Kingdom of Light: Start Inheriting the Galactic Empire

Chapter 302 People from the Western God Territory, Titans 1 Clan

Chapter 302 People from the Western God Territory, the Titan Clan

The good news is that in the future crisis, Carlos will become stronger, and the possibility of resolving the crisis will be greater.

Afterwards, both the universe and God's Domain will be safe.

However, before the real crisis in the future, Carlos still has his own work to do, which is to rule the entire domain of God.

Even the country of Ultra could not stop Carlos' footsteps.

Is it really okay to be ruled by him at that time?
The King of Ultra didn't have any answer in his heart, he could only know by looking back.


"Next, it's time to attack the last country."

Carlos' eyes were full of fighting intent.

He is also convinced that even with the King of Ultra in charge, he can capture the Kingdom of Ultra Ultra.

Perhaps a relatively high price will be paid in the course of the battle.

However, these costs are manageable.

Even if one of the Kyriairods died, Carlos could use the power of time to revive them.

And just when he was about to call out, he suddenly found that in the square, King Kirierod was talking with a taller figure.

This figure has at least two Kirierod kings.

The two of them seemed to be having a good conversation.

After discovering that Carlos had appeared, King Kirierod immediately came to him, his face full of respect.

And that burly figure naturally followed, looking at Carlos.

The status of the two can be said to be completely different.

"Who is this?"

Carlos looked at King Kirierod.

"Reporting to seniors, this is the King of Titans from the Western God Territory."

"He heard that you conquered the kingdoms of Kiriarod and Jaden in one go, so he came here to see your heroic appearance."

The King of Titans also bowed slightly to Carlos at this moment, "Senior, you really deserve your reputation, even I can't detect your energy breath."

"I'm afraid only a fourth-level god can achieve this level, the younger generation admires it!"

Carlos smiled slightly at this moment, and said: "You don't have to be so polite, tell me, what is the purpose of your coming here, I'm afraid it's not just as simple as coming to see me."

The Titan King laughed loudly at this moment, "Senior is really bold and direct, I like it!"

"Then I'll be blunt. I'm here this time to become a vassal state of your country."

When King Kirierod heard the words, his eyes were full of shock.

The king of titans actually planned to make their country a vassal state, this operation is a bit too exaggerated.

You know, the Titan family is also a warlike race.

Under normal circumstances, it is not easy to give in to others.

And Carlos didn't know much about the Titan King's situation, so he said, "Then tell me why."

The Titan King immediately began to explain.

In the Western God Territory, there are four countries.

The Kingdom of Titans, the Kingdom of Slime, the Kingdom of Alchemy, and the Kingdom of Magic.

And their Titan family has always been known for their extreme attack power and extreme defense power.

The most special thing is their body shape.

Don't look at the King of Titans at this moment is twice as big as King Kirierod, you must know that this is his shrunken posture.

The average height of the Titans is over a thousand meters.

As the king of the Titans, his height is directly above 2000 meters.

Being able to shrink to a size of [-] meters is already the limit.

What's more, in the case of miniaturization, it also consumes extremely energy.

That is to say, the king of titans can maintain the size of [-] meters for a long time.

As for why the Kingdom of Titans wanted to seek refuge with Carlos, the main reason was the Kingdom of Slime.

The Kingdom of Titans is very close to the Kingdom of Slime, and wars are often waged due to resource issues.

The powerful power of the Titan family can cause a strong blow to other countries.

But there is nothing to do with the country of slime.

Slime's physique is too outrageous.

In the universe, slimes may be relatively weak creatures.

It's completely different in God's Domain, the whole country is full of god slimes.

God Slime's physique is particularly outrageous, almost every cell in his body can achieve infinite regeneration.

As long as there is still one cell left, it will not die.

At the same time, their bodies were still extremely soft, and the attacks from the Titans hit them like they were hit on a lump of cotton.

The power of the attack is directly weakened by more than 90.00%, and it is already difficult to cause effective damage.

At the same time, the slime can also copy according to the opponent's attack, which is equivalent to the attack of the Titans hitting the slime. ,

The slime will counterattack by copying the attack of the Titans.

Although the power is only 60.00%, it is quite troublesome for the Titans.

Not only can't he be killed, but he will also be beaten by his own attack.

There is really no other way.

And the other two countries, the country of alchemy and the country of magic.

What they are good at is special ability.

It can almost be said to be the Wank slime family.

The Kingdom of Slime dare not mess with them at all.

At the beginning, King of Titans also sought cooperation from these two countries.

It's just that the demands made by the kings of these two countries are too outrageous.

The Kingdom of Alchemy intends to use the bodies of the Titans for alchemical experiments.

The kingdom of magic intends to use the original power of the titans to enhance its magic power.

No matter which condition it is, it is very cruel.

Therefore, it is impossible for the King of Titans to agree to this request.

Just when he heard the news that Carlos conquered two countries in one go, he decided to take a gamble.

Instead of sending the clansmen to carry out cruel realization, it is better to become a vassal state directly, at least everyone can survive in this way.

After learning the general news, Carlos nodded slightly.

"So that's the case, but are you sure you want to treat the Kingdom of Titans as a subsidiary country of our kingdom, and you don't regret it?"

"Never regret it!"

"King Kirierod told me just now that after you ruled these two countries, you did not implement tyranny."

"It's using your own strength to train the people and make them stronger. I believe you are a good monarch, and I'm willing to bet on this."

Hearing what the other party said, Carlos smiled.

The main reason is that the prestige value has suddenly increased a lot.

"Since you trust me so much, then naturally I will not disappoint your expectations."

"Then I'll go and have a look."

Carlos is full of confidence in his heart, and now he has mastered the power of destruction.

No matter what his physique is, he can directly destroy it.

There is basically no problem with the slime family.

"Senior, do you want me to go with you?"

King Kirierod asked from the side.

"It's okay, I'll go by myself this time."

(End of this chapter)

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