Chapter 142 Death is not a pity, behead!

On the stone table was the good wine and good food that the servants of the palace had brought long ago, so now it was convenient for Xu Xiao and the three of them to drink and chat directly.

Gently raising the wine glass in front of him, Xu Xiao's voice was extremely dull.

"If I remember correctly, the three of us have been together for almost 20 years, haven't we sat together drinking like this?"

"That's right! Ever since we won the battle and stayed here in Beiliang, we old brothers never had the chance to drink together again."

Yan Wenluan's tone was also mixed with an inexplicable emotion.

"When I was in war, I always thought that when the war is over and the world is peaceful, I will drink and eat meat with my good brothers every day, and play with pretty girls!"

"However, I never thought that this battle will last for a lifetime, and it will never be finished at all. Until now, I have not been completely idle."

He glanced lightly at Xu Xiao and Zhong Hongwu who were sitting on both sides of him, picked up the wine glass in front of him and drank it directly, the spicy spirit entered his throat, making Yan Wenluan couldn't help grinning, and then just let out a chuckle .

"Why is the wine on Qingliang Mountain so fucking stronger than our Youzhou wine?"

"Suddenly thought that when I was a soldier, the general always said in front of everyone that you must not drink alcohol while marching and fighting, otherwise if anyone is caught by him, he will have his leg broken."

Yan Wenluan's eyes were full of remembrance, he couldn't help but look at Zhong Hongwu and scolded with a smile: "Just you boy, every time you drank secretly at that time, you were always caught by the general, but every time you The punishment is all thunder and rain, and in the end it just makes you run more and it's over."

"At that time, the brothers envied you so much, but the general always spared you."

Another sip of spirits poured into his stomach.

"It's not like that boy Chen Qiong, every time he just takes a sip of wine, as long as he smells the wine, it's a burst of military service, and he has never shown mercy."

Xu Xiao couldn't help chuckling when he heard this.

"Chen Qiong's position is quite special. He is the person who carries the big banner in Beiliang. As long as other people drink so much wine when it is not important, I will turn a blind eye to it, but he, Chen Qiong, drinks alcohol. Now, could it be that I really let a drunkard resist my Beiliang banner?"

When Chen Qiong's name was mentioned, whether it was Xu Xiao, Yan Wenluan, or Zhong Hongwu's eyes, a look of nostalgia inevitably appeared in their eyes.

Especially Zhong Hongwu, the guilt in his eyes was even worse.

At the beginning, there were two generals beside Xu Xiao, one was Yan Wenluan, and the other was Chen Qiong.

How can ordinary people be able to do a banner bearer?Because he represents the heart and soul of the army!If the banner bearer falls down, it will have a very strong impact on the morale of the entire army, and even cause the originally high morale of the army to slump instantly.

As for the person who can carry the flag in the army of Beiliang, and the person who can enter Xu Xiaofa's eyes, Chen Qiong needless to say.

Even Zhong Hongwu back then, although he was a little older than Chen Qiong, did his best to follow behind Chen Qiong and was willing to be his deputy.

If Chen Qiong hadn't sacrificed himself on the battlefield to defend Xu Xiao from the sword, it would not have been Zhong Hongwu's turn to take charge of the Beiliang cavalry.

So in fact, in a sense, the reason why Zhong Hongwu can have his current status is in a sense that he got Chen Qiong's "Yin Yin", so now I heard Xu Xiao and Yan Wenluan suddenly mentioned that Chen Qiong, Zhong Hongwu felt an unbearable shame in his heart.

"Are you ashamed now?"

Yan Wenluan looked at Zhong Hongwu with hatred.

"Before Chen Qiong died, you rushed into the enemy's battle like crazy, and fought desperately by exchanging your life. The hundred-man team on the opposite side retreated steadily. At that time, I think you will be the backbone of Beiliang in the future, boy."

"At that time, the general didn't have time to take care of Chen Qiong, and I was the only one by his side, watching his life go by my hands little by little. It's still uncomfortable for a man to ride!"

Yan Wenluan was clearly joking, but hearing Zhong Hongwu's ears were full of bitterness.

"Do you know what the last sentence Chen Qiong said to me is?"

Hearing this, Zhong Hongwu suddenly raised his head!

