Chapter 118 Finding the Key to Memory

Xu Liang'an frantically pulled the hair on his head with both hands, with an extremely ferocious expression on his face.

He felt that his memory was now like a blank sheet of paper, except for the three words "Xu Liang'an" written on it, there was no other content.

In his mind, there seemed to be an extremely dark and chaotic area, no matter how hard he tried to touch it, he could not detect even a shred of the truth.

He tried his best to retrieve even a trace of memory, but it didn't work at all.

"Are you ok?"

Just when Xu Liang'an was in great pain, a soft voice suddenly rang in his ears, calming down his originally struggling state of mind instantly.

Xu Liang'an slowly raised his head and looked up, only to see a young woman in a white nurse's uniform appeared in front of him at some point, with long black hair lazily draped over her shoulders. The appearance is enough to kill many popular female stars in seconds.

"You are……"

Having no time to take care of everything, Xu Liang'an now just wants to know what happened to him and where this place is.


After hearing Xu Liang'an's words, the little nurse shook her head helplessly.

"Sure enough, you still can't remember anything?"

After hearing her words, Xu Liang'an was taken aback: "You mean this is not the first time this has happened to me?"


"Every time you wake up like this, you only remember your name is Xu Liang'an, and you don't remember anything else. It's better than when you were in a coma."

Xu Liang'an was a little curious.

"When I was in a coma? Did something happen when I was in a coma?"

Hearing his question, the little nurse pouted: "No, every time you are in a coma, you always yell unconsciously like sleepwalking. Speaking of which, your illness is really strange, coma It seemed that I remembered everything at the time, but after waking up, it happened to be amnesia again.”

Speaking of this, the little nurse looked at Ye Bai and smiled teasingly: "If I hadn't taken care of you for so long, I would have thought you were pretending to have amnesia on purpose."

"Shouting when you're unconscious...then do you remember what I would yell?"

"of course I remember."

While talking, the little nurse took out a mobile phone from the pocket outside her nurse uniform, then manipulated the mobile phone and said, "After all, these things may be related to your lost memory, so Dr. Record every time you yell."

"Here, listen to me."

As she lightly pressed the play button on the phone, Xu Liang'an's voice came out of the speaker.


"Dragon Slaying Technique..."



"Heaven and man live forever..."

Intermittent unfamiliar words were all passed into Xu Liang'an's ears. When he heard these words, the chaotic and dark place in his mind seemed to be touched by something, and began to surge non-stop.

But it was just that, and after a while of turbulence, it all stopped soon.

Once again, Xu Liang'an's fantasy of looking for his memory was broken.

And the little nurse said with a smile on her face: "I seriously doubt that you are a fan of poisonous fantasy novels. What are you talking about, such as heaven and man, cultivation, revenge, and so on, isn't it all? Is it a common routine in fantasy novels!"

Fantasy novel?

Xu Liang'an didn't answer the little nurse's words. Although he didn't have any complete corresponding memories up to now, judging from the strange fragments that flashed through his mind earlier, if it was just a fantasy after reading the novel, it would never be so real. feelings.

The most important thing is that when he heard the words fantasy novel, he didn't feel the slightest bit at all.

Just like what the little nurse said, what I would yell even in a coma must have had a great impact on me. If it was really caused by fantasy novels, I must also be an avid fan of fantasy novels. When it comes to these words, it is impossible to feel nothing at all.

Why can I figure out the key to this in an instant?
Xu Liang'an was extremely puzzled. Although all his memories were lost, his ability to think about problems seemed to be extremely strong, and he was able to figure out some of the key points through the little nurse's words almost instantly.

The feeling of pain in the brain gradually subsided as his consciousness became more and more clear.


Since I can't get back the memory that I have completely lost now, I might as well find the answer bit by bit.

"May I ask, when and why did I appear here?"

Xu Liang'an looked at the little nurse with extremely clear eyes. He had just woken up, and his eyes were basically smeared without memory. Instead, he might as well learn as much information about himself as possible from the little nurse.

"do not know."

Unexpectedly, the little nurse's answer was very simple and rude, adding up to only three words.

"do not know?"

Xu Liang'an's eyes were full of astonishment.

"Then why am I a patient here?"

"I heard from Dr. Huang that you appeared at the gate of our hospital for no reason at that time, and you were in a coma at that time. Then after they studied you, they were very interested in your symptoms, and finally they simply regarded it as a case. , let you stay in our hospital."

it's over...

Xu Liang'an felt a chill in his heart.

If his origin could be clarified, there might still be a possibility of recovering his memory, but he never expected that even his own origin was so unclear, this made him unable to think of anything to find his memory for a while. way method.

Forget it...

Let's go out first.

The pure white ward gave Xu Liangan an extremely oppressive feeling in his heart. Even if the bright sunlight entered the room through the huge windows, this oppressive feeling couldn't be dispelled at all. Right now, he just wants to go out and take a breath of fresh air .

"Going out? Then wait a minute, I'll get the wheelchair."


Xu Liang'an was taken aback, he didn't expect the little nurse to be able to guess what was going on in his heart.

"Hee hee, every time you wake up, the words you say, the questions you ask, and the things you do are all exactly the same. Basically, there has never been any difference, so of course I know!"


Xu Liang'an was silent for a while.

For some reason, a strange feeling appeared in his heart at this moment.

It was as if everything that happened now seemed to be programmed in advance. He would shout a fixed vocabulary in a coma, and he would say the same words, ask the same questions, and do the same things after he woke up...

