Chapter 154

"Sir, you don't have to be so serious."

Xu Liang'an still smiled lightly and waved his hands.

"Although I proposed all of these, I don't know how long it will take to achieve your vision, and I am not a person who likes to ask specific things, so in the future I have to rely on my husband to take care of me, which makes me feel so ashamed."

What Xu Liang'an said is very clear, that is, he will definitely be a hands-off shopkeeper in the future, maybe he can lead the general direction, but he will not intervene in the specific operation.

And that sentence of shame is indeed the thought in his heart.

After all, no matter what, although Lin Cangyun's lifespan will be greatly extended after reaching the realm of Confucianism and sagehood, after all, the things to be done are exhausting and laborious, and the efforts may not be thankful.

It is indeed a burden for this old gentleman to do this kind of thing for Lin Cangyun, who has studied books all his life to reach this level.

However, Lin Cangyun's expression was meticulous, but he still said to Xu Liang'an seriously: "The purpose of my study is to save the common people from the fire and water, although it seems that this kind of vision is very grand, even if you say it bluntly Very delusional, but many things would never have been true if no one had done them."

A wry smile appeared on his face.

"In the past, even if I wanted to do such a thing, I didn't have any chance at all. Now that the sage gave me this opportunity, what else can I say? Just do it with your heart, and you will definitely not disappoint the sage. trust."

Xu Liang'an knew that every word the old man said was from his heart, so he didn't have to persuade him any more, and just looked at the attic buildings in the distant school.

"The prosperous age is not easy!"

"Speaking of it, this is actually the only good thing that the Zhao family in Liyang has done. It is to unify the world as much as possible in the troubled times, so that the people of the world will at least not be disturbed by the flames of war every day. People's lives are still unsatisfactory, but at least there is no need to worry about being safe and sound like a dream at night, but when you wake up, you are dead and even your own children are gone."

Lin Cangyun next to him was deeply convinced.

The biggest truth that reading taught him is the perspective of looking at things. There is no absolute right or absolute wrong. Everything has its two sides.

Even for the young saint Xu whom he respects very much in his heart, the dragon slaying technique he put forward is indeed a point of view with cross-age significance, but if it is really implemented, it may indeed cause great harm to the world in a short period of time. Certainly bothering.

But this is also a place where the pros and cons need to be weighed. If the benefits that can be generated by the result of this matter far outweigh the disadvantages caused by doing this matter, then there is nothing to hesitate, just go Just do it!Otherwise, wouldn't you really have complied with the four words "stand still and be complacent"?
Lin Cangyun only hopes that the predecessors will plant trees and the descendants will enjoy the shade, and that what they are doing now can bring enough benefits to tens of thousands of descendants in future generations.

And Xu Liang'an continued.

"It is often said that it is easy to start a family but difficult to keep a business. In fact, it is not like this in Liyang? And it is not just Liyang! I think Mr. Lin must have heard about Zhong Hongwu in Beiliang. His whole heart is to bring a good life to the people, but after he settled down, he was also corrupted by power and interests, and in the end he became what he hated the most."

"Most people in the world are like this!"

Youyou let out a long sigh.

The clouds on the other side seemed to have sensed the emotion in Xu Liang'an's heart at this time. Clouds began to gather in the originally clear sky, covering the sunlight and casting a huge shadow on the ground.

Xu Liang'an looked up, then chuckled and then waved his hand to disperse the clouds that had just gathered.

"But it is precisely because of this that it is necessary for you people to exist."

"I don't know what long-cherished wish Mr. Lin has?"

Xu Liang'an changed the subject, and looked at Lin Cangyun next to him in high spirits. After hearing his question, the latter was stunned for a moment, but soon his eyes were filled with endless longing.

"of course."

"My parents are the most ordinary farmers. In the turbulent era, not to mention filling the stomach, even living is a luxury."

"I have been farming with my parents for our landlord since I was a child, and my family of six barely survived. At that time, I didn't even know about reading. How can this be a luxury that people like me can have?"

Speaking of this, Lin Cangyun's eyes showed a deep sadness.

"Afterwards, it was a cliché story of being displaced because of the chaos of the war. I was completely separated from my parents, siblings and sisters. When I found them again, they had already died under the flames of war."

"At that time, I was just ten years old, and I have no family since then. If the master of the school who happened to pass by hadn't shown mercy and brought me back to the school, maybe I would have died in a foreign land long ago."

"But it is precisely because of this that I vowed to read books! I want to read my own way and use my own power to change!"

A rare look of shame appeared on the old man's face, and he looked at Xu Liang'an beside him with some embarrassment: "When one gets old, it's easy to remember those things when one was young, but it's a joke for the sage."

But what Lin Cangyun didn't expect was that after listening to his words, Xu Liang'an's face not only did not have any so-called "joke" expression, but was full of seriousness and seriousness.

Then I heard him say: "Mr. is able to be such a pure scholar because of these experiences. It is a blessing to have Mr. sitting in the academy now."

"I only hope that we can really build thousands of mansions, sheltering the world's poor and happy!"

Xu Liangan said this before when he was in Yuhang, and Lin Cangyun did not hesitate to regard it as his reading creed after it was passed on to the academy, and now he heard Xu Liangan say this again in person, But there is another completely different feeling in my heart.

He bowed to Xu Liang'an with a serious expression.

"It is a blessing to have saints in this world."

Xu Liang'an shook his head with a wry smile.

In a strict sense, he is actually selfish.Everything he did was because he wanted the world to become what he saw, not because people like Lin Cangyun really deserved the word "selfless". The result is the same, but there is still a fundamental difference in motivation.