Before Yan Wenluan never mentioned what Chen Qiong said before he died, so he never thought about it, but he never expected that Yan Wenluan would take the initiative to mention this matter now. matter.

"Chen... what did he say?"

Originally Zhong Hongwu wanted to call out General Chen directly, but he couldn't call out anyway. He didn't want his current self to dirty Chen Qiong who had passed away.

"He says……"

The third glass of spirits poured down his throat.

Yan Wenluan's eyes were full of deep remembrance.

"He said it was a pity that he couldn't drink and chat with the general and me in the Beimang Palace. He said it was a pity that he couldn't see his son Chen Zhibao grow up. He said it was a pity that his mother-in-law was about to live a better life. It's time to be a widow."

Listening to Yan Wenluan's words, the original fire of hope in Zhong Hongwu's heart gradually extinguished. He originally thought that since Yan Wenluan now offered to bring forward Chen Qiong's last words, it must have something to do with him, but now I didn't hear even a word about myself.

Seemingly understanding the expression on his face at the moment, Yan Wenluan finally continued to speak after a slight pause.

"In the end, he specifically said to me: Hong Wuxing! Don't look at this kid who is usually reckless, but he is unambiguous in fighting. He is a man!"

After saying this, Yan Wenluan's words came to an abrupt end. He didn't mean to continue, but fixed his gaze on Zhong Hongwu.

"What else did he say!"

Zhong Hongwu naturally knew that Yan Wenluan hadn't finished the second half of the sentence, his eyes were full of eagerness, and he hoped that Yan Wenluan could tell him the last thing Chen Qiong said about him.


Yan Wenluan sighed softly, and then a look of embarrassment appeared on his face.

"Chen Qiong, please, I will take good care of you as a brother in the days to come, and I can help you when you go astray; I can also help you when you encounter any difficulties."

The fourth glass of spirits.

Yan Wenluan's complexion turned ruddy: "Damn it, everyone said that after drinking this Liangzhou cool drink, it is spicy first and then cool, how come it tastes bitter in my mouth? ?”

However, he didn't wait for the two to say anything, and instead looked very guilty.

"At that time, I clearly promised that he would take good care of you, but after going to Youzhou, as time went by, and as I was battered by the friction with those Tartars in Beimang, I slowly put this matter to rest. Forget it."

"But in fact, I always thought in my heart that no matter how bad you are, where can you go? With a general in Liangzhou, what else can Zhong Hongwu do wrong?"

"I was wrong after all."

The fifth glass of spirits was brought to his mouth, but Yan Wenluan did not drink it after all, but slowly put the wine glass back on the stone table.


Zhong Hongwu obviously didn't take a sip of wine, but his face was extremely ruddy, all because of the shame in his heart after hearing Yan Wenluan's words.

Chen Qiong.

This name had a great influence on me when I was young, since when did I gradually forget this name?

If Yan Wenluan hadn't mentioned it today, would he still remember what Chen Qiong said to him back then, and what he promised Chen Qiong back then?
"That's it!"

The fourth cup of spirits finally slipped into Yan Wenluan's throat.

"What's the point of talking about these things now? It's too late, but I don't know how to face my old brothers after I, Yan Wenluan, die."

"Brother Yan!"

Zhong Hongwu finally could no longer bear the guilt and pressure in his heart.

Kneeling directly on the ground with a plop, he lowered his head deeply, with a deep sob in his tone.

"I was wrong...I was wrong! I was wrong!"

A soft sob turned into a wail.

"I don't know how I became what I am now! I was wrong! I was really wrong! I'm sorry General Chen! I'm sorry General! I'm sorry Brother Yan!"

Whether it was Xu Xiao or Yan Wenluan, listening to Zhong Hongwu's words, there was deep regret in their eyes.

How high-spirited was Zhong Hongwu in the past?He is also a warrior who can conquer the battlefield!Being able to hand over the most valued cavalry in Beiliang to him is enough to show Xu Xiao's trust in his ability!

But all the things he did really broke everyone's heart.

"How are you doing, and how does it relate to others?"

At this moment, a cold voice came from the direction of the entrance of the small courtyard.

