Under one person: Do you really think it is difficult to become a teacher?

Chapter 61 Lu Linglong was stunned. Is this the Lin Lan you were talking about? !

Chapter 61 Lu Linglong was stunned. Is this the Lin Lan you were talking about? !
Lu Linglong followed Lu Jin all the way to Lin Lan's residence angrily.

Then, she was stunned by the sight in front of her.

Half of the courtyard collapsed, there were earth pits everywhere on the ground, and the trees and walls were scorched black.
She opened her small mouth and asked, "Grandpa, is your new disciple living here?"

How can this be a place where people live?
This is an unfinished building or a demolition site!

"Grandpa, did you pick someone up at the construction site as a disciple?"

Lu Jin rubbed his nose, "Don't talk nonsense, it was still intact a few days ago."

"In the past two days, it was caused by some small accidents."

Lu Linglong obviously didn't believe it, and said, "A small accident? I think it's just like being hit by a meteorite."

Lu Jin concealed her embarrassment and said: "Linglong, you must know that the mountain is not high, yes"

"Okay, Grandpa, I've recited it a hundred times in school." Lu Linglong said.

"Whether the mountain is high or not, it will be famous if there are immortals; if the water is not deep, it will be spirited if there are dragons."

"The one you accepted is a disciple of an immortal and a dragon? Let me have a look."

At this time, Lin Lan also noticed Lu Jin's arrival, and there was a beautiful girl around his age beside him.

He hurried over and said happily, "Old Lu, it's great for you to come."

"After being taught by you yesterday, my disciple has realized a little bit, and I just want to ask you for advice."

Lin Lan has been practicing since she realized the third level of the "Three Levels of Inverse Life" last night.

Although I hardly slept all night, I am still full of energy.

He had long been looking forward to Mr. Lu coming over, so that he could verify whether his comprehension was correct.

Hearing what he said, Lu Jin was very relieved.

He said with a smile: "It's not bad to understand so quickly, not bad!"

Lu Linglong next to her looked at Lin Lan from head to toe, wrinkled her cute little nose and said.

"Hey, if you have any questions, you can ask me."

"I want to see what you can realize overnight?"

Lin Lan was taken aback, then looked at Lu Linglong, "Uh, who is this?"

Lu Jin laughed and said, "Lin Lan, this is the old man's granddaughter Linglong."

"This girl has been spoiled by the old man since she was a child, so please take care of her."

"You can be regarded as the old man's disciple now, so help me take care of her more in the future."

Lin Lan quickly nodded, "It should be, but the disciple's aptitude is dull, which made Mr. Lu bother."

Lu Linglong snorted, obviously dissatisfied with what Grandpa said.

"Want to take care of me? Then you have to beat me first."

Lin Lan's eyes lit up when he heard the words, "Fight? How is your defense?"

Lu Linglong proudly said: "I've played games, but if I want to be in the game, I'm a typical person with thick blood and high defense."

"You still worry about yourself."

Lin Lan said happily, "That's great, that's great."

"Wait!" Lu Jin hurriedly stopped in a cold sweat.

fight?What a fight!

Didn't you see that this place was split like this?

Lu Linglong's talent is extraordinary, and she has both health and life skills, and her defense is really good.

But who do you want to fight with?

This kid slashed out a hundred Thunder Talismans at every turn, no one can handle this.

Feng Zhenghao, who didn't see Tianxiahui, is still lying in the hospital now!
That's one of the ten!

I brought a beautiful granddaughter here, did I bring her to be struck by lightning?

Absolutely not!

He hurriedly said: "Then what, Lin Lan, first tell me what you realized yesterday?"

Lin Lan glanced at Lu Linglong, feeling slightly regretful.

But Mr. Lu asked him what he had realized yesterday, and he happily reported it.

"The disciple first realized that the first stage is the art of strengthening Qi,
"A strong Qi is a strong body, only a strong Qi is the foundation!"

"Unfortunately, my aptitude is too mediocre. It took half an hour to practice to the standard that Mr. Lu said."

Lu Jin and Lu Linglong stared together and said in unison, "Huh?"

What the hell, you practiced the first weight in half an hour?
"Bragging, you won't blush." ​​Lu Linglong pouted.

Lu Jin hurriedly said, "Lin Lan, give a demonstration and let me see."

10 minute later.

Lu Jin and Lu Linglong's jaws almost dropped when they looked at Lin Lan, who was 50 meters away, who was "flame soaring".

"Mr. Lu, you can see that my practice barely meets the standard you said."

Lu Jin: "."

Lu Linglong: "Why do I feel that his qi is more arrogant than big cousin?"

"Grandpa, did you really teach him yesterday?"

Lu Linglong didn't practice the "Reverse Life Triple Layer", but Lu Lin from the Lu family did.

She knew how much effort her cousin had put into practicing this exercise.

As a result, it took half an hour for this kid to practice it?
If the big cousin found out, would he immediately lose his temper in a hurry?
"Okay, come here." Lu Jin waved to Lin Lan after being shocked.

"You've barely managed it, but the key difficulty lies in the second stage!"

"This is the second layer of the three layers of reverse life"

Lin Lan ran over and said, "Old Lu, you said this yesterday, it's about refining your energy."

"I have some immature ideas about this."

Lu Jin was stunned and said, "Do you have another idea?"

"Yeah, I've been thinking about it," Lin Lan hesitated.

"Feeling that part of the body is gassy is just a symptom, not the root cause."

"It is fundamentally the technique of consolidating qi, which slows down the consumption of qi."

"Otherwise, even if it can be repaired by gasification, it will be a tree without roots, and it will be difficult to enter the third level."

Lu Jin was stunned, it sounded like that was the case.

Could this be the reason why he was unable to enter the third stage?
Lu Linglong looked at her grandfather, then at Lin Lan, jumped out and said, "You're talking nonsense!"

"You can practice as my grandpa teaches. Could it be that you and my grandpa know more?"

"How long have you been practicing? My grandfather has practiced dozens of times in the second stage. Huh?"

At this time, she suddenly found that Lin Lan in front of her was hidden in a strong air mass.

This air mass is very solidified, as if it is solid, it seems to be a bit more solid than Grandpa's gas.

Lu Jin almost sat down on the ground.

"This second stage, have you practiced it?"

Lin Lan's figure emerged again.

He sighed.

"Oh, my disciple is stupid, after realizing it yesterday"

"After practicing for three full hours, I have just reached this point. I am really ashamed, and I have lost."

Lu Jin's head was buzzing, and he couldn't hear Lin Lan's words clearly.

It took a while before he came back to his senses under Lu Linglong's call.

"Grandpa, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm getting old, and I slept late yesterday." Lu Jin stabilized his figure.

"Lin Lan, for the second level, you've already done it even if you've practiced so-so."

Under the strange gaze of his granddaughter, he blushed and said, "The most critical and difficult thing is the third level!"

"The third difficulty is that."

When Lin Lan heard this, Youyou raised her head and looked towards the sky.

"The disciple has a deep understanding!"

Old Lu:! ?
(End of this chapter)

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