Chapter 708 Energy Lifeline

At this time, Chen Dong also said with a headache:

"We have to do something, we can't lose the island market."

Hearing this, everyone present nodded slightly in agreement.

After all, if there is no need, no one would want to lose the market of a developed country like the island country.

At this time, Li Qianqiang, the sales director of Sugon Technology, said happily:

"Fortunately, we released the Sugon electric car, as well as a new generation of computers, mobile phones, and home game consoles, which enabled us to successfully obtain a large number of orders and earn a large amount of profit in a short period of time.

Otherwise, according to the current situation where we have to fight antitrust lawsuits in various countries around the world and are forced to lose the island market, the situation we face will only get worse. "

Hearing this, the senior executives present all nodded slightly in approval.

I feel fortunate that Sugon Technology has released a new generation of electronic products and Sugon Automobiles to contribute profits to Sugon Technology, otherwise the situation we are facing now would be too bad.

"But it is precisely because we released a new generation of electronic products and Sugon Automobiles that we are now facing such a bad situation."

"Everything is still a question of bargaining chips. The reason why we were forcibly convicted of monopoly so quickly this time is because our chips are not strong enough."

After hearing Lin Chen's words, everyone at the scene focused their attention on Lin Chen, wondering what Lin Chen would say and how Lin Chen would deal with this crisis.

At this time, Lin Chen looked at the buzzing scene, and then said solemnly:

"Now there are lawsuits all over the world. The island country was the first to make an anti-monopoly judgment. We cannot allow the second anti-monopoly judgment to appear. We must do something!"

In the end, their conflicts will one day completely intensify, and the situation faced by Sugon Technology will only get worse. At this time, it might be a good thing to pop the balloon with a needle in advance.

At this time, Huang Hua, the head of Sugon Semiconductor, said helplessly:

In fact, Sugon Technology has not faced antitrust lawsuits all over the world before.

Hearing this, many people at the scene nodded slightly in agreement again. They believed that whether they released a new generation of electronic products or Sugon electric vehicles, they believed that they would release a new generation of electronic products or Sugon electric vehicles.

The person speaking at this time was Huang Hua, the person in charge of Shuguang Electronics Direct Sales Store, but his words also made people fall into an even more helpless silence.

“This is indeed a pretty bad fact, but I’m afraid without us releasing a new generation of electronic products and Sugon electric cars, sooner or later they will target us like this.

"But what should we do?"

But some people couldn't help their curiosity and directly asked him what he didn't understand:

After all, our interests and theirs are naturally hostile. Our release of a new generation of electronic products and Sugon electric vehicles only broke the balance point and brought the incident to an earlier date. "

Lin Chen expressed his opinion, and this opinion also made people nod slightly thoughtfully.

In the end, when Suguang Technology raised the knife that is the lifeline of the education industry, all crises disappeared.

The reason why we are facing the same situation at this time is because the West has launched a portable education function that replaces the portable teacher function, making Sugon Technology's knife no longer sharp.

"Of course, we also need to pay attention to our own anti-monopoly issues and not leave the handle in the hands of others." When Lin Chen said this, a thoughtful expression flashed in his eyes.

This time the antitrust judgment of the island country has indeed captured the weakness of Sugon Technology.

In this judgment, they pointed out that there are several areas where Sugon Technology is suspected of technological monopoly.

The first suspected monopoly is the technical patent issue of quantum computers.

They pointed out that Sugon Technology has a monopoly on the exclusive authorization of quantum computer technology patents, and requested Sugon Technology to authorize the technology patents of quantum computers and cannot continue to have a monopoly in the hands of Sugon Technology.

But this is naturally impossible, and this type of product itself is not sold to the outside world, and the goods have not entered the island country, so their judgment is somewhat forced.

As for the second suspected monopoly issue, it is the fact that near-memory computing chips and memristor chips are suspected of technological monopoly.

They pointed out that Sugon Technology holds exclusive licenses for these two types of chips, which is suspected of being a monopoly.

That’s why they issued a fine of US$30 billion and made rectification suggestions requiring Sugon Technology to disperse relevant authorizations.

This second question actually pokes holes in Sugon Technology's weakness, because currently Sugon Technology does have an exclusive monopoly on the use authorization of near-memory computing chips and memristor chips. This behavior is indeed suspected of being a monopoly.

Therefore, Sugon Technology should indeed make certain rectifications in the future to avoid facing the same situation again and not to leave others with a handle.

"But how should we eliminate the handle? Do we need to license the chip architecture of near-memory computing chips and memristor chips on a large scale, just like Intel licensed the X86 architecture?"

Chen Dong asked what he said.

In response, Lin Chen shook his head slightly and said:

"We don't need to license out on a large scale. We can learn from the original Intel. We just need to cultivate one or two younger brothers in the market who will never be able to beat Intel. This can be regarded as an explanation."

Hearing this, everyone at the scene brightened up, and Lin Bin, the person in charge of rice phones at this time, became excited instantly.

Because this will also mean that their rice phones may rise from now on, have their own electronic product research and development team, and completely get rid of their status as a vassal of Sugon Technology.

Maybe their rice phone might even go on the market to prove that it has nothing to do with Sugon Technology and is an independent listed company!

And what happened next was exactly as Lin Bin expected. Lin Chen then directly made the decision to list rice phones on the Shanghai stock market.

Then Sugon R&D Center licensed some technology patents for near-memory computing chips, memristor chips, X86-S instruction sets, Sugon unified computing architecture, etc. to rice phones.

For this reason, rice phones have successfully shouldered billions of dollars of debt pressure.

Of course, these technology authorizations are only the most basic technology patent authorizations, and there are no core technology patent authorizations with unique selling points.

With the authorization of these basic technology patents, rice mobile phones can only develop some chips with weak performance.

Of course, even so, with the powerful performance of near-memory computing chips, even weak chickens are more powerful than traditional computer chips, which is enough to put great pressure on the competitors of rice phones.

(End of this chapter)

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