Daguo Technology started from the Shanzhai system

Chapter 664: 8832 billion Xia Yuan, a truly wealthy country!

"The market share of artificial intelligence is not important. What is important is whether we have our own artificial intelligence and whether it can offset the unique selling point of the dawn of artificial intelligence."

Pingguo CEO Steve Jobs said what is crucial, and what companies like them find most disgusting.

Before this, their chip performance was far ahead of Sugon Technology, but they were rejected by the unique selling point of artificial intelligence Sugon.

At this time, we have our own artificial intelligence, even if the overall performance is not as good as the dawn of artificial intelligence, it is enough as long as it can meet most needs.

From now on, consumers will no longer reject their products with one vote because of the dawn of artificial intelligence. It can be said that the two sides are once again on similar parallel lines.

In the future, the products of both parties will be comparable to chip performance, comparable to photography, and comparable to the ecosystem. Among them, Sugon Technology naturally has a greater advantage, but it is no longer as solid as a rock!

As long as their products are excellent, there is still hope of defeating Sugon Technology.

"What about the 32nm process technology? When can it be developed?"

Li Jianxi, President of Sanxing Electronics, continued to ask the CEOs present.

Although infringement of Sugon's 32nm process technology seems to only occur in the United States, in fact, overseas chip foundries such as Sanxing Electronics and TSMC can also exist.

Because they only need to keep confidentiality and refuse outsiders entry, Sugon Technology can also enter their chip production factory to disassemble the machines to check whether the technology patent is infringed?

Therefore, Sanxing Electronics President Li Jianxi is still very concerned about Sugon's 32nm process technology and wants to invest in building a 32nm chip factory.

“The 32nm process technology is progressing very quickly, but it will take at least next year to get results.

Trial production will probably be possible in February or March next year, and then in April or May, when the yield rate increases significantly, the conditions for large-scale mass production will be met. "

The people who heard this nodded slightly again, and then Jobs suggested:

“In terms of our own 32nm process technology, I suggest that we stop research and development directly and just directly infringe and use Sugon Technology’s 32nm process technology.

In addition, I suggest learning from Sugon Technology's Leapfrog technology, directly skipping the next-generation 28-nanometer process technology, and developing the next-generation 22-nanometer process technology.

In this way, if nothing happens, we will be one generation ahead of Sugon Technology's process technology, and the chip performance will be completely ahead of Sugon Technology's products. "

Hearing this, the people present were slightly startled, and then they all nodded slightly.

Now that it has been decided to fully infringe Sugon Technology's 32nm process technology, there is really no need to continue to develop its own 32nm process technology.

Therefore, they should really consider developing the next generation process technology. In this case, it makes sense to skip the 28nm process technology and develop the 22nm process technology.

So the voting started next, and finally the decision to skip the 28-nanometer process technology and develop a 22-nanometer process technology was unanimously approved.

Lin Chen didn't know this at this time. If he knew, Lin Chen would not be able to help but frown.

Because the next-generation process technology currently developed by Sugon R&D Center is a 28-nanometer process technology.

Who would have thought that the Semiconductor Alliance would also learn from Sugon Technology's leap-frog tactics and directly skip the 28-nanometer process technology and develop a 22-nanometer process technology?

However, although the 28nm process technology and the 22nm process technology are one generation apart, the performance gap is not earth-shattering.

The performance gap between the two parties does not exceed 20% at most. If Sugon Technology's products have other selling points, they can still offset the chip performance lead.

As for whether Shuguang Technology's other technical selling points can achieve this, that is a matter of the future.

In the following time, the Semiconductor Alliance discussed other matters. It can be said that at this time, the Semiconductor Alliance was all geared towards Sugon Technology. …

Time flies by like this, and in a blink of an eye, the day comes when Sugon Technology goes public.

On this day, countless people around the world have focused their attention on the Daxia Magic City stock market, all gearing up to make a fortune.

Because in the past few days, Sugon Technology has announced the pre-sale price of its stocks. The reference standard for this pre-sale price is a total market value of US$8000 billion.

The current global market value of Sugon Technology is estimated to be as high as US$1 trillion.

So at this time, Sugon Technology seems to have given up 2000% of the profit, up to billion US dollars!

After hearing this news, how can the investors around the world who have opened accounts on the Shanghai Stock Exchange not be excited? They are all excitedly waiting for the official listing of Shuguang Technology.

And the time slowly came to 8 o'clock in the morning, and Sugon Technology's stock was officially listed.

In the following time, the Magic City Stock Exchange server also fell into a big lag.

Investors from all over the world who were buying Sugon Technology stocks started to curse, saying that the server of the Shanghai Stock Exchange was too rubbish.

But this cannot be blamed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, because thanks to the publicity of the past month, the concept that Sugon Technology's listing is equivalent to making money has become known to everyone around the world.

In this case, about 1100 million new and old investors around the world used the Magic City Stock Exchange app to snap up shares of Sugon Technology at the same time.

In this case, even though the Magic City Stock Exchange was well prepared, it would be surprising if so many people used it and the server wouldn't get stuck.

But no matter what their emotions are, this does not affect the fact that Sugon Technology shares are being snapped up crazily.

And their crazy buying behavior actually means that the cash in Lin Chen's hand is increasing crazily.

Based on the total market value of US$8000 billion and 5.5 Xia Yuan, 16% of the stocks will be used for listing.

That means that in this listing, Lin Chen can get 8832 billion Xia Yuan in cash.

After deducting the 20% personal income tax, Lin Chen can also get 7066 billion Xia Yuan in cash, which is much more than Lin Chen expected.

And this also means that the research and development funds for controllable nuclear fusion technology are far greater than Lin Chen expected, after all, according to Lin Chen's plan.

After investing 3000 billion yuan in infrastructure and 20 billion yuan in personal expenses, all the remaining money will be invested in the research and development of controllable nuclear fusion technology.

Therefore, the research and development funds for controllable nuclear fusion technology this time will reach an astonishing 4046 billion yuan!

This 4046 billion Xia Yuan is a terrifying amount of money. This amount of money has exceeded the amount of money spent on the research and development of controllable nuclear fusion in the history of mankind!

With so much money, Lin Chen has become more and more confident in acquiring controllable nuclear fusion technology. After all, money is courage. (End of chapter)

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