"This world has never been dominated by any one person. A hundred schools of thought contend, and a hundred schools of thought contend for success. It is precisely for this reason that this world is exciting enough."

Xu Liang'an smiled casually, and the thoughts in his heart just now disappeared with the wind in a blink of an eye.

"The reason why this world is wonderful is because it is a vivid world composed of every flesh and blood person, and no one can do without anyone."

Traffickers, peasant women, merchants and postmen...

It is precisely because of these various people that there are more interesting stories in this world.

Thinking of this, Xu Liang'an only felt that his thoughts became incomparably clear in an instant. He had been in a state of mind that had never made any progress after entering the realm of immortality, but now he had a vague tendency to take a step forward!

Xu Liang'an's expression froze for a moment, and before he even had time to say anything to Lin Cangyun, his body disappeared in place!

He didn't choose to go to other places, but first used the power of the small world to wrap himself up, and then sank directly into the big lake in front of him.

The pressure of [-] tons of lake water can't have any impact on Xu Liang'an's small world at all.

He just sat cross-legged at the bottom of the lake, and continued to think along with the sentiment that happened to him just now.

For him who has reached his current level, even a trace of this brand-new understanding is not easy to come by. Although Xu Fengnian and Xu Longxiang continue to practice and return him with extra cultivation, their relationship with Xu Liang'an The gap in strength between them is too big, and the repairs returned are just a drop in the bucket for Xu Liang'an today, and they won't have much effect at all.

Now that Xu Liang'an wants to improve his cultivation, he can only rely on his own groping.

Because no one had ever reached this level before him, and all Xu Liang'an's understanding of this level came from the original story.

Is the realm of longevity between heaven and man the end point for monks in the world?
Xu Liang'an didn't know.

If there are other realms waiting for him after the realm of immortality, how can he reach that realm?What kind of power does that realm possess?Xu Liang'an still doesn't know!

Now he is equivalent to crossing a river with stones, but it is still in a place where the water is rushing!So he has to be careful with every step, otherwise, even if he just takes a wrong step, there is a great possibility that he will fall into a place of eternal doom!

The same reason.

As long as he takes even a small step in the right direction, it will definitely be a huge improvement for him.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for him to miss this rare realization today!
above the lake.

After Xu Liang'an suddenly disappeared, Lin Cangyun was startled, but then realized that there must be a very important reason for Xu Liang'an's departure at this time.

Because of the respect for Xu Liang'an in his heart, he did not choose to leave this place, but simply sat down cross-legged on the same spot, then took out an ancient book from his arms, and read it with relish.


The entire Liyang is now undercurrent.

The sudden death of the old emperor Zhao Dun didn't really matter to ordinary people. To them, it was just another person in that position, and it didn't affect their lives at all.

But when there was no news about the new emperor's ascension to the throne, and there were even rumors that there was no Zhao family in the palace at this time, the limelight began to go wrong.

Although the vast majority of people are still watching the changes, there are already many people who are spreading the word that the original royal family has long since ceased to exist!

In other words, the huge Liyang is now a thing without an owner!

It is inevitable that there will be some people with their own small thoughts.

Yang Zhijian said that he was very tired.

As the commander of the imperial city guards, after the lame old man left, he did not choose to leave. Instead, he stuck to his post and continued to patrol on time every day.

But after these two days, he has discovered that five groups of people want to get into the palace. Yang Zhijian doesn't know the specific purpose of the other party's visit. Perhaps it is to inquire about information in the palace, or it may be to collect There are some rumors, so I want to go deep into the palace to steal the treasure.

But these are not important to Yang Zhijian.

The duty he must uphold is to absolutely not allow anyone to enter the palace from outside the palace gate.

"Pull these people out of the palace gate and behead them for public display!"

Wielding the long knife in his hand to deal with another batch of intruders, Yang Zhijian's eyes did not show any fluctuations. Ever since he found out that the first two batches had been let go, but they still got worse and wanted to enter the palace, he simply sent everyone to the palace. All beheaded on the spot.

As the commander of the imperial guards in the imperial city, he also has the strength of the Celestial Phenomena Realm, otherwise he would not be entrusted with this important task.

Those who dare to come to the palace, the highest Yang Zhijian has encountered so far is only a third-rank martial artist. For him, a martial artist of this level is no different from delivering food.

And those who were beheaded for public display were not the first batch. Now there are more than a dozen corpses whose heads had been beheaded hanging outside the inner city wall of the imperial city.

But these people still want to come to the imperial city like crazy, this is what Yang Zhijian finds it very incomprehensible.

Although warriors are admiring martial arts, they can grow rapidly through constant fighting and tempering, but it does not mean that they should not spare their lives, and the actions of these people only sent a signal to Yang Zhijian, that is, they seemed not to take Take your own life!


This was Yang Zhijian's initial feeling, but then he realized that the behavior of these people must be because of their strong purpose.

But after searching the bodies of these people, without exception, no clues were found. In order to conceal their identities, these people even burned their faces beyond recognition in advance, and there was nothing to check.

However, this organized and premeditated behavior of the other party sounded a wake-up call for Yang Zhijian. He gathered all the remaining troops in the palace, and changed from the original six-hour shift to the current three-hour shift. The purpose is to keep every inspection team in the peak state as possible.

The reason why he didn't leave at this time was because of Yang Zhijian's duty as the commander of the imperial guards, but he really didn't want to see his brothers make unnecessary sacrifices at this time.

not worth it.

(End of this chapter)

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