The more it seemed like nothing special happened, the more flustered he began to feel in his heart, just like a dangerous undercurrent hidden under the seemingly calm water.

But now he really can't think of any better way, he might as well go outside to breathe fresh air.


The little nurse did not push Xu Liang'an downstairs, but took the elevator to the top floor.

"The patients living in this building are in a special state, so it is generally not suitable to go outside. Our dean built this sky garden on the top floor under the suggestion of Dr. Huang, which is also convenient for our patients. Come out at any time to walk around and relax."

Listening to the little nurse's words, Xu Liang'an nodded thoughtfully.

It seemed like a casual sentence, but he captured a lot of information from it.

The patients in this building are quite special, and Xu Liang'an felt that what the other party said mostly referred to special mental and brain diseases.

When the little nurse pushed him upstairs, he saw several patients who didn't look so normal. Thinking about it now, they should all have mental problems.

So I'm actually classified as mentally ill now?
Thinking of this, Xu Liang'an's face suddenly became very strange, but he didn't care too much, anyway, he doesn't have any memory now, so it's not a problem to just do this first.

However, it has to be said that the hospital is more concerned about the construction of this sky garden. There are fountains, trees, flowers, and even various sports equipment for patients.

But the only thing is the huge steel mesh around the garden, which looks particularly eye-catching.

Xu Liang'an didn't care much about this.

Due to lying in bed for a long time, the muscles of his legs have begun to shrink, and he is unable to complete the simple action of walking. The only way to travel is to use a wheelchair. His arms are weak and he can only be pushed. Completely devoid of any capacity for autonomous action.

Along the way, people kept saying hello to the little nurse pushing the wheelchair behind him. Whether it was the patient or other nurses, they all seemed to know her.

This aroused Xu Liang'an's curiosity.

"Are you famous here?"

But I didn't expect that the little nurse just smiled playfully: "It's not that I'm famous, it's that you are so famous here!"

"Wake up once every three months. Your waking time is much more accurate than the most sophisticated instruments in the world, so everyone is very curious about you."

Xu Liang'an was taken aback.

Immediately, a wry smile appeared on his face.

He didn't expect that all of this was because of himself.

"By the way, I heard you keep talking about Dr. Huang, Dr. Huang. Is this Dr. Huang my attending doctor?"

Xu Liang'an did not continue on this topic, but raised another question.Unexpectedly, the little nurse didn't answer him immediately, but let out a "huh" in surprise, then let go of her hands holding the wheelchair, came to him and squatted down slowly.

"You actually asked me a question I've never asked before."

As if curious about Xu Liang'an's behavior at this moment, the little nurse couldn't help but move her body closer, her entire face was almost less than ten centimeters away from Xu Liang'an.

Seeing the beautiful face so close at hand, Xu Liang'an almost subconsciously became short of breath.

But the little nurse didn't seem to notice his state at all, but kept flapping her diamond-like eyes, staring straight at Xu Liang'an.

It was not until a while later that he withdrew his protruding body with a puzzled expression.

"No other changes."


A bright smile suddenly appeared on her face.

"Originally, Dr. Huang didn't let me tell you too much about him, but for the sake of you suddenly asking new questions today, I'll tell you secretly."

"Doctor Huang is not just your attending doctor. In fact, all the patients in this building are taken care of by one of his doctors, because our place is quite special. In fact, there is no need for the doctor to keep watching. Come over regularly, and then we nurses are responsible for reporting the information and conditions of all patients to him."

Xu Liang'an listened and nodded.

Well, saying it means not saying it.

I still don't know anything about this Dr. Huang.

But somewhere in his mind, he had an illusion that the key to his desire to retrieve his memory was that doctor Huang and the little nurse in front of him who looked strange but had no memory connection at all.

Although the emergence of this feeling is very inexplicable, but for some reason Xu Liang'an thinks so in his heart.

Instead of looking at the plants around her, she turned her gaze back to the little nurse in front of her.

"Then tell me why you work as a nurse here? With your appearance, it's easy to be a star of any kind."

"It's a new question!"

The little nurse had a look of surprise, but then a look of disdain.

"I don't care about being a star or something. I have to live under the watchful eyes of others. I don't have any freedom at all. And I don't need money, so why do you embarrass yourself?"


Xu Liang'an also couldn't help smiling.

"Look at your life is quite transparent, but you should be better at doing other jobs than in this mental hospital, right? Taking care of patients every day should be very tiring."


The little nurse shook her head slightly.

"I never feel that taking care of people will be tiring. My job is okay! The only patient I need to be responsible for is you. You have been in a coma for a long time, but it is actually very relaxing."

He gently brushed his hair, then turned his head to look into the distance, leaving only Xu Liangan's back.

After seeing this scene, Xu Liang'an's pupils suddenly shrank.

Against the background of the sun, he could only see the back of the little nurse clearly. For some reason, a vague figure suddenly appeared in his mind, also dressed in pure white, but it was not a nurse. clothes, but the kind of white gauze clothes that can only be seen on TV.

The next moment, the figure in white gauze gradually overlapped with the figure of the little nurse in front of him until they overlapped completely.

"Little clay figurine..."

Xu Liangan called out the name subconsciously.


It seemed that because of Xu Liang'an's call, the little nurse who had her back turned to Xu Liang'an suddenly turned around and looked at him suspiciously.

"How do you know my baby name?"

"Baby's name?"

Repeating these two words with a blank expression, Xu Liang'an felt as if he had grasped the crux of the problem.

He raised his head suddenly.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Jiang Ni."

(End of this chapter)

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