Chapter 98 Crazy, all crazy!

"It's a pretty face."

In the front row of the VIP seats, Xu Lihua couldn't help but praise Lin Chen, who was full of vigor and did not show any stage fright in the face of so many reporters.

Although he had already seen Lin Chen's appearance through photos, but seeing Lin Chen with his own eyes at this time, he could feel the confident aura that Lin Chen radiated all the time.

Even Xu Lihua, who has seen many outstanding young people, can't help feeling that the young people nowadays are really not to be underestimated.

Of course, Lin Chen didn't just stand there stupidly at this time, and saw that he came to the middle of the field and immediately made new moves.

"I'm very glad that everyone came to this press conference. There are two important news to be announced in this conference."

Hearing this, the people at the scene raised their necks one after another, with curiosity in their eyes. I don't know what news Lin Chen is going to announce this time?
"Among the two news, the first news is that our Sugon Technology has successfully created an amazing achievement of selling 3 Sugon A10 mobile phones in three days!"


Hearing Lin Chen's words, there was an instant uproar at the scene.

Without him, the achievement of selling 10 mobile phones in three days is really terrifying!

Selling 10 units in three days, an average of 3.3 units per day, wouldn't it be possible to sell 30 mobile phones in 99 days?

Although they know that this is definitely impossible, after all, the current leader in domestic mobile phones, Bodao mobile phones, they only sell about 55 units per month.

But even so, Sugon Technology sold 10 units in three days, which is enough to shock the whole country.

After all, this era is not the era of online shopping in the later generations, and it is impossible to achieve the terrifying achievement of selling 90 mobile phones in 10 seconds like the Redmi mobile phone.

So in this era, Sugon Technology sold 10 mobile phones in three days. This is an achievement that shocked the whole country, and it is enough to shock people and talk about it for a long time!

And the scariest thing is that Sugon Technology sells mid-range phones, not those low-end phones that cost around 1000 yuan!

After all, the price of one Sugon A1 mobile phone is actually equivalent to the price of 1.5 low-end mobile phones.

Even though the price is so expensive, it is even more admirable that such a sales volume can be created in the end.


Hearing about the achievements of Dao Shuguang Technology, Liu Zirong, the boss of Jinli Mobile, was extremely jealous.

Although he knew that Sugon Technology had recruited a group of new employees, the sales of Sugon A1 mobile phones would definitely increase greatly, but he did not expect that the increase would increase to such an extent!
"What a guy not to be underestimated."

In the front row of the VIP seats, Xu Lihua, the owner of Bodao Mobile, had no expression on his face, but there was a coldness in his eyes.

Xu Lihua, head of Bodao Mobile, was shocked by Sugon Technology's astonishing sales of 10 mobile phones in three days, but also deeply felt the terrorist threat brought by Suguang Technology.

With Sugon Technology selling 10 mobile phones in three days, this Sugon mobile phone has surpassed all competitors in terms of threat!

Even when Panda, TLC, Kejian, and Konka were the strongest and bravest, they did not bring such a great threat and pressure to Bodao Mobile, and made Xu Lihua so afraid!
"Our Poshima must speed up the development of new mobile phones, even at all costs!"

Xu Lihua said this from the bottom of his heart, and he looked at Lin Chen with a chilly look in his eyes.

Regarding this, Lin Chen didn't know this at this time, and now he was being dazzled by the spotlights of the reporters.

After a long time, when the cameras in the hands of the reporters stopped blinking, Lin Chen continued to smile and said:

"The reason why we were able to achieve the astonishing achievement of selling 10 units of Sugon A1 mobile phones in three days is not only that we have deliberately accumulated inventory, but also has a lot to do with the current production increase of Sugon Technology.

Because we have recruited more than a thousand employees to expand production capacity, the current output of our Shuguang Technology has increased from 12 units a month to 22 units now!

In addition, it is worth mentioning that after our three-day sales verification, we were pleasantly surprised to find that even though the output has increased to 22 units, our Sugon Technology is still in a state of full production and full sales!
That is to say, as of now, the inventory of our Suguang mobile phone factory is 0! "


The people who heard Lin Chen's words fell into an uproar again!
Without him, what Lin Chen said was too shocking!

That Shuguang Technology increased the production capacity from 12 units to 22 units, not to mention a full increase of 10 units.

The increased production of 10 units can still be quickly digested by the market, so that the factory is still fully produced and sold, and the inventory is still 0?

This sentence is really not an ordinary sentence, but a sentence that is enough to shock countless people across the country!

"Mr. Lin, are you sure you're not joking?"

A reporter in the front row was asking about Lin Chen with a look of disbelief. At this moment, he was still wondering if he heard it wrong.

"Yeah, I must have said something wrong!
After all, if this is true, doesn't Sugon Technology say that it can produce 7000 mobile phones every day, and these 7000 mobile phones can be sold quickly?

If it is true, how much can Sugon Technology earn every day?You must know that this is a very expensive mid-range phone, not a low-end phone. "

"Crazy! All crazy! A mobile phone sold 22 units a month? Crazy, all crazy!"

"Really? Are we hallucinating?"

"Yeah, it must be an auditory hallucination. How could a mobile phone be sought after by so many people from all over the world? It's really unbelievable."

"That's right, it must be an auditory hallucination, we may still be asleep."...

Whether it was the reporters or the guests who came to participate, there was a huge burst of unbelievable exclamation and heated discussions.

This unbelievable exclamation made the scene look chaotic, and the shock in people's eyes couldn't be concealed.

"Reporters and guests, ladies and gentlemen, I was not mistaken just now. At present, our production capacity of Sugon Technology has indeed reached 22 units, and it is in a state of full production and full sales."

Hearing Lin Chen's affirmative words, the scene fell into silence for more than ten seconds.


After more than ten seconds of silence, there was a loud commotion.

"Oh my god!"

"Damn, it turned out to be true?!"

"Oh my god! It has reached a monthly sales of 22 units?!"

"God, it's incredible!"

"22 units means that 264 million mobile phones can be sold in a year. You must know that the sales volume of wave island mobile phones last year was only 243 million.

Looking at Sugon Technology's monthly sales of 22 units, the annual sales are expected to be 264 million units, which is 21 higher than the total sales volume of Bodao mobile phones last year! "

"Crazy, just crazy!"

"It's unbelievable, it's really unbelievable."

(End of this chapter)

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