Kingdom of Light: Start Inheriting the Galactic Empire

Chapter 212 A Private Meeting With Galaxy

Chapter 212 A Private Meeting With Galaxy
As a cosmic ninja, it is normal for Baltans to use the skill of shadow clone.

However, his strength is too weak, and the avatar he uses is nothing more than a cover-up.

Once attacked, it will be automatically disinfected, and at the same time, it has no real attack power.

It's just for bluffing.

If the actual strength of the Baltan star is stronger, the power of the avatar can be improved.

Facing these clones, Yinhe can be said to be calm.

The skill of clone technique can also be used by Galaxy.

And it still uses a more advanced avatar technique.

So before the Baltans could act, the figure of Yinhe also began to change.

One is divided into two and two is divided into four.

In just a few minutes, the galaxy has already split into dozens of clones.

These avatars surrounded the Baltan stars, and the Baltan stars were instantly stunned.

The same is true for the Balki star who led the surroundings to watch the battle first.

"How could this Ultra warrior be so powerful!?"

He could feel that every avatar of the galaxy was releasing a strong breath of light.

This also means that each clone is an entity.

This powerful avatar technique has formed an extremely sharp contrast with the small-scale avatar technique of the Baltans.

Even Taro was startled by the battle.

"It's such a powerful avatar, and it seems that it doesn't consume much of this Ultra warrior."

The Otto brothers can naturally do the skill of cloning other entities.

However, after using this skill, the power of the avatar will be weakened to a certain extent.

At the same time, it will cause great loss to themselves.

For example, when the first generation was practicing on the earth, the monster army launched an attack on all parts of the earth at the same time.

The first generation used the avatar technique, creating several avatars, and eliminated monsters from all over the world in one go.

But it also took a toll on him.

After this situation, Tai Luo became more curious about the origin of this Ultra warrior.

Where did this Ultraman come from?

Because at this time, the Milky Way has already started to act again.

The crystals of dozens of galaxy clones began to change from blue to golden, and a large number of thunder elements surrounded their crystals.


The thunder element turned into a golden lightning, which struck the sky from bottom to top.

One after another of dark clouds gradually floated in the sky.

The golden lightning surged crazily among the dark clouds, containing infinite power.

It seems that it will be chopped down directly in the next second.

"Galaxy lightning strike!"

Ginga let out a roar and pressed his wrist down.

The dark clouds gathered in the sky also fell instantly, hitting the Baltan Stars in unison.

Originally, a flash of lightning could have wiped out the Baltans.

Now, dozens of attacks hit the Baltan star.

I'm afraid there won't even be any slag left in this way.

Boom boom boom!
A large number of golden lightning wrapped around the body of the Baltan star, completely wiped him out, and indeed there was not even a scum left.

It was the Baltan Stars who left behind, and then stayed where they were.

After the battle, Yinhe retracted the other clones into his body and released the transformation state.

The Milky Way disappears, replaced by the auditorium light.

The Taylor puppet also flew over immediately with the power of thought.

"Xiaoguang, what happened to that Ultra warrior you transformed into just now?"

"Do you know his name?"

Auditorium Light was stunned for a while before replying, "Ultraman Galaxy."

Originally, he thought that Taro knew Ultraman Ginga. After all, everyone is Ultraman, and they are all of the same race. It is very normal to know each other.

However, looking at Taro like this, he really didn't know him at all.

"Ultraman Galaxy..."

Tai Luo thought about it in his brain, and he was sure that there was no record about this Ultra warrior in the legend of the Kingdom of Light.

But since he came out of Galaxy Spark, it means that he has a certain relationship with Galaxy Spark.

In a sense, it is also an Ultra warrior of the Kingdom of Light.

And Carlos didn't intend to say anything, after all, he already fully understood the information of the Galaxy in his heart.

Nothing to ask.

It's just that he didn't want to ask Yinhe, but Yinhe had questions to ask Carlos.

At this time, the Milky Way sparks emitted white light again.

This light enveloped Carlos and sent him to a special space.

There is nothing but blankness in this space.

Carlos is standing here, and standing opposite him is Ultraman Ginga.

Carlos was very puzzled about catering to summoning himself into this space.

Because he has never had any intersection with the galaxy.

I summoned myself into this space inexplicably, did I want to do something?

Before Carlos could speak, Yinhe spoke first.

"You should be the survivor of that war."

"When I was fighting with Dark Lukiel, I noticed Ni's existence."

Carlos' eyelids twitched. He thought he was hiding enough, but unexpectedly he was discovered.

"Indeed, I also saw that battle in my eyes."

Carlos touched his nose and said, "Then there's no need to summon me into this space."

"I also have my own business to attend to."

Yinhe still said lightly, "I can feel that you possess the power of another dimension."

"In future crises, you may be the biggest key."

Future crisis?
This word made Carlos frowned slightly, feeling that something was not quite right.

However, Yinhe did not explain too much, but continued to talk.

"The current Xiaoguang is too smart, no matter how powerful he is, he still can't handle some situations."

"When necessary, I hope you can help."

Carlos raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "If you want my help, of course you can."

"But you have to pay me a little bit."

Originally, Carlos was not a good person. If there was no pay, he wouldn't bother to take care of these things.

Galaxy was not surprised by Carlos' request, as if he had already guessed that this would happen.

"Of course there is a reward."

Galaxy pointed a little, and a blue-white beam shot out from the finger and injected into Carlos' body.

In the next second, something appeared out of thin air and floated in front of Carlos.

The appearance of such a thing is very similar to that of a galaxy spark.

However, its color scheme is black and red, which is similar to the pattern on Carlos' body.

"This is a special spark created by me combining the Leonix factor in your body."

"Now you can also use the power in the spark doll, and the monster materialized by this spark will become stronger."

After all, the Leonix factor is helpful for monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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