Kingdom of Light: Start Inheriting the Galactic Empire

Chapter 234 Galaxy VS Zaki!The galaxy is always above you!

Chapter 234 Galaxy VS Zaki!The galaxy is always above you!
However, the idea is an idea, and it is still difficult to put it into practice.

Now Carlos just needs to wait by the side to pick up the leak.

"That's Dark Zaki!"

"It's already an enemy with another dimensional strength!"

Tai Luo's eyes were full of shock, even if he was killed, he never expected that this time he would encounter an enemy of this level when he came out to look for the doll.

Even if Taro can change back to his original form, he will not be the opponent of Dark Zaki.

"No matter how strong the enemy is, I will defeat it."

Yuya returned directly to Steel No. 9's body, manipulated his body, and launched an attack on Dark Zaki.

Bang bang bang!
A large number of light bullets were fired one after another, rushing towards the position of Dark Zaki in unison.

These light bullets are of low power and fast speed, and they are most suitable for testing the opponent's strength.

However, just when the light bullet was about to hit Darkness Zaki, Darkness Zaki just raised his hands calmly, and an invisible force appeared in front of him. The light bullet hit this special barrier and froze in the air, unable to penetrate an inch at all.

Immediately afterwards, Dark Zaki clenched his fists, and all the light bullets frozen in the air disappeared.


Friends also saw this scene, could not help but widen their eyes.

It's just that now is not the time to surprise him, Dark Zaki came sprinting with his legs open.

Drop drop!
The instruments inside Steel No. 9 also sounded an alarm instantly.

Even though it was just an ordinary sprint, Dark Zaki's speed had already surpassed the detection range of Steel No. 9.

In the eyes of Steel No. 9, there is no difference between Dark Zaki and disappearance.

In the next second, Darkness Zaki's palm was already pressed on Steel No. 9's face, and powerful force came out immediately.

Even with a steel body like Steel No. 9, it was directly sent flying by this powerful force, and barely stopped after rolling hundreds of times on the ground.

With just one palm, a large number of electric sparks burst out from Iron No. 9's body, and the damage suffered was greater than Yuya imagined.

"how so……"

"I am the man who wants to defeat the galaxy, how can I just fall here!"

Steel No. 9 stood up again and launched an attack towards the dark Zaki.

Dark Zaki just stood there, spreading his hands for him to hit.

Steel No. 9's fists landed on Dark Zaki's body one after another, causing no damage at all.

Instead, Dark Zaki suddenly raised his foot and kicked out.

There was another bang, and Steel No. 9 was sent flying again.

The auditorium light saw the battle between the two of them, and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

No wonder Taro would say that this is an enemy with another dimensional strength.

This kind of formidable power has surpassed all the enemies he has encountered so far.

At this time, Darkness Zaki also quickly came to Steel No. 9, holding his head with both hands, as if wanting to dismantle the opponent's steel body into pieces.

More electric sparks were released from the whole body of Steel No. 9.

If this continues, I'm afraid Steel No. 9 will really be taken down by the opponent.

At this time, a blue light descended from the sky and hit the direction of the dark Zaki.

Even Dark Zaki was blown away by this force.

Steel No. 9 looked in front of him, and found that a crimson giant appeared in front of him.

"Leave it to me next."


Although Yuya was very unconvinced in his heart, he could only do so.

It is better to hand over the next battle to Galaxy.

"It's interesting that the Milky Way beats Dark Zaki."

Carlos smiled slightly when he saw this scene.

That is because the galaxy defeated the dark Zaki, so it was officially identified as the silver giant.

Seeing a figure similar to an Ultra warrior, Dark Zaki's mood obviously became more irritable.

With a roar, he rushed to the Milky Way.

The originally very swift movement was clearly seen in Yinhe's eyes.

Galaxy easily kept up with Dark Zaki's speed.

The fists of both sides collided one after another, continuously bursting out powerful impacts.

The surrounding ground also began to tremble violently.

For a while, it seemed that it was impossible to tell the winner.


"That guy in the galaxy, the power of resurrection has increased a bit..."

Dark Lukiel also saw this battle.

He sent an enemy of the level of Dark Zaki just to test the extent to which the power of the galaxy has been restored.

Then prepare for the next plan.

Of course, even at this level, Diablo Lugiel is still calm.

The level he recovered was higher than the current galaxy.

Just need to restore it again.

The only thing that makes Dark Lukiel afraid is that that guy Carlos reappeared in this world.

He even got a treasure similar to Dark Spark.

Judging from preliminary observations, it is completely capable of interrupting the healing process of Dark Lugiel.

If Carlos continues to make trouble like this, I'm afraid it will only become more difficult for him to return to his original level.

"Let that guy out..."

Dark Lugiel took out three dolls again.

The Balki star watched the whole process, and his eyes were full of surprise when he saw the three people.

To send three enemies of this strength in one breath, it's terrible...

"I have to report to Lord Carlos immediately!"

The Balki star said, and quickly left this place.

It's a pity that he doesn't have the ability to move instantly, so he can only move his legs and run madly to where Carlos is.

While running, he even started to foam at the mouth, but even in this situation, he didn't dare to stop.

Because it was a second slower, it was very likely that Carlos would be in danger.

And the battle in the back mountain is still going on.

During the battle, the energy breath of the galaxy continued to increase, and blue flames began to be released all over his body.

Every fist hit on Dark Zaki's body can cause effective damage.

And Dark Zaki's attack, he was able to block it very easily.

"Galaxy Fireball Strike!"

"Galactic Lightning Strike!"

The blue crystals on Galaxy's body changed colors one after another, and the power of different elements burst out immediately.

All kinds of nirvana fell on Dark Zaki.

However, the physical strength of the dark base itself is also very high, even after eating these nirvana moves, it can still stand firmly in place.

"This guy is really tough..."

"But no matter how powerful you are, the Milky Way will always be above you!"

Just as the galaxy regrouped and planned to continue its attack.

The entire sky was instantly covered by dark clouds, and powerful dark energy also shrouded the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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