The Heavens: Falling Ink From Douluo

Chapter 402 Lin Chaoci Appears

Chapter 402 Lin Chaoci Appears

When Lin Chaoci arrived, he saw this scene.

There are many people in the auditorium.

Identity is also very complicated.

There are people from the older generation like Long Xiaoyao, Jing Hongchen, Prince Xu, Duke Baihu Dai Hao, and Yan Shaozhe, and there are also people from the younger generation like Xiao Hongchen, Meng Hongchen, Ji Juechen, and Nan Qiuqiu. Some of Shrek Academy's own people, that is, Dai Yueheng, Ling Luochen, and even Dai Huabin, Ning Tian, ​​and Wu Feng, who had just entered school, followed their parents to the auditorium.

Freshmen's military training will begin after the military parade.

Prior to this, even military training uniforms were not issued.

Therefore, letting Dai Huabin, Ning Tian, ​​Wu Feng and others attend the spectator seats will not affect the military training, nor will it affect the military parade. Shrek Academy is willing to sell the face of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and other forces.

Originally, Wang Dong'er should be among them.

As the direct heir of Haotianzong, and the only heir, two uncles, one is Limit Douluo and the other is Level 98 Super Douluo, she should have been the prettiest child in the auditorium, like Xiao Hongchen , Meng Hongchen, Ning Tian, ​​Dai Yaoheng, Dai Huabin, Xu Tianzhen, etc., people with quite deep backgrounds should lower their eyebrows when they see her. However, because of Tang San, the god of the sea, Wang Donger would rather stand in the sun and be Wang Qiuer's adjutant than stand in the auditorium and continue to use the identity that made her sick, shameless.

Because of this, Wang Donger was not seen here.

If Wang Donger hadn't come, Wang Qiuer would never have come.

However, the absence of Wang Donger and Wang Qiuer does not mean that Lin Chaoci will not come either. As one of the latecomers, Lin Chaoci deservedly enjoyed the "all attention" treatment.

All the people present were high-ranking and powerful people.

They knew exactly what Lin Chaoci looked like.

However, it was the first time to actually see a living person.

It's just that, to be precise, some people are not the first time, but the second, third, or even countless times with each other day and night.

Meng Hongchen was stunned.

Juice in hand.

The straw is also wrapped in the elastic red lips.

It was not until he swallowed the juice that he made a "grunt" sound.

It woke up herself, and also woke up Xiao Hongchen.

Xiao Hongchen took a look, and immediately guessed what his nympho sister was thinking again, coughed lightly, and signaled his nympho sister to look at Jiang Nannan and Ma Xiaotao beside Lin Chaoci with his eyes, and then, intentionally The pointed one looked around, and patted his nympho sister on the shoulder in pity.

Meng Hongchen and Xiao Hongchen are brothers and sisters.

How could he not know what Xiao Hongchen meant?
The first look was a hint, implying that she had better not be impulsive. Lin Chaoci just saved you, not because he likes you. Those two are his girlfriends. You rush to meet her in front of her girlfriends. He confessed that if he refused you quietly and sternly, after returning home, he would obediently wait for the harem to catch fire. Therefore, if you really like him, it is better not to dance wildly in front of his two empresses at this juncture.

The best thing to do is - even if you are competing for favor, you have to confirm your status first, right now, you are not even his girlfriend, who is he partial to, do you need to say more?

The second look is also a hint, implying that she should pay attention to the occasion. Right now, I don’t know how many pairs of eyes are staring at Lin Chaoci. Let's share the firepower with Lin Chaoci. Let's not talk about what will happen to Lin Chaoci. The sun and moon prince Xu Tianran is sitting here. You are not just making fun of grandpa. I'm afraid Xu Tianran can't find an excuse to suppress grandpa. right?

Xiao Hongchen thought very well.

Meng Hongchen couldn't fault it.

