Chapter 144 Unrepairable Broken Porcelain

Wealth moves people's hearts.

And for Tuoba Bodhisattva, who doesn't care about wealth at all, and only cares about martial arts, strong strength is the best inducer for him.

Even if the immortal who gave him the power didn't say much himself, he took the initiative to ask whether he should sacrifice others to make himself more powerful.

Tuoba Bodhisattva is very paranoid.

He only has one obsession in his heart now, and that is to defeat Xu Liang'an, then turn him into a plaything in his hands, and ravage Xu Liang'an to death.

And his purpose of coming to Liyang was naturally because he wanted to confuse Zhao Dun, the old emperor of Liyang. As long as he could persuade Liyang to join him in dealing with Xu Liang'an, then Tuoba Bodhisattva would be sure of victory at this time.

As for the hatred between Bei Mang and Li Yang...

There are only eternal interests and no eternal enemies.

The relationship between Tuoba Bodhisattva and Zhao Dun is now like this. They were originally destined to kill each other, but now they can cooperate because of Xu Liang'an.

It can only be said that Zhao Dun has been in a high position for many years after all, and from the few words of Tuoba Bodhisattva, he can also analyze the real purpose of the other party's coming to him this time, so he recovered from the previous panic state.

Narrowing his eyes slightly, the old emperor forcibly suppressed his inner excitement.

"how do you want to do it?"


There was a relaxed smile on Tuoba Bodhisattva's face.

"Gather all the high-level forces that you Liyang can deploy now, and fight for me!"

"At that time, I will take the initiative to seduce Xu Liang'an, you just need to send someone to ambush in secret, and leave the rest to me."

"in addition……"

A gloomy look suddenly appeared on his face, and the fierce light in his eyes was like a wolf who had seen the most delicious food in the world.

"I need you to provide me with [-] ordinary people!"

"Ten thousand ordinary people?"

The old emperor Zhao Dun was full of doubts in his heart. He couldn't understand why he was talking about ambush Xu Liang'an, so he suddenly got involved with ordinary people.Although he is not a practitioner, he also knows that the existence of Xu Liang'an's level is simply not something ordinary people can fight against, and even 1 people are meaningless at all.

"I need their lives to increase my strength."


Looking at Tuoba Bodhisattva in front of him, saying such words in such a calm tone, the old emperor Zhao Dun was so shocked that he almost slipped off his dragon chair.

Although it is true that he has no flaws to care about the lives of ordinary people at all, this is still his Liyang people after all, and if the number is small, he can still accept it.Ketuoba Bodhisattva could easily reach 1 people when he opened his mouth, which was a great spiritual shock to him.

"Aren't you afraid that God will punish you for doing this?"

After all, Zhao Dun said such a sentence out of nowhere.

"God punish me?"

Tuoba Bodhisattva couldn't help laughing out loud, even a few tears appeared in the corners of both eyes because of the wild laughter.

If it were him before, it would be impossible for him to have such a frivolous temperament, but even he himself didn't know that what he obtained through sacrifice was not only the improved strength, but also his mind had been greatly affected invisibly. big impact.

As for the state of mind and physique that was originally flawless, it was completely shattered by Xu Liang'an in the Yuhang battle. When the immortal who promised him benefits gave him these benefits, he was not willing to consume his own strength. Repair the body and mind of Tuoba Bodhisattva.

in other words.

He is an out-and-out "crazy" now, but it happens to be the kind of psychopath with very strong strength.

The current Tuoba Bodhisattva seems to be powerful, but in fact he is now like a precious porcelain that was broken and glued together forcibly. A very powerful restoration master used some method to repair the cracks on the outside. But in fact, the internal damage is simply impossible to be as intact as before.

This is also the root cause of his current temperament change. It seems that he is still the original Tuoba Bodhisattva, but in fact there is a big difference from before.

And what Zhao Dun said was a great stimulus to him.

"God gave me this kind of power. If I do this, will God punish me?!"

After that, he looked up to the sky and laughed again.

"How do you think I have jumped from the initial stage of the terrestrial fairy realm to the current heavenly realm of the great consummation, and even half of my body has entered another fascinating realm?"

When he said these words, Tuoba Bodhisattva's tone was somewhat proud and yearning, but most of all was a kind of fanaticism that Zhao Dun could not understand at all.

"It is God who gave me this power! It is they who guide the immortals in the sky, so that these ordinary people who have no power to bind chickens can exert the most powerful power in their humble and insignificant life. That is to become the nourishment of my strength and help I have reached a higher level!"

Listening to Tuoba Bodhisattva's non-stop narration, Zhao Dun's heart sank more and more.

Tuoba Bodhisattva, the emperor of Liyang, knew him very well. Originally, he only wanted to join hands with him to get rid of Xu Liang'an. For Liyang and himself, it was naturally the best choice.

But now his thinking has been greatly shaken.

Zhao Dun never thought that Tuoba Bodhisattva would be in such a state now, and from his words, it can be judged that his state has a lot to do with the immortals in the sky?
This made Zhao Dun feel even more chilled.

But even so, it couldn't cover up his hatred and fear for Xu Liang'an!
Right now, this is a scene composed of three parties, Liyang, Beiliang, Beimang, or more specifically, the old emperor Zhao Dun, Xu Liang'an, and Tuoba Bodhisattva!
Originally, the three parties should be in a mutual check situation, but now Xu Liang'an's family dominates, Zhao Dun is the weakest person, and now the other party offers to cooperate, it is impossible for him to refuse no matter what.

As for Tuoba Bodhisattva's current state, Zhao Dun didn't care after thinking about it, as long as he could kill Xu Liang'an, it was the most important thing for him now!
"Okay, I will order people to prepare 1 people for you, but you can't do what you want to do in Jiangnan Road, these 1 people must die in your territory of Beimang or Beiliang!"

Naturally, it is impossible for Zhao Dun to simply ask Tuoba Bodhisattva to sacrifice ten thousand people in the territory of Liyang. After all, this is a very large number. Things are prone to happen beyond his control.

After all, paper cannot contain fire.

(End of this chapter)

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