Kingdom of Light: Start Inheriting the Galactic Empire

Chapter 277 The young people of this class are not in good health

Chapter 277

They complained so much in their hearts, but they had no other choice but to carry it out obediently.

Carlos looked at the many suffering Kyriairods and smiled faintly, which was a special pleasure for him.

Besides, the harder they complained, the more prestige points they could provide to Carlos.

Mutual benefit is still quite comfortable.

If it was changed to the newborn Galactic Empire, Carlos would definitely not use this training method.

After all, the situation on both sides is completely different.

The main force in the newborn Galactic Empire is still the robot army, just push the technology hard.

The stronger the technology, the stronger the robot army.

In God's Domain, science and technology can't help much, the main thing is to improve one's own strength.

Just like the Kirielod clan, improving their clan's strength is the most important thing.

Although a large number of arms can be summoned with prestige points, it can also be mass-produced with an arsenal.

But in God's Domain, Carlos understands that his own strength is the most important thing, and relying on arms alone is not very useful.

It's better to save reputation points.

Boom boom boom!
In just a few minutes, the bodies of a large number of Kyriairods were wiped out, and their souls floated in the sky.

There is no way, the difficulty of training has been directly pulled to the peak from the very beginning, there is really no way.

It is quite good to be able to last a few minutes in the hands of Gatangeh.

Even King Kirierod was a little bit unable to hold on at the moment.

As long as the five-headed Gatange is not eliminated in one go, it will never be possible to stop.

Successive physical exertion made King Kirierod's physical strength less and less.

Originally at its peak, King Kirierod could wipe out the three-headed Gatanjae in one go.

But it's not working now, his nirvana hit Gatanjiehe's body, it can only cause a certain amount of damage to him, and it's completely impossible to destroy him.

Attacks have become so weak, let alone defense and dodge.

The five-headed Gatanjae seized this opportunity and threw out a large number of tentacles in an instant, intertwined together, and all smashed towards King Kirierod's body.

King Kirierod couldn't dodge. First, one hand was entangled by the tentacles. At first, he couldn't break free with all his strength. Then his other hands and feet were also entangled by the tentacles. The whole person directly set in the sky.

No matter how hard you try, you can't break free.

At this time, the five-headed Gatanjeh slowly opened his mouth, and the purple light continued to gather in his mouth.

Seeing these purple rays of light, King Kirierod couldn't help but sigh.

"This is the end."

As soon as he finished speaking, the five heads of Gatanjae erupted with light at the same time, piercing through King Kirialod's body in an instant.

This is Gatanjahe's nirvana, petrifying light.

King Kirierod's breath of life disappeared instantly, and his whole body gradually began to change, and the surface of his body was instantly covered with stones.

Bang bang bang!
The tentacles hit the stone statue one after another, smashing it completely.

King Kirierod also became a soul, floating in the universe.

With his ability, he can be resurrected at any time.

However, he also wanted to take this opportunity to take a break.

This training is really too difficult.

Seeing that King Kirierod was defeated by such terrifying training.

Then the fighting spirit in the hearts of other Kyriairods will naturally dissipate faster.

This also makes them easier to be wiped out by Gatanjae.

Thankfully it wasn't a real battle.

Otherwise, the Kirierods would have been wiped out.

After all, Carlos possessed the power to completely wipe out their souls directly with his thoughts.

If the soul is gone, then there is really no chance of resurrection.

In the end, all the Kyriairods were wiped out, turning into souls and wandering in the sky, looking at Carlos standing on the ground with embarrassment.

And Carlos looked up at them, hands behind his back, and shook his head.

"The young people of this year are not in good health."

"With just such a little training, the entire army has been wiped out. If there is a real war, you will all become cannon fodder."

Hearing what the other party said, he couldn't lift his head even more ashamed.

Although the difficulty of training this time is indeed beyond the standard.

But what Carlos said is indeed reasonable. This training is a symbol of the pressure of the army in other gods.

What if one day a country with the same combat power suddenly launches an attack on them?
At that time, the country will really be destroyed in various senses.

The current Carlos is just to let them feel this desperate situation for themselves.

"Now that I am your king, I will naturally be responsible for you to the end."

"To be honest, based on your strength, in my eyes, you don't even have the qualifications to become soldiers."

"I believe you have also seen that such a powerful Gatanjae, for me, I can summon as many as I want."

"It means that I am kind enough to train you guys, but it is a pity that you let me down so much."

The Kirielod people were told that they didn't dare to return a word.

If I pay back, it might be even worse.

"Today's training is over, we will continue tomorrow."

After Carlos finished speaking, he turned and entered the training tower.

The rest of Gatanjeh also disappeared and would not be taken out until the next training session.

Only a large number of Kyriaelods were left looking at each other on the ground.

However, they didn't dare to sit still, and took this opportunity to digest the previous battle.

Learn enough experience.

According to Carlos, they have had this type of training for a long, long time.

Carlos in the training tower found that there were more than 2000 million reputation points on the system panel.

It seems that they are indeed scared of abuse.

Let's see if we can do something with the 2000 million reputation points.

Carlos looked at the building list on the system panel.

One building caught his attention.

This building is covered in white and has no offensive performance.

The power is that it can restore blood to others.

That's right, this thing is used to treat injuries.

It also looks like a tall tower.

The cost is only 500 million reputation points.

So after Carlos found a relatively open place, he placed it there directly.

The ground trembled violently, and a snow-white tower soared into the sky, standing on the ground.

Looking at this tower, all the people of Kirielod fell into a state of bewilderment.

(End of this chapter)

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