Kingdom of Light: Start Inheriting the Galactic Empire

Chapter 6 Summon the Peerless Iron God!

Chapter 6 Summon the Peerless Iron God!

Just when Parker and the others had already started marching towards the Galactic Empire, Carlos discovered something extraordinary.

That is, on the system panel he owns, the prestige value is soaring at a crazy speed. In just a few minutes, it directly increased from zero to [-] points, and then the speed of increase began to gradually slow down.

However, if Carlos thinks about it carefully, he understands that Latis, who escaped before, spread the news of the Galactic Empire, making more people notice the existence of this 1.

This made the prestige value start to rise at a crazy speed, and the latter slowed down because the reputation of the Galactic Empire did not spread too far.

"It seems that I have to find a way to make the Galactic Empire come into the eyes of more people."

Carlos pondered, "Otherwise, if the prestige value is too low, there are still some things that are not easy to deal with."

"Although the current three Dark Lopes Seros are all high-level units and possess great strength, it is still very difficult to face those powerful legions."

Carlos still understood in his heart that the reason why Radis' army was wiped out was because his army was too weak, most of them were ordinary troops, and if they died, they would only be intermediate troops.

But if Radis had brought a few more high-level troops, it would have been a different ending.

It seems that now we still have to summon more advanced units.

So Carlos also decisively used the [-] reputation points to call for advanced arms.

The teleportation array unfolded in front of Carlos, and five spherical robots walked out of the teleportation array, with a cold light shining all over their bodies.

Looking at these five robots, Carlos' eyes flashed with surprise. There is no way, the impression of these robots is too deep.

The Peerless Iron God Impleza!

This is the emperor of the dark universe, Ambella, who accepted the robots belonging to the legion. As soldiers, scouts and vanguards of the emperor's army, they generally exist in plural.

Generally speaking, the power of mass-produced machines will be weakened to a certain extent, but Impreza is completely different, and it still has terrifying power under mass-produced conditions.

Their whole bodies are made of extremely tough metal. No one knows where the Ampera star people obtained these powerful metals.

All I know is that even if the Impreza made of this metal is hit head-on by the Ultraman's light, it will not leave too much damage to the body, and it also has a strong self. repair ability.

Even the bombed fragments can still be restored, and the arms can be transformed into powerful monsters after repair.

At that time, after eating Taylor's Ultra Bomb, he still returned to his original appearance, which really shocked Taylor.

Impreza's whole body is also a weapon, with two cannons on the shoulders and a triple Gatling cannon on the head, which can fire energy bombs at high speed and is full of power.

In addition, it also has the ability of interstellar navigation and space transmission.

In other words, it is no problem to regard it as a small warship in a space war!

Compared with Dark Lopes Sero, Impreza's strategic significance is stronger!
He is worthy of the title of Peerless Iron God!
That is to say, such a powerful robot, at this moment, Carlos summoned five of them in one go!

This is far more powerful than summoning a large number of ordinary and intermediate units.

The current Galactic Empire is different from the Galactic Empire ruled by Beria before. It only needs the elite among the elites, and does not need too many weak soldiers to support the scene.

No matter how many troops there are, it's not like being attacked by Sai Luo one by one.

It's better to have a few powerful arms.

Five Imprezas plus three Dark Lopseros, this is the entire force of the Galactic Empire ruled by Carlos now.

With just these eight robots, it is no problem at all to kill through most of the universe he is in.

Five Imprezas were standing obediently in front of Carlos at the moment, waiting for the other party's order.

As long as Carlos doesn't order them, they won't start to move on their own.

Carlos was naturally quite satisfied with this reaction.

"You patrol around this Galactic Empire with the other Dark Lopes Sero, and if you find any intruders, destroy them immediately!"

After receiving the order, the five Imprezas started to move one after another, flying towards all directions of the Galactic Empire.

Carlos turned around at this moment and looked at the dilapidated castle behind him, and couldn't help but sigh.

It seems that intermediate arms and ordinary arms are still quite important.

Don't expect them to provide much powerful combat power, at least they can provide the Galactic Empire with the most basic productivity, collect resources from various places in the universe, and then start rebuilding the Galactic Empire.

This can also increase the strength of the Galactic Empire.

It seems that after the prestige value increases later, it should be used evenly to summon some ordinary troops.


The periphery of the Galactic Empire.

At this moment, four figures appeared here.

And these four figures are all members of the Ultimate Zero Guard Team!

Sero, Mirror Knight, Crimson Flame, Iron Warrior.

Looking at this dilapidated place, Sai Luo was also filled with emotion. It was in this place that he started a big battle with Beria.

After this great battle, Sai Luo believed that Beria must be dead.

This place can only be a relic in the universe.

I thought there was nothing wrong with this place.

In the end, Eminara told them that they had found traces of Dark Lopsero near the Galactic Empire, which made them all start to feel nervous.

After all, Dark Lopes Sero was created by Beria.

If this type of robot still exists, it will inevitably make them start to wonder if Beria is still alive.

If Beria can still survive under that kind of attack, it must be said that Beria's vitality is indeed tenacious.

"Is it true that there are traces of Dark Lopes Sero here?"

The mirror knight folded his hands, with an elegant figure, looked around, but did not find any figure.

"Since it is the information from Her Majesty the Princess, there must be nothing wrong!"

"Perhaps those three Dark Lopseros are behind the Galactic Empire, so we can't detect it."

Iron Warrior said firmly.

"If you want to see if Dark Lopes Sero really exists, wouldn't it be over if you just broke in?"

The red lotus flame flicked its own flame hair, and planned to rush into the Galactic Empire.

But just when he was about to fly out, he was held back by Sai Luo.

Because Sai Luo saw several familiar figures!

(End of this chapter)

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