So, even though I really wanted to, I had to stand there dejectedly, looking at Lin Chaoci from a distance, looking at Jiang Nannan and Ma Xiaotao who were standing beside Lin Chaoci, a faint glint flashed in the ice blue eyes. envy.

Ma Xiaotao and Jiang Nannan's looks were stunning.

[-] out of [-], the kind that can be given full marks.

It's just that people's appetites are different.

Some like soft cute models.

Some like the big ones.

Full points are given for appearance, but it does not mean that full points are also given for liking.

However, some bad eyes still fell on Ma Xiaotao and Jiang Nannan, just like some bad eyes fell on Lin Chaoci.

Don't think that girls are not lustful.

There was still a hint of amazement in Ning Tian's eyes.

It's also like Meng Hongchen's self-confident gaze.

Wu Feng doesn't like Lin Chaoci's style very much. She likes a man who can conquer her, not a man who can be conquered by her. Simply put, the more domineering the better, and she is Ning Tian's guardian, if nothing unexpected happens, whoever Ning Tian will marry in the future, she will also be a dowry maid, but she is a super powerful dowry maid.

Therefore, it was only a moment of amazement.

Affirmed Lin Chaoci's appearance.

Then, he looked away.

Nan Qiuqiu is much more straightforward.

If it wasn't for her old mother Nan Shuishui holding her head down, I'm afraid she would have rushed up to ask for her contact information. What about Ma Xiaotao, Ma Xiaoli, and Ma Xiaoxing? Since she likes her, and she doesn't have a boyfriend yet, she needs to meet , you can get acquainted.


She was pinned down by her old mother...

Right now, I can't move around...

Then you have to live an eye addiction!

His eyes are straight.

What Nan Shuishui saw was that her pretty face was slightly darkened.

Knowing that at this moment, he couldn't fight Nan Qiuqiu, and he would be easily laughed at by those guys from Tianlongmen, so he gritted his molars and silently made a plan to make Nan Qiuqiu look good when he went back.


"Old Mu."

"There's also this... Elder Long."

Lin Chaoci didn't care about these complicated gazes, just like Ma Xiaotao and Jiang Nannan didn't care about those greedy and obscene gazes. Anyone who can be controlled by strangers is a waste. He walked to Yan Shaozhe, Mu En In front of Long Xiaoyao, the first two calls were very natural, until he saw Long Xiaoyao, he thought about it for a while, and said with a smile: "I must have recognized the wrong person, right?"

Mu En suddenly laughed.

Long Xiaoyao also smiled.

However, in Mu En's smile, it was full of relief and satisfaction, but in his smile, it was curious and interested: "This is... the first time we have met, right?"

"But that's no reason why I don't know you."

"Isn't it?"

Lin Chaoci answered Long Xiaoyao humorously.

Afterwards, he introduced to Ma Xiaotao and Jiang Nannan: "This is the Dragon Emperor Douluo who was called Black and White Twin Dragons with Mu Lao back then——Long Xiaoyao, who is also a Limit Douluo, and can be regarded as Xiaotao's...uh... what was the name of Master's grandfather?"

Long Xiaoyao raised his eyebrows fiercely.

Yan Shaozhe covered his forehead in shame.

this question.

What was the name of Master's grandfather?
Yan Shaozhe has no children.

It is true that Ma Xiaotao was raised as a daughter.

So, suddenly an old ancestor popped up?
"Okay, stop teasing Xiao Tao."

"Xiao Tao, you can call me Senior."

"Let's talk about each other."

Mu En smiled and waved his hands: "Otherwise, yelling and yelling will mess up the seniority."

"Although, this generation is quite chaotic..."

Long Xiaoyao sighed and made a knife.

It's not that I want to refute Munn.

Just looking at the facts without telling them is always a bit uncomfortable.

After all, he waved his hand like Mu En: "But what this old guy said is also reasonable, you should listen to what this old guy says, and call me senior, so that there will be fewer convoluted names."

 Thanks to book friend 20221024125325787 for the 500 reward.

(End of this chapter)

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