Chapter 156 Then let the world see

Since Zhong Hongwu's death, almost all of Beiliang's military force fell on Yan Wenluan alone.

The greater role played by Liangzhou today is actually the use of the center, mainly to meet the needs of various parties. People like Chu Lushan have all moved from Liangzhou and Lingzhou to Youzhou. , the purpose is naturally to prepare in advance for the next big battle.

At present, only Chen Zhibao is still leading troops to station in Lingzhou. Naturally, he is the person with the strongest comprehensive strength. It is most suitable for him to be in charge of guarding the south in case there are any changes in the Western Regions or Nanzhao. a choice.

So now Yan Wenluan actually has some headaches, because he has dealt with infantry all his life, and he really hasn't dabbled too much in cavalry. gap.

"Damn it! This dastardly Zhong Hongwu has led soldiers all his life, why didn't he even leave any soldier guidebook?" Looking at most of the cavalry in front of him, Yan Wenluan couldn't help but curse secretly.

These cavalry were originally Zhong Hongwu's old troops. Although they had been familiar with their own training methods through long-term training, they only knew themselves, and they didn't have an overall planning method at all. Now Yan Wenluan can only reverse and restore various battle formations and training methods through the training of these people.

Although it is not that he has no clue, it is still difficult for Yan Wenluan who is only good at infantry formation.

"Hehe, Uncle Yan is a little angry."

An abrupt voice sounded in Yan Wenluan's ears. He was startled and then looked directly at his side angrily: "Why don't you come and try, there are hundreds of thousands more cavalry all of a sudden, how could it be What simple thing?"

The person who came was naturally Xu Liang'an, Yan Wenluan didn't have any superfluous thoughts about Xu Liang'an, he simply regarded him as his good brother's son and his eldest nephew.As for how high Xu Liang'an's cultivation base is, in Yan Wenluan's words, what's the use of being taller?Are you capable of stabbing me in the head?

But on the contrary, it was his attitude that made Xu Liang'an feel very comfortable.Now except for the people in his family in Qingliang Mountain, the attitude towards him is still the same as before. No matter where he goes, he always faces the respectful attitude of others. This is actually not what Xu Liang'an wants, but sometimes he He also had to maintain his power, which in itself made him feel very tired.

So actually Xu Liang'an really likes this way of getting along with Yan Wenluan.

He smiled cheerfully.

"Then I can't do this kind of thing. It's called specialization in art. Looking at this kind of thing in Beiliang, only you, Uncle Yan, can do it."

"Don't put a high hat on me, boy."

Yan Wenluan still had that sulky look.

"How many catties and ounces do I have, don't I know? I don't have much talent in cavalry. Otherwise, how can I let that brat Zhong Hongwu snatch the position of cavalry commander from me?"

"Okay, let's not talk about this, why did you come to me today?"

Yan Wenluan's eyes were full of curiosity.

"Of course I'm here to solve Uncle Yan's worries and problems, and share some of the pressure for you! If Uncle Yan is not happy, then I'll leave first."

Regarding Xu Liang'an's obvious joke in the second half, Yan Wenluan pretended that he didn't hear it.

"Solve my problems? How do you solve my problems? Did you send me a talent who can help me train my troops, or did you just flatten Bei Mang yourself? Save my old bones and continue to torment?"

"Neither of course."

Xu Liang'an laughed happily.

"I've already negotiated with Gu Jiantang. From now on, Beiliang and Liyang will completely unite to fight against Beimang, so there is not much time left for Uncle Yan."

"Bah bah bah!"

After hearing Xu Liang'an's words, Yan Wenluan pouted a few times with a look of disgust on his face: "Why do you feel so unlucky listening to your boy?"

But then he said with a serious face: "Is what you said true? Can you be sure that Gu Jiantang can sincerely stand in the united front with us? Otherwise, I can't trust him [-]%."

"Don't worry, Uncle Yan."

"Gu Jiantang doesn't have any conflict of interest with us. He may have his own petty thoughts, but I've already promised him enough rewards that he won't do any petty tricks. As long as he's not a fool, he won't do anything he shouldn't do. matter."

Is Gu Jiantang stupid?Of course not stupid!

Of course Xu Liang'an knew that Gu Jiantang could definitely trust [-]% in the joint settlement of Bei Mang's matter, but if he had to explain something to Yan Wenluan, it would inevitably be troublesome, so Xu Liang'an simply went straight to Said that he promised to give the other party enough benefits.

After all, as long as there are enough interests, a relationship can be well maintained. This kind of relationship does not require him to say anything. How can Yan Wenluan, an old man who has lived his whole life, not understand this truth?
"Okay, since you said that, then I won't think about it any more, but when you talk about joining forces with Gu Jiantang, what exactly do you mean?"

"I plan to completely combine the Beiliang Army with the current Liyang Army!"

Xu Liang'an made a decision that surprised Yan Wenluan: "Completely blend together?" Yan Wenluan's tone was full of disbelief.

First, he looked Xu Liang'an up and down, and then Yan Wenluan opened his mouth again: "Are you planning to hand over all our Beiliang old friends directly?"

Whether it's his Yanzi Battalion, or the respective "Zi" Battalions directly led by Xu Xiao's adoptive sons, including the most powerful Snow Dragon Cavalry in Beiliang, they hold the core secrets of Beiliang cavalry battles and foot battles. Now, since Xu Liang'an said that he wanted to completely integrate with Gu Jiantang, he was undoubtedly ready to hand over Beiliang's core secrets.


