Daguo Technology started from the Shanzhai system

Chapter 717 The resonance of people around the world

December 2009, 12, was an ordinary day as usual.

This day is one week after Dongzhi Company officially installed industrial robots and arm robots in the factory for official use. Of course, this is also the day when those workers are completely unemployed.

On this day, the island man named Gotani Hinata was not happy at all, but had deep despair in his eyes while holding the salary slip for being forcibly dismissed and receiving three months' compensation.

Because he dedicated his whole life to Dongzhi Company, but he ended up like this!

It has been 18 years since he joined Dongzhi Company at the age of 31. Here, because he was not good at flattering and interpersonal communication, he only reached the position of team leader.

He thought he would continue working at Dongzhi Company for the rest of his life, but now he was forcibly fired. In the end, he only received three months' salary compensation.

In theory he should be happy to be able to get three months' salary without working, but in reality he felt sad because he didn't know what to do in the future.

In such a special employment environment in the island country, it is really difficult for him to find a suitable job.

Because the island country has a lifelong employment system, the turnover of personnel in various companies is very small.

Not counting the workers in other companies who were also eliminated by industrial robots, the number of workers who were eliminated in Dongzhi Company alone was as high as 15,000!

So many people are forced to lose their jobs and want to find a job, and he himself is not outstanding, but he still has more than thirty years of experience to get to the position of group leader.

He thought about the three children at home who had to go to school and various living expenses, and the tens of millions of yen in mortgage and car loans that weighed him down.

The man named Gotani Hinata felt that everything was boring under this heavy blow. He felt that this world was too painful. Living in this world was really a hell. Why should people endure pain...

So in this desperate mood, Yohei Gotani unknowingly arrived in the Tokyo subway, and then he took a step to be defeated by the cruel reality.

Unfortunately, due to the recent sudden surge in death rates, the number of suicide prevention maintenance personnel in the Tokyo Subway has increased a lot, and they are all very vigilant.

People had already paid close attention to Gotani Hinata when he had a strange expression before. When they saw that his movements were wrong, two people naturally jumped on him and hugged him to prevent him from jumping off the subway to commit suicide.

At the same time, several passers-by at the scene raised their smartphones and took pictures of the scene in front of them.

In fact, they had already started shooting. When Yohei Gotani had a strange expression and was in a daze, his desperate eyes had already attracted the attention of passers-by.

Therefore, some timid people have quietly avoided Gogu Yangping, while bold people have already picked up their mobile phones, preparing to take pictures of the scene in front of them, and then use it as a topic for chatting with friends.

It can be said that all the passers-by at the scene seemed very indifferent because they were already used to it.

After all, too many people commit suicide in the Tokyo subway. People commit suicide every day. For this reason, an unwritten industry chain for handling the aftermath has been formed.

It can be said that from the time someone commits suicide to the time he is dealt with, the relevant team handles the matter very professionally. The entire process will never take more than 30 minutes, and will never seriously affect the normal traffic of the Tokyo Subway.

"Let go, I've been killed for a hundred times, let go!"

The hugged Goya Hinata struggled fiercely. His eyes were red, and his exposed skin even looked a little red due to the excessive force. The two staff members hugging him were actually a little unable to hold him down. Seeing this scene, the indifferent passers-by at the scene showed slightly surprised expressions.

Because people who seek death often strike hard at the first blow. If they fail to seek death for the first time, they will often calm down and even feel scared. But at this time, Gogu Yanghei still wanted to seek death after being stopped.

This means that his obsession with seeking death is very deep, and it also means that the pressure and despair he is carrying are so great that he cannot bear the thought of escaping from this cruel world.

"Let me go and let me die!"

The crazy Gogu Yangping's face became more and more ferocious. His fingers were too hard and scratched the skin of the two staff members with blood marks, making the two staff members very miserable.

"Why, why do you still let me face this cruel world!"

Goya Yanghei, who was pressed to the ground and thought about committing suicide, completely collapsed. He cried like a child abandoned by his parents, looking very miserable.

Facing this scene, the passers-by at the scene all felt their hearts twitching, and their faces were full of complex expressions.

But what no one expected was that when a reporter from Huanqiu Daily was shocked and inexplicably shocked by the horrific scene in front of him, there was also a certain light shining in his eyes.

So he then walked towards the passers-by who captured the scene in front of him, trying to get news materials from them.

In this regard, looking at the foreign identity of the other party and the press card of Huanqiu Daily, those passers-by naturally had nothing to do, so the reporter of Huanqiu Daily quickly obtained news materials.

Soon, the Huanqiu Daily reporter learned more about Wu Gu Yangping’s relevant information.

After knowing that Gogu Yangping committed suicide because of Shuguang Technology's industrial robot, the light in his eyes became even stronger.

Although the real fatal factor was that Yohei Gotani was burdened with debt pressure of up to 5800 million yen in mortgage and car loans and the financial pressure of family financial expenses.

Finally, coupled with the island country's lifelong employment system, it was difficult for Gotani Hinata to find a job and repay the loan. The pressure completely crushed Gotani Hinata's back, causing him to completely collapse and want to commit suicide to relieve the pain.

But does this truth matter?


People will only pay attention to people who were forced to commit suicide because of Sugon Technology's industrial robots!

And most importantly, in the past few days, dozens of people have tried to commit suicide by lying on the train because of industrial robots.

Some of them were successfully stopped, and some failed to stop them and committed suicide. But no matter what, the reporter from Huanqiu Daily knew that he was going to publish it when he interviewed the relevant news.

So it didn’t take long for the world-famous Huanqiu Daily to report the relevant news in the form of headlines.

This Huanqiu Daily first pointed out what happened to Gogu Yangping, and then extended it to dozens of other people who had died or were almost killed by Dawn Technology.

This article directly resonated with readers and caused great controversy.

Some people think that the performance of Gotani Hinata and the dozens of islanders is too exaggerated. There is no job to find again, and they can slowly pay off the debt pressure. Why seek death.

But there are also people who sympathize with Gotani Hinata and feel sorry for the people who have died because of industrial robots. They feel that their deaths are really unjust!

Because if Sugon Technology had not launched industrial robots, everything might still have remained the same at this time, and they would not have been "forced to commit suicide." Everything was Sugon Technology's fault. (End of chapter)

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