Kingdom of Light: Start Inheriting the Galactic Empire

Chapter 156 Carlos: I will directly become huge!

Chapter 156 Carlos: I will directly become huge!

Sero knew in his heart that there was still a big gap between him and Carlos.

Perhaps after transforming into Glorious Cyro, Cyro's strength can suppress Carlos, but he has not fully controlled this form and cannot maintain it for too long.

At the same time, the consumption of oneself is extremely exaggerated.

Once Carlos dragged this time past, Cerro would be crippled on the spot, losing most of his fighting ability.

From this point of view, the powerful power possessed by Brilliant Sai Luo is a huge double-edged sword for Sai Luo.

If it is used well, it can defeat all enemies for Sai Luo. If it is not used well, it will leave no hope for Sai Luo.

Sai Luo also had to find a way to start training again, and try to prolong the maintenance time of Glorious Sai Luo.

But if you want to practice, you have to wait until the end of this battle.

"Now that the injury is healed, we can start fighting again."

Sai Luo moved his arm and rushed straight to the direction where Molde was.


"You are really surprising."

"With a son like you, I can feel proud."

Arc Beria showed his sharp teeth and smiled ferociously.

If this sentence came from the mouth of an ordinary father, Carlos would still be able to believe it.

But this sentence came from Arc Beria's mouth, so he couldn't believe it at all.

I still remember that in the original timeline, Beria finally admitted Geed when he was dying.

In the current situation, Beria has strong power in his hands, and he has the chance to win, and he will not fully admit it in his heart.

If you want him to admit it, the method is very simple, just beat him to the brink of death.

After Carlos heard Beria's praise, his expression didn't change much. He looked around and wanted to see if there was any way to strengthen his own strength.

Now is not the time to use the Emperor Form.

At this time, on the ground not far away, a little green ore caught Carlos' attention.

"That's... Emeralu Ore."

When Carlos saw the familiar ore, he had a good idea in his mind.

I can completely absorb the power of those ores and temporarily enhance the power of my basic form.

Those ores should be the pile that the Golden Empire took away from their newborn Galactic Empire.

It's reasonable for Carlos to suck his own resources.

Carlos stomped hard on the ground, and the whole person burst out in an instant.

As for his movements, Arc Beria naturally also noticed, seeing that the direction Carlos was going to was the location of the Emeralu Ore, and at the same time, he instantly understood what the other party wanted to do.

"Do you want to absorb the power of Emeralu Ore? It's not that easy!"

Arc Beria opened his bloody mouth, and the emerald green light condensed in the mouth in an instant, and it turned into a terrifying light burst out in the next second.

The power of this light is enough to lift the surface of the Golden Empire directly.

However, facing such a terrifying light, Carlos raised his mouth.

He finally waited until the Arc Beria guy used the light-emitting ability.

In the confrontation just now, Arc Beria basically used his own claws to attack.

For this kind of physical attack, Carlos really couldn't use the black hole skill to counterattack.

Light skills are completely different.

So when the light was about to hit Carlos, Carlos raised his hand and summoned a black hole directly in front of him.

The light swarmed into the black hole like a giant snake and was completely swallowed, without causing any harm to Carlos.

"Since it can still absorb light in this way."

Seeing this scene, Arc Beria couldn't help being stunned.

But what happened in the next second surprised Arc Beria even more.

Because he saw that Carlos shook his arm, and the light that was absorbed by the black hole before bounced back directly!
And it still returned the power intact!
This ability is really unheard of by Arc Beria.

Carlos is Ultraman, not Jayden!
Besides, even an ordinary Jayden would be blasted if he tried to absorb this light.

This is all thanks to Carlos's devouring ability of the ultimate magic snake, coupled with Ula's black hole-like absorption ability.

The combination of the two is almost equivalent to invincibility!
Boom boom boom!
The light that bounced back flew all the way, heading straight towards the direction of Arc Beria.

Its speed is too fast, it is obviously impossible for Arc Beria to call up a shield to block it, and he can only block it with his own body.

The light hit Arc Beria's body, and a large number of sparks burst out one after another.

Its powerful power also pushed Arc Belial's huge body back one after another.

I have to say that blocking my own nirvana is really uncomfortable.

Although it will not cause too much damage to Arc Beria.

But it was enough for Carlos to buy enough time.

At this moment, Carlos had come to the vicinity of the Emeralu Ore, and inserted his hand into the ground, into the Emeralu Ore.


After Carlos poured his energy into the Emeralu ore, a large area of ​​Emeralu ore began to react at this moment.

With Carlos' body as the center, all the huge energy in the Emeralu ore rushed towards his body.

Wisps of emerald green light intertwined and turned into a sea of ​​energy, all of which poured into Carlos' energy indicator.

Carlos' energy aura also began to surge again.

creak creak...

Under the influence of the powerful force, Carlos' muscles all over his body began to swell.

Unlike the last time he absorbed the Emeralu ore, the energy absorbed this time can be said to be several times more than the last time.

The current Carlos is also a bit unable to maintain the appearance of an Ultra warrior.

Since it can't be maintained, let's just make it huge.

The main thing is not to turn into a beast.

Enormization is also a skill for Ultra fighters.

However, if you want to use the skill of giantization, the energy consumption of Ultra fighters will also be very exaggerated.

It is generally not used until it is necessary.

Anyway, it won't last long after using it.

It's like the fastest and strongest Max, relying only on his own strength, transforming into a huge figure of 200 meters, which can't even last for 30 seconds.

And Carlos is different, the strength in his body can make him last for a long time.

So in the blink of an eye, Carlos' figure also began to become huge.

His huge figure instantly attracted the attention of all the cosmic people.

(End of this chapter)

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