Zongwu: Kill the prince? !I break the gate of heaven with one sword

Chapter 122 Teach 1 to teach the young monk to relapse

Chapter 122 Teach a little monk to relapse

Li Dongxi flashed those smart eyes, looking at everything around him with great curiosity.

"Is this Beiliang? It's so beautiful!"

Seeing her like this, Xu Liang'an just smiled and didn't say much.

Liangchan Temple is located in the south of the Yangtze River, mostly water towns and quaint towns. Both the architecture and the scenery are in a very delicate style, which is the result of thousands of years of history.

Compared with Jiangnan, Beiliang is naturally very different.The harsh climate makes this place full of various dry landforms, and the plants with fragile vitality in the south of the Yangtze River can't survive here at all. Naturally, it is very different from the Jiangnan area.

Whether it is the architecture or the people living here, they all naturally have an open and generous style, which is the fundamental reason why the veterans of Beiliang have always been loyal and brave, and the people of Beiliang have always been bold.

So if Xu Liangan, who lived in Beiliang since he was a child, was really allowed to live in Jiangnan for a long time, he would actually feel a little uncomfortable.

One is the geographical climate, and the other is the customs.

Compared with the gracefulness of Jiangnan, he prefers Beiliang's straightforward style.This is also the state of mind of most Beiliang people.

So for so many years, in fact, from top to bottom in Beiliang, who doesn't know that the old emperor of Liyang has been guarding against the people of Beiliang when he will directly send his troops south?

It's just that in the hearts of all Beiliang people, his worry is a pure joke!Do you think I envy your water village in the rainy season?Do you like to punting like you to have a good talk about a gifted scholar and a beautiful woman in the rain?

Think more!
The feelings of Beiliang people are built on the loess, on the horses!
Especially in today's Beiliang, most of them are not the original natives. After all, the original environment here is not good, and the resources are poor. If it is not necessary, no one wants to live here. In addition, the original war-torn, rich land People in Beiliang are going to starve to death, how should people in Beiliang survive?

Today's people in Beiliang are basically the same group of people who fought with Xu Xiao back then, and they moved into Beiliang with their families. Made it into what it is today.

So no matter how many benefits are given to this group of New Beiliang people, they are absolutely unwilling to leave the hometown they have built with great difficulty.


Xu Liang'an took a deep breath.

Since he entered the realm of immortality, he found that his thoughts are easy to fly. Although his thinking speed is very fast, it is easy to think too much.

For example, in the current situation, it is obviously just a simple question from the little thing, and it may cause him to enter this state where he can't stop thinking.


Looking at the foot of Qingliang Mountain, because those who are grateful to the Xu family have come here to sow the seeds of various things for many years, this huge forest has formed today.

Even in Xu Liang'an's current state, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "This is indeed the most beautiful place in the world."

Li Dongxi was taken aback on his excited little face.

She is innocent by nature, and it seems that in her eyes, there is nothing unbearable in this world, so she lives very happily every day.

But after all, she is the daughter of the white-clothed holy monk Li Beware, and living in the Two Zen Temple every day, how could she not be influenced by half of it?

She remembered that her father once said that his mother is his Zen, so with his mother, he can practice everything in the world.

So what about His Royal Highness standing in front of him?

What is his Zen?
Thinking of this, Li Dongxi looked a little sad.Because she thought of the sister Jiang Ni she met when she was in Yuhang.

But in a blink of an eye, an excited and sincere smile appeared on her face again.

For such a perfect man as His Royal Highness, probably only that sister Jiang Ni can be worthy of him, right?
As for myself...

Although my heart is full of admiration for His Royal Highness, I have never thought about this little thing. As long as I can stand beside His Royal Highness and look at him, I will be satisfied!

"Let's go!"

Xu Liang'an's voice rang in Li Dongxi's ears.

"Take you two to try my favorite food!"

"Okay, okay!"

Whether it's Li Dongxi or Wu Nanbei, after hearing Xu Liang'an's words, their eyes lit up!The two of them were snack foodies, and this trip from the Liangchan Temple to Beiliang, although the distance was not too far with Xu Liangan's presence, they kept screaming in the sky, and they were already hungry.


