Daguo Technology started from the Shanzhai system

Chapter 584 The Crazy Semiconductor Alliance!

Chapter 584 The Crazy Semiconductor Alliance!

At this time, the Sugon R&D Center borrowed 44 Sugon Xinghai supercomputers to integrate a super monster with a computing power of up to 44 petaflops.

Even as tough as Jobs was, he felt a little numb and had some doubts about whether the Semiconductor Alliance would win the final victory as he thought.

Can a company's R&D strength really equal that of the world's top technology companies?
  At this time, Jobs was a little shaken.

However, at this time, Weiruan President Bill Gates sighed and said:
  "Well, no matter what, we have to admit that they have indeed developed a super monster with a total computing power of 44 trillion times.

Although this super monster is a stitched monster, a monster born out of clever tricks, and its core essence is still the original Dawn Star Ocean supercomputer, it is a fact that their total computing power is as high as 44 billion times.

In addition, if they can create the first super monster, they will definitely be able to follow the same example and create a second super monster with a computing power of up to 44 billion times.

In this case, we must pay great attention to it, and I think it is time for us to truly unite with all our strength. "

After hearing Bill Gaci's words, people at the scene looked at each other, and then nodded slightly to express their approval.

This Shuguang technology is really terrifying, with one black technology after another endlessly.

At this time, although their Western electronic products have a leading advantage in process technology, that is, chip performance.

But the fact that only Sugon Technology’s mobile phones and computers can use the artificial intelligence “Shuguang” and “Portable Teacher” makes Sugon Technology’s products irreplaceable.

Before Sugon Technology launched the artificial intelligence "Suguang", Sugon Technology's market share in mobile phones and computer home game consoles was very serious.

Take the mobile phone industry as an example. At that time, the market share of Sugon Mobile and Mi Mobile Phones once plummeted to a miserable 35%.

But now, with the launch of the artificial intelligence "Shuguang" by Sugon Technology, Sugon Technology's mobile phones, computers, and home game consoles have directly wiped out the previous decline.

At present, the market share of Sugon mobile phones, rice phones and even computers has returned to normal, and it far exceeds the previous sales ratio.

As for what is the current market share?

Currently, the combined market share of rice phones and Sugon phones is an astonishing 63%.

In other words, for every 63 mobile phones sold in the world, [-] are from Sugon Technology or Rice Mobile Phone Company!

As for computers, because they already accounted for a high proportion before, the improvement is not very obvious.

The current sales volume of Sugon computers and their core computer accessories accounts for 85%, that is, for every 100 CPUs sold, 85 CPUs are Sugon Technology CPUs!

Faced with such ferocious Dawn Technology, many companies in the Semiconductor Alliance are really suffering beyond words. What's even more embarrassing is that the killer move they had high hopes for seems to have failed!

After the West successfully developed its own new high-entropy alloy to solve the fatal threat to the automobile industry, the higher authorities also promised to suppress the evil company Sugon Technology.

But now looking at the recent trend, the plan to suppress the evil company Sugon Technology seems to be in vain.

"How are you going to cooperate?"

At this time, Jobs asked Weiruan President Bill Gates.

In this regard, Bill Gates pondered for a moment and then said the suggestion he had been thinking about for many days:

"How to cooperate, first of all, in terms of supercomputers, we must also develop technology similar to the operation of the Dawn Star Ocean supercomputer cluster while developing the Titan supercomputer. With our leading advantage of 45 nanometer process technology, I believe that once we develop similar With the technology used to operate supercomputer clusters, we will definitely be able to defeat Sugon Technology in terms of computing power.

Secondly, I think we need to truly unite. Previously, our artificial intelligence technology was developed separately, and our research and development efforts were very scattered.

So this time I think we should work together to develop artificial intelligence technology just like we did with the Titan supercomputer, and no one is allowed to hide their secrets.

You must contribute your own artificial intelligence technology patents and even your R&D team.

Then, based on the proportion of the importance of technology patents and the proportion of R&D capital investment, the share proportion of newly established artificial intelligence companies in the future will be determined..."


People who heard Bill Gates's words looked at each other, their eyes full of hesitation.

Their embarrassment mainly lies in whether they are trying too hard, and they want to use all their artificial intelligence technology and even their R&D team to merge into a newly established artificial intelligence company.

After this, they will definitely lose control of the artificial intelligence. Even if the artificial intelligence is successfully developed, it will not be their own, but everyone's.

Moreover, the artificial intelligence company is still a newly established company and belongs to an independent company. In this case, their influence on the newly established company is quite weak.

So this suggestion is actually equivalent to asking everyone to turn it into firewood to feed and cultivate a newly established artificial intelligence company, which naturally makes people hesitate.

It can be said that if Sugon Technology had not brought huge pressure to Western semiconductor technology companies, this suggestion would not have been possible.

But as always, the momentum of Sugon Technology is so strong now that all the companies in the American Semiconductor Alliance are cursing, "This life is simply unbearable."

So at this time, under the huge pressure of Sugon Technology, and in the situation of being beaten to collapse by Sugon Technology, they should really put aside some interest issues.

"We Pingguo agreed. Our artificial intelligence Siri R&D team and all technology patents can be directly integrated into the newly established artificial intelligence company."

As expected of Steve Jobs, he immediately started playing the game and fully supported the upcoming artificial intelligence company.


On the other hand, when the presidents of other companies saw Jobs being so decisive, they were hesitant for a while, wondering whether they should do the same thing.

But soon, considering the fatal pressure Sugon Technology brought to them, they finally gritted their teeth and made the same decision.

"We at IBM are also willing to directly integrate all artificial intelligence technology patents and artificial intelligence R&D teams into the newly established artificial intelligence company!"

At this time, the president of IBM made the same decision as Pingguo Company.

Hearing this, Weiruan CEO Bill Gates was happy.

At present, the Western companies that have made great achievements or made great progress in artificial intelligence are Pingguo Company and the former old giant IBM.

At this time, with the joining of these two companies, and finally adding the artificial intelligence R&D team and technology patents of their Weisoft-Intel-Invida alliance, it will really be my turn to have all the heroes in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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