Kingdom of Light: Start Inheriting the Galactic Empire

Chapter 165 Go to the 4th Dimensional Space, Gold and Silver 2 Ultra Warriors!

Chapter 165 Go to the fourth dimension, Ultra Warriors of Gold and Silver Clans!

Bruton is called a four-dimensional monster, so he has many skills.

First of all, the four-dimensional light, the cilia protruding from Bruton's square hole, can cause four-dimensional phenomena and make various changes in attacks. The main feature is that it can bind the opponent and cause damage, which is his main offensive method.

Strange flash, the flash of light emitted from the flasher, can control any object, just like the immobilization spell.

The space gate emits strange fluctuations from the cilia, and through the fluctuations, it can reproduce the function of connecting different spaces together, and can also be used to summon monsters.

Finally, Bruton rolls, which is also Bruton's nirvana. It brings the enemy to the four-dimensional space and becomes huge, rolling around from a distance, crushing the enemy.

Its own positioning is more like a mage.

The most important ability is related to the fourth dimension.

Carlos has been thinking about it in his heart.

What is the huge difference between the four-dimensional and the three-dimensional?

The monsters that were originally thought to come from the fourth dimension can be said to be a dimensionality reduction blow to people in the third dimension.

As a result, in the first battle, he was directly defeated by the first generation with Spetsium's rays.

But the strength of the first generation itself is strong enough to understand.

It depends on what kind of power Carlos can get from Bruton.

Soon, Bruton's body transformed into a golden light beam, rushing directly into Carlos' body, and a lot of memories gradually emerged in his mind.

And these battle memories are about going to the four-dimensional space, which is equivalent to opening the channel of the fourth dimension.

So far, the 4 summons have all ended.

The golden teleportation array slowly dissipated, and the entire palace returned to its original appearance. ,

I have to say that Carlos has gained a lot this time.

It's just that he is more concerned about being able to go to the four-dimensional space.

The main reason is to attract more resources for the newborn Galactic Empire.

If it is indeed no longer found in this universe.

Then you can only look in other dimensional spaces.

However, Carlos, a three-dimensional person, rushed into the fourth-dimensional space rashly. No matter how many abilities he had, he didn't have much confidence in his heart.

Let's take a look at the search results for Des Fassa first.

See if there is any special field in this universe?

Just as Carlos was thinking so, Desfasa initiated a communication with him.

"Reporting to His Majesty Carlos, there is no reality about the special field yet."

"I will continue to search."


After Carlos nodded slightly, he hung up the communication.

At present, it seems that if you want to find a special field, it will take a long time.

Then you can only go to the four-dimensional space.

Maybe it can also cause a certain influence in the four-dimensional space and increase your own reputation.

So Carlos summoned the Golden Sun and Shadow Moon.

"During my absence, you will protect the newborn Galactic Empire for me."

"If there is anything unusual, report to me as soon as possible."

Jinri and Yingyue nodded slightly.

The two of them were originally summoned through the call of arms, and they would listen to Carlos 100%.

After confirming that there was no problem, Carlos used Bruton's skills to directly open the passage to the fourth-dimensional space, and then jumped directly into it.

Anyway, he already has unlimited physical strength and unlimited personnel, so he really doesn't need to bring anything.

I just don't know what will appear in the four-dimensional space.

I don't know if Carlos is overweight or not.

After entering the four-dimensional space, what appeared in the space was not as empty as he imagined.

I thought that the four-dimensional space was like a distorted space after Sai Luo was absorbed into Broton's body.

However, in fact, the four-dimensional space is the same as the world he lives in.

It is full of green mountains and green waters. Looking around, there are mountains lurking on the ground like dragons, and the fog is filled.

Carlos also confirmed that he was indeed using Bruton's ability, and this is the 4-dimensional space.

"I didn't expect this place to be exactly the same as the three-dimensional space..."

"It's amazing."

At the same time, Carlos can also feel that there is a very powerful energy in this four-dimensional resource space.

From this point of view, there are indeed abundant resources in this space.

As long as Carlos can find them back and bring them back to the newborn Galactic Empire.

Just when Carlos was about to carry out the activity, one figure after another suddenly appeared from the nearby canyon.

Seeing the figures rushing out, Carlos was instantly stunned.

Because these figures that rushed out were all Ultra warriors.

It's just different from the Ultra fighters that Carlos usually knows.

Because the main tone of this group of Ultra fighters is mainly silver, and there are no energy indicators on their bodies.

And each of them released an extremely powerful energy breath.

After all those figures rushed out, several more figures rushed out of the canyon.

Some figures are also Ultra fighters, but they have golden patterns on their bodies and energy indicators.

It seems that these golden Ultra fighters are chasing and killing the silver Ultra fighters.


Perhaps because he was driven into a desperate situation, a silver Ultra warrior suddenly turned his head and was ready to fight. After a loud shout, he immediately hit the golden Ultra warrior.

The golden Ultra warrior sneered, pouring energy into his arm, and the golden light blade stretched out instantly. With a wave of his arm, he directly cut through the body of the silver Ultra warrior.

The silver Ultra warrior fell instantly, his body turned into a large number of silver particles and dissipated, and those silver particles flew towards the body of the golden Ultra warrior. After absorbing those energy particles, the golden Ultra warrior's energy The breath has obviously become much stronger.

Carlos also had an idea in his mind.

Judging from this situation, there are gold and silver Ultra warriors in this 4-dimensional space.

And there is still enmity between the two groups of Ultra warriors.

Gold Ultra Warriors are stronger than Silver Ultra Warriors.

Soon, all the silver Ultra fighters were killed.

The group of golden Ultra fighters has become much stronger as a whole.

It's just that Carlos didn't understand why the two clans were fighting.

At this time, the group of golden Ultra fighters had also noticed the existence of Carlos.

At the same time, he was also very surprised by the patterns on Carlos' body.

Because in their dimension, there are no black Ultra fighters.

(End of this chapter)

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