Chapter 113 Scared to death?

Back then Liyang was just a small border country.

From the beginning of Zhao Dun's uprising, Xu Xiao has been by his side for his life and death. Western Chu, Old Qi and other countries were basically all attacked by Xu Xiao and his adopted sons.

Back then, Zhao Dun was also high-spirited and fast.

He also took the lead when marching and fighting, so he often ran around with Xu Xiao and the others.

This also led to the young and beautiful daughters Zhao Zhi and Wu Su having enough time to become very close sisters.

One is the mother of a small country, and the other is the wife of the country's lord who most trusts his subordinates. Naturally, there is no need to talk about the development of their girlfriends.

and so.

Even though Wu Su was almost about to step into the realm of sword fairy back then, coupled with her incomparable intelligence, since she received Zhao Zhi's letter, Wu Su didn't have any hesitation in her heart at all, so she went straight into the palace alone. In Anhuang City.

Of course, there is also a part of the reason, because she was too worried about Xu Xiao, which caused her to lose her footing.

But in the final analysis, the culprit of all this is still Zhao Zhi, who took advantage of the friendship between her and Wu Su.

In the few years since the white clothes case in the capital, Wu Su gave birth to Xu Longxiang and passed away directly, leaving this world.

Although for so many years, no matter whether it was Beiliang or just the Xu family, they had never mentioned this matter, causing everyone including Zhao Zhi to think that the incident back then had been completely overturned.

But Zhao Zhi has been living in this trouble.


Blame yourself?

Or some other emotion, even Zhao Zhi herself can't tell what it is, but Wu Su's figure will always appear in front of her these years.

Now she has finally figured it out, it seems that the source of today's depressed mood is because of Wu Su.

At this time, Zhao Zhi didn't care about her image as the queen of a country at all, she kept waving her sleeves, the red veil moved with the wind, trying to dispel the phantom of Wu Su in front of her.

But all she did was in vain, a figure of Wu Su drifted away, and immediately another figure of Wu Su appeared in front of her.

And "Wu Su" didn't say a word, just looked at her silently, her eyes were extremely calm, neither the anger of being betrayed by her best sister, nor the joy of seeing her again.


The empress had already become disheveled. After trying to disperse her many times to no avail, she finally sat down on a chair in the gazebo, staring at Wu Su's phantom in the distance.

From the beginning to the end, she did not call out Wu Su's name, because she was afraid that there would be spies arranged by Xu Xiao beside her.

As for the appearance of those court ladies towards her, they have long been used to it.

After all, this was not the first time that Zhao Zhi saw Wu Su's phantom. Basically, such a situation would appear every once in a while, and those court ladies only had some kind of illness as their own mothers. They never dared to say anything in the past.

After Zhao Zhi vented, she felt that her throat was thirsty after the non-stop roar just now, so she beckoned directly without raising her head.

"Come here, get me some water!"

But after saying this sentence, there was no movement for a long time.So she immediately raised her head and shouted angrily.

"Could it be that even you bastards..."

But before she could finish her sentence, she saw expressions of panic on the faces of the maids serving her, and their eyes were also wide open, staring at something behind her.

An air of unease permeated the entire gazebo, and a feeling of extreme fear filled Zhao Zhi's heart instantly.

She turned her head mechanically, following the gazes of the maids and looking behind her.


It was still Wu Su's phantom.

and many more!

Zhao Zhi immediately reacted, because the place where Wu Su's phantom was standing was exactly the place where the palace maid was staring at!

This is not a phantom!
Really... Really Wu Su!

Zhao Zhi realized instantly that what appeared in front of her just now was not Wu Su's phantom at all!
No wonder it disappeared once she appeared before, but today she still persists no matter how much she slaps.

She... did she come to see me? !
As soon as this thought came out, Zhao Zhi could no longer control the fear in his heart, and he fell backwards from the stone chair, and fell to the ground in all directions.

She tried hard to move her body to stand up from the ground, but found that her limbs were extremely stiff at this moment, and she couldn't control it at all!

Although Wu Su's figure could not be seen at this time, Zhao Zhi had a feeling in his heart that the other party must be walking towards him step by step now!Even her ears seemed to hear the sound of Wu Su stepping on the ground while walking.

And it seems to be to confirm her guess.

The palace ladies not far away finally couldn't bear the fear in their hearts any longer, they howled loudly one by one, and then rushed out of the gazebo without looking back.

"Come back! Give me all back!"

Although the body cannot move, the mouth can still move.Zhao Zhi kept shouting loudly to those maids who fled in all directions, hoping that they would come back at this time and take him away as well.

But where does anyone respond to her?


The sound of shouting and the sound of frantic bumping when fleeing all disappeared.

In the silence, only Zhao Zhi looked at the top of the gazebo in despair.

A face suddenly appeared in her field of vision, and there was almost no time to react. This empress in Liyang, who was under one person and above ten thousand, was actually scared to death!

"Tsk, that's it?"

A voice full of unfinished intentions sounded beside Zhao Zhi's corpse.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Xu Liang'an?
After getting rid of the rest of Qin Tianjian's great grand masters, he directly entered the imperial city. With his current strength, if he wanted to deliberately conceal his figure, there would be no one in the world. People can find out.

And his goal is naturally the empress in front of him who has completely passed away.

Originally, Xu Liang'an's plan was to use the power of Buddhism to point directly at the heart, so that the empress could see what she feared most in her heart.

But it wasn't until the other party made a series of reactions that Xu Liang'an realized that what Zhao Zhi feared the most was his mother.

Isn't this right in his arms?

The most important thing is that his power almost covers the entire area, and the main target is Zhao Zhi, so what the other court ladies see is actually the same as Zhao Zhi.

It's just that Xu Liang'an never expected that this queen empress would be so fragile.

(End of this chapter)

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