Soon, when he saw the food on the table in front of him, Li Dongxi's eyes were still shining, but Wu Nanbei's eyes revealed a hint of sadness.

I was looking forward to it, but I never expected that the first meal in Beiliang would be a bowl of noodles...

As for the reason why Li Dongxi's eyes were shining, it was naturally because there was a big piece of meat on top of the big bowl of noodles!
But the problem is that he is a monk!
Of course Li Dongshi can eat these things, but he can't!


smell good!
Xu Liang'an naturally saw Wu Nanbei's appearance, and he even chose to eat the big meat noodles on purpose.

Since he voluntarily asked to bring Wu Nanbei to his side, he still had to give an explanation to Nagarjuna and Li Beware.

This world is very different from the Buddhism in his original world. Otherwise, people like Li Beware who married wives and had children and kept their wives and daughters in temples would not have such high achievements and cultivation.

So the first lesson Xu Liang'an wanted to teach Wu Nanbei was to learn to break the original rules. After all, this was very different from ordinary chanting and Zen meditation. Improving one's state of mind and cultivation was the most important thing.

Of course, this does not mean that these so-called precepts are meaningless to the monks in these temples, on the contrary, they can indeed restrain their behavior very well.

But it does not mean that the same applies to the young monk Wu Nanbei.

A narrow smile appeared on Xu Liang'an's face, and then he put his mouth close to Wu Nanbei's ear, covered it with his hand, and then said in a voice that only two people could hear:

"Anyway, if you like things, you have already violated the precepts. How do you say it? If you have too many lice, you won't be afraid of itchiness!"

It seemed that he didn't notice the little monk's ears that turned red all of a sudden, and he just continued talking on his own.

"If you don't even dare to break the precept of eating meat, how can you be with Little Things in the future? Are you going to watch her become someone else's bride?"

"Think about your master marrying wives and having children, what are you afraid of?"

Xu Liang'an's words, to Wu Nanbei now, were like whispers of a devil, constantly impacting his young heart.

But the most important problem is that if it's just a simple temptation, it's fine, but almost every word Xu Liang'an said hit the softest part of the little monk's heart.

Xu Liang'an has already put his body back, as if he had never said anything, gently peeled off a piece of garlic, then I stuffed the big meat into my mouth, took a mouthful of noodles and garlic, a delicious taste extremely look.

As for Li Dongxi on the side, he has already been completely immersed in the temptation of this delicious food.The taste of the Jiangnan area is very light. This kind of snack food has no ability to resist this kind of delicious meat with heavy ingredients.

She didn't even pay attention to Xu Liang'an and Wu Nanbei's whispering, her whole energy was completely immersed in the delicious food in front of her.

Wu Nanbei was very troubled at this moment.

He first looked left at Li Dongshi, then right at Xu Liang'an, and finally he kept his gaze on the bowl of noodles in front of him.

Smelling the aroma from the big piece of meat, he swallowed a big mouthful of saliva unconsciously.I don't know why, but I have seen other people eat meat before, but the aroma of this meat is particularly attractive today, making it very difficult for his fragile Dao Xin to resist.


It was difficult to swallow a mouthful of saliva.

I don't know why, although the example His Royal Highness Shizi gave just now is a mess, why is it so convincing?It seems that there is no thought of rejection in my heart at all?

"Everyone in my Northern Liang Palace eats meat. I won't ask someone to make a special vegetarian meal for you, so if you don't want to starve to death, you have to eat meat sooner or later. What does the Buddhist saying say? Morning Ascension to bliss, right? Since you have to do it sooner or later, why not do it now?"

Just when Wu Nanbei was fighting madly in his heart, Xu Liang'an's voice sounded again at the right time.

At this moment, the last line of psychological defense in the little monk's heart was finally destroyed.

"That's right! Wine and meat have been eaten through the intestines, and the Buddha is in my heart! If I don't eat, then I will starve to death! It's not good to be a starving ghost. If you can't go to the west, you can't reach bliss!"