"It was never Uncle Chen, Uncle Yan, or Xu Xiao that you were sorry! You were sorry for yourself! You were sorry for the thousands of people in Lingzhou! You don't know what is wrong with you until now. place!"

Xu Liang'an listened at the door for a long time, feeling very boring.

Of course he knew and understood that there was an extraordinary friendship between the three people in the small courtyard. On the battlefield, they were all able to entrust their absolute trust to each other!

But understanding does not mean that he agrees with or accepts the scene at the moment.

From the bottom of his heart, Xu Liang'an felt that "guilty" was not enough to describe Zhong Hongwu. Unforgivable and heinous were the most appropriate descriptions for him.

He originally thought that after Yan Wenluan said so much, Zhong Hongwu could understand what he meant.But obviously Zhong Hongwu did not, until after Yan Wenluan finished speaking, the most important point Zhong Hongwu paid attention to was still that he was sorry for Xu Xiao and Yan Wenluan.

Even, to put it bluntly, what he cares about is Chen Qiong, who has been away for many years.

After hearing Xu Liang'an's words, Zhong Hongwu's body with his head bowed kept shaking.

"Hong Wu!"

Xu Xiao sighed lightly.

"Why have you lived such an old age, and you can't even figure out such a simple thing? Wen Luan and I can't live long, so what can you do if you are sorry for us? Or is it because our brother Are you sitting here just because you are sorry for Wen Luan, me, Chen Qiong and the others for what you have done?"

"Could it be that at this moment, you haven't thought about those people in Lingzhou? Those families who were originally happy but were torn apart because of you? Those veterans who stayed in Lingzhou because they trusted you?"

There was complete disappointment in Xu Xiao's tone.

He never expected that even at this moment, Zhong Hongwu didn't even understand why he appeared here, why Yan Wenluan would sit here.

Zhong Hongwu didn't speak, just knelt on the ground with his head down.

Xu Xiao and Yan Wenluan first glanced at each other, and then shifted their gazes to Zhong Hongwu. Xu Xiao's eyes could no longer read any emotion, and there was only endless calm. From this moment, he seemed to be truly The "human slaughter" North Liang Wang Xu Xiao should have been restored.

Wu stood up, didn't look at Zhong Hongwu again, and walked out of the small courtyard together with Yan Wenluan who also stood up next to him.

Just a word came out lightly.

"General Zhong Hongwu of Huaihua oppressed the people, squeezed the people's fat and anointment, was lawless, embezzled and accepted bribes, formed cliques for personal gain, and will be punished immediately!"

"There are 120 people in Zhong's family. Anyone who participates in the above-mentioned incidents will be executed! The rest will be expelled from Beiliang and will never enter the territory of Beiliang! Anyone who violates the order will be executed!"

Zhong Hongwu, who had been completely prostrate on the ground when the two got up, finally couldn't support his body anymore after hearing Xu Xiao's last words, and passed out directly.

He knew that not only him, but the entire Zhong family was ruined!

Where did the exile come from?
Except for those infants, girls and children in the family, who else has not participated in the things that the Zhong family has done?

So in fact, there is no option of exile at all!

As for the remaining children of the Zhong family, without the protection of their parents and the umbrella of the "Zhong family", it would be a big problem for them to survive.

So even though Zhong Hongwu was still alive at this time, his heart was ashamed and he no longer had any courage to live.

"If you harm others, you will end up harming yourself, and if you harm others, you will end up harming yourself! Hahahahahaha!"

Zhong Hongwu, who was lying on the ground, suddenly stood up from the ground, screaming like crazy, and the breath of the second-rank martial artist on his body escaped uncontrollably, blowing into the small courtyard. The flowers and plants are staggering.

But the moment all the Qi machines were about to escape outside the small courtyard, they were blocked by a powerful force, and instantly melted and dissipated without a trace.

Xu Liang'an, who had just sent Xu Xiao and Yan Wenluan to the Tide Tide Pavilion, looked back in the direction of the small courtyard where Zhong Hongwu was feeling, his eyes were extremely indifferent.

A person like Zhong Hongwu insists on driving himself to a dead end step by step. On the surface, he looks remorseful, but in fact he doesn't know where he is wrong in the end.

This kind of person is not a pity to die.

(End of this chapter)

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