Daguo Technology started from the Shanzhai system

Chapter 614: Subverting the film and television industry, the whole world is crying!

Chapter 614: Subverting the film and television industry, the whole world is crying!

Just like the emergence of the "dawn" of artificial intelligence, we directly defeated the search engine industry and made them depressed.

In the same way, after the birth of our Unreal 4 game engine, it will helplessly defeat the film and television industry, making the live-action film and television industry in decline!

Because everyone has seen the promotional video of the effects of our Unreal 4 game engine before, and everyone can also see the effect of the 3D model just shot.

With so many realistic models, can we further use the Unreal 4 game engine to shoot TV series and movies?


After all, the main focus of our Unreal 4 game engine is a real, real light and shadow effect, real 3D models, and the construction of a real virtual world!

In this case, there is no problem in using the Unreal 4 game engine to shoot movies and TV series.

Even because the production cost is lower, using the Unreal 4 game engine for the same plot can completely create a more shocking, larger, more special effects, and more gorgeous scene.

Therefore, after the birth of the Unreal 4 game engine, not only the gaming industry will usher in huge changes, but the film and television industry will also usher in huge changes! "

"I see."

"Just thinking about it, I found out that those celebrities are going to lose their jobs."

"It doesn't matter if those celebrities are unemployed, many celebrities always behave inappropriately and various scandals always break out.

I think it is better to be a virtual star, so there will never be scandals and the stars will always be young! "

"Whether celebrities are unemployed or not, I just want to know which TV series and movies developed using the Unreal 4 game engine cost less than normal live-action movies, which one is launched faster, and what are the actual results."

"That's right, that's right."...

At this time, people were talking a lot about Lin Chen's mention that the development of the Unreal 4 game engine will usher in huge changes in the film and television industry.

Some of them believe that the film and television industry will usher in huge changes because of the Unreal Engine 4 game engine, while others think it is impossible.

The important basis for the opponents' conclusion is that human expressions and eyes can never be imitated by artificial intelligence, and there are other limitations.

But no matter what their views are, they have to admit that the Unreal 4 game engine will achieve great development in the future.

After all, the 5D modeling function of Dawn 3S mobile phone is so easy to use, and the real effect is so eye-catching, so lifelike that it looks like a real person.

In this case, who can refuse to 3D model their appearance, daily objects, and even the surrounding environment?

Therefore, many of them have begun to eagerly prepare to 3G model their living environment, houses, furniture, etc., and prepare to record them in the form of game scenes, so that they can miss the past in the future.

However, the press conference did not stop. After the artificial intelligence assistant Xiaoguang introduced the special functions, Lin Chen then started to introduce other selling points of Sugon S5 mobile phone.

These selling points are nothing more than how much the phone's pixels and camera effects have improved compared to the previous generation, how much the phone's performance has improved compared to the previous generation, etc.

Time passed slowly like this, and after half an hour, the introduction of the special selling points of Sugon S5 mobile phone finally came to an end.

The audience at the scene all left with unsatisfied feelings or bought Sugon S5 mobile phones on the spot. Many of them were even excited to experience the 3D modeling function or 3D animation function on the spot.

As for the reporters on the scene, they naturally sent the news they interviewed back to their media headquarters as quickly as possible.

As for the presidents present, their moods varied based on their companies' positions.

For the Internet industry, such as Penguin, NetEase, New Wolf and other Internet companies, they saw the future of great changes through this conference.

This future is a future where the gaming industry and the film and television industry are about to undergo major changes!

Needless to say, in the game industry, many companies are preparing to develop new games based on the Unreal 4 game engine that will shock the world.

In addition, Penguin’s president, Ma Ge, is preparing to invest in a TV series produced with the Unreal 4 game engine. As for which one to produce, his brother Ma is very obsessed with "The Three-Body Problem", and "The Three-Body Problem" is difficult to make into a TV series because of its high production cost.

But this time, because of the Unreal 4 game engine, the fast 5D modeling of Sugon S3 mobile phone, and a lot of "free" labor for free modeling.

Under this circumstance, it was already possible to use the Unreal 4 game engine to produce a TV series, so Xiao Ma directly set his target on "The Three-Body Problem".

Of course, at the same time, companies that decide to use the Unreal 4 game engine to shoot TV series or movies are not just companies in the Internet industry.

In fact, they are the real main force among many film and television companies in the global film and television industry. After all, Lin Chen has shown them prospects.

They would be fools not to enter at this time, so many companies have decided to invest a sum of money to test the waters.

It is foreseeable that the next era of using game engines to shoot TV series and movies will be brought forward.

Instead of using game engines to produce animations on a large scale like Penguin and Mystery Company in previous lives, it was finally the mainstream trend for game engines to shoot TV series.

Of course, not to mention the huge changes in the film and television industry, in terms of the mobile phone industry, the computer industry, and even the home game console industry and the communications industry.

Companies in those industries all felt tremendous pressure and even deep despair when facing Sugon Technology.

After all, Shuguang Technology is really terrible!

With the power of one company, it successfully bypassed the 45nm process technology and directly won the next generation 32nm process technology, successfully leading the world's one-generation process technology!

And what does leading the world's generation of process technology mean?

It means that the performance of Sugon mobile phones, Sugon computers, Sugon home game consoles and even other chips will be far ahead of the world!

This performance lead is very scary, so scary that even other companies using the 45nm process technology can't catch up!

After all, the 32nm process technology can accommodate more transistors than the 45nm process technology.

When it comes to chips, the more transistors they have, the more powerful they are, so the leadership in process technology is the most desperate thing.

In addition, Sugon Technology has also developed 4G/5G mobile communication technology and ultra-high-speed and ultra-high-bandwidth Internet of Things communication technology.

Under this situation, other companies around the world felt desperate and hesitant. They really didn’t know what to do when faced with Sugon Technology.

But no matter what their mood is, no matter how desperate and hesitant they are, this will not affect the exclamation of countless media around the world and the enthusiasm of global consumers.

"Completely end 3G mobile communication technology, Sugon Technology launches 4G/5G parallel communication technology!"

This is the news headline from Penguin Portal.

"Sugon Technology dominates the communications industry!"

This is the news headline from the New Wolf Portal.

"The game industry is ushering in tremendous changes, and the Unreal 4 game engine is officially launched!"

This is the news headline on the NetiEase portal.

"Sugon S5 mobile phone is officially launched, Sugon Technology once again defines smartphones!"

This is the news headline on the Naanhu portal.

At the same time, TTCV Xinwen Lianbo, the world's most powerful news promotion channel with hundreds of millions of TV viewers, also reported relevant news.

(End of this chapter)

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