Kingdom of Light: Start Inheriting the Galactic Empire

Chapter 364 Carlos airborne on the spot

Chapter 364 Carlos airborne on the spot

"Up to now, the Carlos you talked about still hasn't appeared. It's time to send you on your way."

While Chief Xiuka was speaking, he was still giving orders to Chief Zor.

"By the way, after eliminating the two of them, remember to leave a whole corpse and analyze their data. This can strengthen our card repair monster."

"Yes, chief."

Zor has also returned to his weird appearance at this time. In his weird posture, it can use all its power, and the muscles all over its body swell, as if it can explode with infinite power with just one punch.

"After fighting for so long, I don't believe you still have the strength to take my punch."

As soon as Zor finished speaking, he struck Spider-Man with a right uppercut in the abdomen. Spider-Man barely raised his hand to defend himself, but was still knocked back by the force.

Xiao Hei's strength itself is not as good as that of Spider Man, so it's not easy to help him when he sees this situation.

At this time, Zor took out the gun from his waist. This was the exclusive weapon that Xiuka equipped him with when he was transforming him.

The power of this gun can easily destroy any modified person, killing it with one hit.

He didn't use it much in the original show, but once he did, it was extremely powerful.

Even the enhanced Spider Man was completely unable to block this shot.

Originally, Zor wanted to shoot the head, but when he thought about leaving the whole body for research, he immediately aimed at Spider-Man's heart.

Dazzling sparks burst out from the muzzle, and a bullet burst out from the muzzle, rushing towards Spider-Man at extremely fast speeds.

Just when the bullet was about to hit Spider-Man, a mysterious force suddenly appeared.

Completely destroying the entire bullet out of thin air.

Seeing this situation, Zoel couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"How is this going?"

He didn't believe in evil and fired several more shots.

I found that every bullet fired seemed to be directly erased by a mysterious force.

"This is……"

"His Majesty Carlos is here!"

Xiao Hei's face instantly became excited. In his heart, only Carlos could do such a thing.

"he came?"

There was a strange flash in the eyes of the leader of Xiuka. Judging from the power exerted by the other party, it can be seen that the gun that can easily destroy Chief Zor is indeed powerful.

But this doesn't mean that Carlos's strength will make them as awesome as they say.

"Since your Excellency is already here, please show up. I want to see what the so-called god who can destroy dimensions looks like."

As soon as the leader of Xiuka finished speaking, a person appeared in front of Spider Man.

Looking at this back, Spider Man also started to get excited.

"Your Majesty Carlos!"

Immediately, Spider Man's expression turned to shame.

"I'm sorry, His Majesty Carlos, for asking you to take action personally, we both have embarrassed you."

Carlos didn't say anything, but waved his hand for the two of them to step back and leave the rest to him.

"Are you the Carlos they two said? It seems like nothing more than that."

From the perspective of the leader of Shuka, Carlos is just an ordinary human being.

Their instruments were completely unable to detect any energy fluctuations from Carlus' body.

This is indeed a sign that only ordinary people have.

Of course, this is a normal thing for Carlos. How could a mortal detect the energy level on his body using instruments?

"Yes, I am Carlos."

Carlos folded his hands calmly.

"Don't you want to see me? I'm coming."

"Now that I have come forward, you should also show your true face."

Carlos knew in his heart that the leader of Xiuka had been hiding deep in the base.The weirdos who direct card repairs rely on the eagle icon in the base.

The average leader really doesn't know what a Xiuka monster looks like.

"If you want to see me, you still need some heat."

The leader of Xiuka still showed disdain for Carlos in his eyes.

"All the weirdos, come together and see if this Carlos is as powerful as the legend says."

Whether it was a weirdo or a Shuka combatant, they all looked at Carlos with fierce eyes.

Mainly because of the image of ordinary people presented by Carlos, they didn't feel any threat at all.

It should be easier to deal with than Spider Man.

Then a Shuka combatant roared and rushed in the direction of Carlos, intending to defeat him in one go.

Carlos stood quietly, and an invisible force exploded from his body.

Boom boom boom!
What if it was a giant bomb that exploded in Xiuka's base.

A powerful shock wave spread out instantly.

The entire base began to shake crazily.

And the card repair fighter who just pounced on him was also shattered into pieces in an instant.

All the surrounding card-repairing combatants and monsters were also knocked away.

However, Xiao Hei and Spider Man were protected by a mysterious force and were not affected at all.

"What just happened..."

Zoel's eyes were full of disbelief.

He watched with his own eyes as Carlos didn't even move, when suddenly a powerful force burst out and knocked him away.

He didn't even know what the other party had done.

"Could this be the legendary telepathic attack?"

The leader of Xiuka did see some clues.

He also had plans to create monsters who could use superpowers.

It's just that superpowers are a bit too mysterious, and they probably won't be created at all in a short time.

I didn't expect to see it in Carlos.

It's just telekinesis, and it's still within the controllable range.

Then a figure appeared in front of Carlos.

This was a figure covered in red, wearing a tall dome hat and a blood-red cloak. There were only two black eyes on the mask.

This is exactly the image of the leader of Shuka.

Looking at this figure, the Xiuka weirdos who fell on the ground showed respect in their eyes.

Carlos looked calm.

Because he knew in his heart that this was just a substitute for leader Xiuka.

Even the original Kamen Rider No. 1 and the Shuka leader that Kamen Rider No. 2 eliminated were still substitutes.

In order to be vigilant, the leader of Xiuka hid his identity very deeply.

He will not show up in person unless necessary.

Even if Carlos has broken into their base, the leader of Xiuka is still unwilling to show up in his true form.

It seems that they are really afraid of being wiped out.

"Your strength is indeed surprising, but once I show up, you have no chance of winning."

"If my guess is correct, you should be a super warrior."

"Superpowers don't pose any threat to me."

The eyes of leader Xiuka were full of confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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