Daguo Technology started from the Shanzhai system

Chapter 688: The Semiconductor Alliance Vomiting Blood

Chapter 688: The Semiconductor Alliance Vomiting Blood

After this is the technology of how to integrate a bunch of messy data to form a 3D model. This technology is actually more difficult than before.

The previous difficulties can actually be solved with humankind's existing sensors and production processes. At worst, the 3D scanner will be designed to be larger.

But how to integrate those messy data into 3D models is a huge challenge for artificial intelligence.

In fact, the technical difficulty in this area is actually more difficult than Sam imagined. The reason is that there are many more things encountered in reality than imagined, and sometimes it is necessary to add details that do not exist.

In this case, it is a great test of artificial intelligence's understanding of the world and its common sense and simulation capabilities.

As for why it’s so difficult? Let’s take clothes as an example.

For example, if you scan a piece of clothing, you first need to spread the clothing on the table and use a portable 3D scanner to scan and enter the data.

At this time, artificial intelligence needs to generate a virtual dress based on the size and appearance. In this process, the virtual dress must not be of the wrong size, otherwise the user will be inaccurate when trying it on virtually.

When the user uses the virtual model to try on clothes, you have to complete the details according to the user's actual body size to perfectly simulate the user's appearance in that piece of clothing, so that the virtual and real clothes trying-on states are consistent.

This series of difficulties is a huge challenge for artificial intelligence and development teams.

On the other hand, artificial intelligence Shuguang is different. Because artificial intelligence Shuguang has self-awareness, it can perceptually understand the world's knowledge and draw its own conclusions like a human being, and has strong understanding and association capabilities.

It can be said that if the dawn of artificial intelligence did not have self-awareness, it would be really difficult to achieve this, and it would take at least several years to complete.

So they just follow the script and are unable to understand everything in reality, let alone take the initiative to dig into deeper things.

This leads to a problem of unclear expression that is disastrous for other artificial intelligences, but it is not a big problem in the face of the dawn of artificial intelligence.

Therefore, under the same circumstances, for the same event, the amount of data and knowledge points generated by the dawn of artificial intelligence is dozens of times greater than the former.

Take the function of "diagnosing diseases" as an example, because everyone's ability to express is different, artificial intelligence with self-awareness can more quickly understand what people want to express.

The same is true for the portable doctor function after this. Regardless of learning knowledge and classifying knowledge, it seems to be the strength of all artificial intelligence.

Therefore, what artificial intelligence Dawn can do easily, other artificial intelligence without self-awareness is difficult to do, and may even be unable to do it and even drive R&D personnel crazy.

Even if you keep swearing, don't express clearly, don't refer to the topic, or can't express clearly due to lack of knowledge, artificial intelligence Shuguang can know what you want to express through your language and the position of your fingers.

But in fact, those artificial intelligences are just following the script. They can't understand why they do what they do. They are just told by humans to do so, otherwise it is wrong.

Therefore, Sam, whose family knew his affairs, did not give an accurate answer before, but gave an ambiguous answer.

But at this time, others had no intention of letting Sam go. Bill Gates frowned and asked:

"How long will it take? And how bad will the effect be?"

Faced with Bill Gates' questioning, Sam could only reveal more details. “Exactly how long it will take, those two functions will take a year at the earliest, and it is estimated that it may take two or three years.

After all, according to the relevant information I have learned, although Sugon Technology has registered technology patents, they have not registered the most critical core technology patents, and our products must bypass their technology patents if we want to sell them overseas.

In addition, the most troublesome problem is the lack of computing power. These two new functions require very large computing power.

If we want to support these two new functions, we need to build a third Titan supercomputer cluster. After all, once we launch it, we will have to face countless users around the world. If the computing power is insufficient, we will not be able to go online even if we launch it. Expression of pulling the crotch. "

“Are we going to build a new Titan supercomputer cluster too?!”

When they heard that a new Titan supercomputer cluster was to be built, the CEOs at the scene all twitched their lips.

Although their listed 0penAI artificial intelligence company can use stocks to get money from the stock market for development, the money is obtained by overdrawing the interests of future shareholders and the company.

So this is not without cost, and because of this, so many listed companies around the world will not take money from the stock market without a bottom line, and will only do so when there is no other way!

"Damn it, we are faced with the problem of insufficient computing power again. Then damn how did Lin Chen develop a quantum computer? Isn't it science?

Although we have increased the research and development funds for quantum computers, we are still unable to achieve 200 qubits, and the implementation is still far away. There is no hope of implementation within ten years. "

The person who uttered the curse words at this time was Paul Ouderning.

On the other side, Motorola President Galvin also said with a look of hatred:

"Indeed, damn Lin Chen didn't register the technology patent and let us copy it. It's really difficult for us to defeat Sugon Technology now!"

After hearing this, Jobs analyzed thoughtfully:

“This quantum computer is really a headache. With it, Sugon Technology can develop new functions at will without considering the problem of computing power.

However, we are subject to the limitations of traditional semiconductor computers and have been facing the problem of insufficient computing power. In order to solve the problem of insufficient computing power, we have paid much more than them.

In the end, if they charge 0.5 Xia Yuan for a new feature, they might be able to earn half of it, but we might still lose money after discounting the construction costs, operation and maintenance costs, R&D costs, electricity bills, etc. of the supercomputer cluster. "

In this regard, Bill Gates also said with great headache:

"This competition is very unfavorable to us. We have to break the deadlock. They originally had seven features and with these two new features, they already have nine features.

Several of the features are very troublesome, and they can be said to have grasped the lifeblood of those industries. With monopoly interests, it will become increasingly difficult for us to defeat Sugon Technology if this continues.

After all, Sugon Technology controls the lifeblood of more and more industries, which means that more and more companies are relying on Sugon Technology to survive. Once Sugon Technology is touched, it will affect the whole world.

After this, it will become increasingly difficult for the West to use Sugon technology, and it will become more and more defensive. We must change. "

(End of this chapter)

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