But most importantly...

Taking advantage of the fact that Li Dongxi was putting all his energy on noodles and meat, and had no time to care about his eyes, Wu Nanbei secretly glanced at Li Dongxi.

Just like His Royal Highness said just now, if one day things become someone else's bride, I should be very, very sad, right?

"I definitely say don't see that happen!"

After viciously hypnotizing himself in his heart, Wu Nanbei finally picked up the chopsticks in his hand, and without a word, he directly picked up the piece of meat!

Master said that when facing an enemy, one must find a way to deal with the most powerful enemy first...


So fragrant...
The faint smile on Xu Liang'an's face may be the reason for the reincarnation of the Buddha's disciples, so Wu Nanbei's heart is not so pedantic, nor is he so stubborn.

A child who listens to persuasion is a good child. This is Xu Liang'an's biggest evaluation of Wu Nanbei.

But in the final analysis of all this, one must have a heart to pity when it is time to be sympathetic, and to kill when it is time to kill!
In fact, Xu Liang'an was consciously cultivating Wu Nanbei's state of mind.

After all, this kind of thing is not unheard of.

If he remembers correctly, in the original story.The death of the holy monk Nagarjuna was because he only read Vajra in his life, so he also cultivated a Vajra physique with strong defensive ability, but he didn't make any achievements in attacking.

This caused him to be besieged by Taoist people in Beimang and died of exhaustion. In the end, it was Li Beware who went to Beimang in a fit of anger to bring back his master's body.

As the reincarnation of a disciple of the Buddha, Wu Nanbei's understanding of Buddhism naturally need not be said. Xu Liang'an believes that things like the physique of the King Kong are as simple as eating and drinking for him, so he has never worried about it.

But there is still a big lack in the technique of attack.It wasn't because he couldn't learn the attacking technique, what kind of attacking technique could he not learn with Xu Liang'an's training?
The biggest problem is still the state of mind.

Once a person is used to compassion, it is difficult to become vicious.It's not that compassion is bad, but that the current world forces people to be vicious!
So what Xu Liang'an is doing now is actually to let Wu Nanbei learn to be more ruthless to himself from small things.

As for why he spared no effort to teach Wu Nanbei, apart from the fact that the three religions merged into one and borrowed the luck of the Buddhists of the Liangchan Temple, the more important thing was that he had a heartfelt feeling for the two children, the North, the South, and the East. like.

Maybe it's because he's used to seeing all kinds of intrigues, so this kind of rare innocence makes him feel very precious.

of course.

He also knows that the choices he forced Wu Nanbei to make are actually very cruel to Wu Nanbei who is just a child now, but this kind of thing has to be done now .

Only by laying a stable foundation for him since he was a child, will he not be able to cause too many problems due to sudden and unexpected changes when he grows up.

This is actually the same as planting a tree. Start from a seed and slowly germinate. When it is still a seedling, find and correct the problem in time, and it will not affect its future development.

But if you wait until you grow up to discover the crookedness and then correct it, it will actually be a very painful and difficult thing.

Gently put down the bowls and chopsticks in your hands.

As soon as Xu Liang'an thought about it, he looked at the street beside him, and all the expressions on his face turned into a smile that warmed people's hearts. The only person in this world who can make him smile like this is Jiang Ni. Who else?

Apparently, the white-clothed figure also saw Xu Liang'an's figure at this time, and her eyes were also full of surprises. She never expected to see Xu Liang'an's figure just after entering the city.

But in fact, all of this was naturally expected by Xu Liang'an.

The moment he broke through before, he felt the breath of the Great Liang sparrow moving from West Chu to Beiliang, so he chose to use the small world to bring the two little guys back to Beiliang quickly.

Otherwise, there is actually no need to be so anxious when you come back this trip.

"Welcome home."

Xu Liang'an's warm and gentle voice sounded.

In the world at this moment, it seems that there are only two white clothes left standing and sitting.

(End of this chapter)

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