breakthrough from the laboratory to actual mass production!

It also marks the end of Sugon Technology's monopoly on high-entropy alloys and pure compression-ignition automobile engines!

In this regard, when the news came out, it was like dropping a huge boulder in a pond, causing a huge wave!

Although last month the High Entropy Alloy Strategic R&D Alliance announced that it had produced a new high entropy alloy in the laboratory that can replace Sugon High Entropy Alloy, completely breaking the possibility of Sugon Technology continuing to monopolize pure compression ignition engines.

But there is a huge difference between the laboratory and the reality of using modified smelting equipment to produce actual products!
  Although the current actual production capacity is definitely insufficient, and the output is definitely not comparable to the output of Sugon Technology's high-entropy alloys, this is a breakthrough from 0 to 1!
  Therefore, countless people around the world have exclaimed that the good days when Sugon Technology monopolized pure compression ignition gasoline engines are gone forever!

In addition, countless people think of the series of anti-monopoly and anti-dumping judgments Sugon Technology faced last year, and they can't help but ridicule Sugon Technology, claiming that Sugon Technology is dead this time!
  And this seems to be the case, because with the news that the Global High Entropy Alloy Alliance has successfully developed and mass-produced new high-entropy alloys on a small scale.

In the next few days, overseas media around the world seemed to have a unified voice. They began to report many negative news about Sugon Technology, or reported many dissatisfied and accusatory news about Sugon Technology.

The negative news is nothing more than accusations that Sugon Technology is too greedy and that the artificial intelligence "Shuguang" is too expensive.

Or point out how much the employment rate in the West has dropped since the birth of Sugon Technology, how many people have lost their jobs, or report other negative news about Sugon Technology.

As for the accusations, they mainly focus on the fact that Sugon Technology has a market monopoly, or accuse Sugon Technology of using its market dominant position to implement monopolistic behavior...

Another major accusation is that Sugon Technology and rice phones are suspected of dumping because their mobile phone sales account for too high, reaching more than 50% all year round!

There have been other accusations, involving the automobile, computer, and home game console industries.

Finally, their accusations mainly focused on technology patents. They accused Sugon Technology of monopolizing key core patents and being unwilling to license technology patents to other companies...

There are a lot of news like this. Sugon Technology seems to be at the forefront of the storm for a while. Overseas media around the world are scolding Sugon Technology!

When many people with sensitive noses saw this comprehensive denunciation of Sugon Technology, they all showed thoughtful expressions.

Obviously, this is a sign that the "Bald Eagle" wants to take action!
  After all, as a public figure, when he wants to do something big, he must first establish himself as a righteous party. At this time, the global media unanimously denounced Sugon Technology.

Obviously, this is to make Sugon Technology a bad name in public opinion first, so that when the chicken is officially killed, others will not speak for a "unlucky chicken" who is disgusting and unfair!
  Therefore, many people with sensitive noses also smelled an unusual smell and felt the tense situation of dark clouds pressing over the city.    …

On the other side, when Sugon Technology was receiving bad reviews from public opinion.

At this time, the internal reception hall of the Empire State Building on Wall Street was bustling with excitement.


At this time, Pingguo President Steve Jobs stepped forward and clinked the cups with Weiruan President Bill Gates, and then blessed:
  "Congratulations to you. This time Weiruan has successfully defended its position. In the future, you will at least successfully drive Sugon Technology out of the US and island markets."

When he said this, Jobs was really filled with emotion. He felt that Sugon Technology's defeat this time was really a crime not caused by war.

Of course, at the same time, Jobs also felt a little regretful.

He felt that such a strong competitor as Sugon Technology was finally defeated by the suppression of "Bald Eagle", which was really too weak to win.

However, as a competitor, although Jobs felt sorry for Sugon Technology, Sugon Technology was too powerful, so Sugon Technology should just die!

"Haha, congratulations, your Pingguo Company is also the biggest profiteer."

Speaking of this, Weiruan President Bill Gates also said with a grateful face:
  “Speaking of it, we were able to successfully promote this matter this time, which really depends on Pingguo Company, if it were not for Pingguo Company’s active persuasion to cooperate with many mobile phone companies in the mobile phone industry.

In the end, with the help of our computer and home game console industries and the automobile and oil alliances to jointly promote this matter, it will be really difficult for us to use abnormal means to bring down Sugon Technology. "

However, at this time, Invida President Lao Huang did not look very happy. He only said worriedly:

"Although we have successfully pushed for the re-sanction of Sugon Technology, the Bald Eagle has not really taken action after all.

I'm afraid that as time goes by, this matter may have many twists and turns. "

At present, although the US Semiconductor Alliance is certain that Sugon Technology will face the suppression incident last year, after all, they have agreed to it.

However, it is only the prelude to smear and suppression by public opinion. It still needs to wait for Sugon Technology's reputation and image to suffer a certain impact and reach a disgusting level before it can take further steps to suppress it personally.

Only in this way can negative public opinion be suppressed to a minimum. After all, it was only announced last year that Sugon Technology was not suspected of monopoly or anti-dumping.

As a result, a year later, the old scores started to be cleared up again. This change of attitude was too fast, and the negative public opinion it aroused was too great.

"That's really a problem."

Hearing the words of President Invida, Weiruan President Bill Gates also showed a solemn expression. (End of chapter)

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