Kingdom of Light: Start Inheriting the Galactic Empire

Chapter 102 Quasi-Legendary Item, Guardian Bracelet!

Chapter 102 Quasi-Legendary Item, Guardian Bracelet!

"So it seems that I came just in time."

Nojima, also a figure in golden armor, stepped out of the carriage.

When the surrounding cosmic beings saw this figure clearly, their eyes were full of surprise. This is a very handsome man, who looks similar to a human being, and even his hair is blond.

If anyone knocked him because of his human appearance, he would suffer a big loss.

Because this man is the emperor of the Golden Empire, Adel, who commands the entire Golden Empire.

The appearance of Adel undoubtedly made the forces on Biante planet more chaotic.

The main reason is that none of them thought that the Golden Empire would actually be involved in this incident.

In their eyes, the Golden Empire is already rich enough to be called the richest man in the universe. Since they are all called the richest man, they really don't understand what other wishes they want to realize.

"Golden Empire?"

Carlos looked at Adel, with a flash of surprise in his eyes. Since the Golden Empire is known as the other biggest force in the universe, why didn't he hear about it from his subordinates before?

And Des Fassa quickly explained to Carlos.

"Report to His Majesty Carlos, when Beria established the Galactic Empire to rule the entire universe, even the Golden Empire was nothing more than a territory of the Galactic Empire."

"As long as the Galactic Empire exists, the Golden Empire will never be able to stand up."

"After Beria was wiped out by Sai Luo, the Golden Empire readjusted its forces, and the whole family moved to another universe. This one did not report to His Majesty Carlos."

"It was indeed my mistake to think that I would not meet them."

After listening to Des Fassa's explanation, Carlos understood.

Since Beria had ruled the Galactic Empire back then, wouldn't this mean that the Golden Empire also had hatred for the Galactic Empire.

If those golden empires knew of Carlos' existence, they might throw all kinds of heavy weapons on this planet and wipe him out.

Regarding the newly established Galactic Empire, the Golden Empire still dare not move.

If Carlos appeared on this planet alone, it would be another matter.

At this time, the guards around Adel began to take action, using gold to directly pile up a villa on the spot. They piled it up very quickly, and in just a few minutes, a villa was built.

In the villa, all kinds of measures are available.

And there is a soft couch on the balcony of the villa.

Adel was lying on the soft couch with a relaxed expression on his face.

And there are all kinds of delicacies around the soft couch.

Seeing those delicacies, people in the universe were shocked.

"That's a zero-degree crystal grape! It is rumored that after eating it, it can make the eater's body have extremely strong ice power. At will, something can be directly turned into a zero-degree ice cube, and even the temperature of the surrounding space can be reduced. Dropped to zero! Only one can be sold for a high price in the universe auction, and Adel has collected a large bunch, I am so envious!"

"Look at the Wandu dragon fruit on that plate! It is rumored that after eating it, the user's body will have extremely strong fire power, and the Wandu flame can be released at will!"

"It's zero-degree crystal grapes, and it's also Wandu dragon fruit. Ice and fire are two completely different types of food, won't you suffer if you eat them together?"

"The key lies in the bottle of wine held by King Adele. The wine of nothingness is a drink born from the void space. Only one drop will be produced every thousand years. After drinking it, the body can have the attribute of nothingness in the body. Under the containment of it, even if it is incompatible with ice and fire, it can be absorbed into his body! He actually has a bottle, which is simply too enviable!"

Apart from these, the other fruits on the plate can be called treasures in the entire universe, but in the eyes of King Adele, these are just ordinary fruits.

What it means to be rich is to be able to do whatever you want, and now those cosmic people have seen it.

Even Carlos called Adel a good guy when he saw Adel's style.

Both are emperors, but Carlos's style is not so big.

Of course, it would be another matter if Carlos took out all the 10 Impleras he deployed around Biante.

"I have to say that the style of the Golden Empire is luxury."

After Carlos complained, he looked in the direction of the ruins again.

At this time, it seems that there has been movement in the ruins.

The first thing dug out from the ruins was a bronze bracelet with three azure gemstones on it.

Even after being buried under the soil for so long, when the gemstone reappears in the world, it still exudes a bright brilliance.

The person who dug did not recognize the origin of the bracelet, but Jedi, an elite treasure hunter, did.

"Could it be the guardian bracelet? I never expected to see this level of props."

And after hearing the words "guard bracelet", people in the surrounding universe began to be shocked.

"Guard bracelet, isn't that a quasi-legendary item!? I didn't expect such a thing to be dug up from the ruins!"

"I thought it was outrageous to have a wishing pot!"

The guard bracelet, as the name suggests, can use the power of the bracelet to summon three guards, and one gem represents a guard.

The strength of the guard is exactly the same as that of the user.

This also means that the stronger the user's strength, the stronger the effect of the guard bracelet will be.

For example, if the father of Ultra uses the guard bracelet, three guards with exactly the same strength as him will be summoned, which is equivalent to the three fathers of Ultra with full power and no old injuries.

Together with the father of Ultra, there are four fathers of Ultra.

The combat power has been directly increased by 4 times.

Logically speaking, the props with such outrageous effects should be legendary props.

The reason why it was accepted as a quasi-legendary item was because the upper and lower limits were too different.

If a weak cosmic being like a rookie uses this bracelet, it will only summon three weak guards.

It doesn't help me at all.

Compared with other legendary items, the scope is not so large, so it can only be included as a quasi-legendary item.

But those who can come to Biante are all strong.

So this guard bracelet can be of great help to them!
 The fourth update today!Blast your liver!
(End of this chapter)

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