Xu Liang'an nodded slightly.

"Why is it that I, Beiliang, are stronger than Beimang in both cavalry and foot combat, but I have not been able to step into Beimang for so many years?"

"In the final analysis, it is because of the number of people!"

"Although my Beiliang is powerful in warfare, it is restricted by the region. As a result, the total population has never been able to increase. In addition, in order to reclaim wasteland and recuperate, I have never forcibly recruited soldiers into the camp, so there is no way to form enough to suppress Beimang. side power."

"But Liyang is different. The most important thing they lack is people! Even because of the old emperor's stupidity, natural disasters appeared in Liyang and even Jiangnan Road. How many people were displaced? For their livelihood, they will choose to join the army, and they have accumulated quite a large number over the years."

Listening to Xu Liang'an's words, Yan Wenluan kept nodding from the side.He is naturally very clear about this reason, because this is also the most aggrieved thing in the hearts of all Beiliang generals. If they were given enough numbers, they would have already driven down and led troops deep into the hinterland of Beimang. Will it just be like it is now?
Gently waving his hand, the veteran's face was full of disappointment at the moment.

"At the end of the day, we old guys are not good enough, otherwise how could we let those little bastards in Beimang go wild for so many years?"

"Uncle Yan's words are wrong."

Xu Liang'an smiled, he never felt that there was anything wrong with what soldiers like Yan Wenluan did: "I still remember when I came to Beiliang with my family when I was a child, how desolate the whole Beiliang was?"

"For so many years, Beiliang has been able to develop into the prosperous scene it is today. Cities and cities have sprung up from the yellow land. In my opinion, Uncle Yan and you are responsible for the majority of these achievements."

This is not Xu Liang'an's deliberate flattery, but the most real thought in his heart.

It seems that Beiliang has been able to make these ordinary people live very easily these years, but in fact it is still thanks to Yan Wenluan and the others.

When they were entrusted to Beiliang, it could almost be described as a desolate place. How could Beimang miss this opportunity?
Although Xu Liang'an didn't see the scene at that time with his own eyes, in Xu Xiao's words, it was almost twelve hours a day, and there were almost seven or eight hours when both sides fought!There is no chance to breathe at all.

For Bei Mang, it was just the best time for them to defeat Xu Xiao at that time.

As far as Beiliang is concerned, it is the time when everything is waiting to be rejuvenated. The people need to settle down and the city needs to be built. If the border defense line is breached by Beimang, the people of Beiliang will have no time to escape. There is only one fate waiting for them. , That is to be ruthlessly massacred by Bei Mang.

One can imagine the pressure Yan Wenluan was under at that time.

In fact, Xu Xiao planned to let Zhong Hongwu guard Youzhou and Yan Wenluan guard Lingzhou in the three places of Beiliang at the beginning. He also wanted to make his old brother feel more relaxed, but he couldn't resist Yan Wenluan's repeated demands. This finally made him go to Youzhou.

And Yan Wenluan's reason back then was also very simple and rude, that is, if he didn't kill the Northern Mang Tartars for a day, he would be so uncomfortable that he couldn't sleep.

In the end, Xu Xiao still failed to change Yan Wenluan's mind, and assigned him to the north of Beiliang.And what Yan Wenluan has done in these years is indeed as he said in the past, he personally trains troops every day, and has never been delayed for a day, and he will go to the field in person every time he fights.

For so many years, countless scars have been left on his body, such as arrow wounds, knife wounds, falls, superficial wounds, penetrating wounds...the number of various scars is beyond count, but Yan Wenluan has never complained even a word.

So no matter from which angle you look at it, Xu Liang'an's compliment is definitely worthy of him!
But even so, Yan Wenluan still shook his head lightly: "If it weren't for the people of Beiliang who have been diligently reclaiming wasteland for so many years and providing us with food and clothing, how can we people not have any worries? to fight those Northern Mang Tartars?"

What Yan Wenluan said was also from his own heart.

How did Beiliang survive that difficult environment?It depends on what he just said, someone is willing to dedicate his life to fight the enemy on the front line, and buy enough time for the rear to develop.

And the people in the rear didn't feel that everything was right because of this, and they built and cultivated day and night.The purpose is to provide as many resources as possible for the people on the front line, so that they don't have to worry about food and clothing.

Therefore, for Yan Wenluan, it is not so much about who deserves the most credit, but rather about mutual support and mutual achievement. Without either party, Beiliang would not be what it is today.

"However, dying on the battlefield still hurts more after all."

This time, Xu Liang'an did not follow the old man's thoughts, but insisted on his own opinion. Even his tone showed an unconcealable sense of sadness.

"Three years!"

His eyes suddenly turned to the distance, the border between Beiliang and Beimang.

"At that time, when I first saw the statistics on the number of people killed in Shacheng by my Beiliang Army Zhongerlang in the past three years, I even thought I was wrong!"

"13 people died in three years!"

"But how many people were there in Beiliang at that time? How many soldiers were there?"

Xu Liang'an's expression was a little downcast. The reason why he memorized this number so clearly was naturally because the shock he received after seeing this string of numbers was really too great!

Perhaps for the collision between two powerful plates, these 13 people are actually not particularly many, but you must know that they did not die in a large-scale frontal conflict, but that Beiliang and Beimang did not die in the first three years. On intermittent small battlefields and small frictions.

The sacrifice of more than 13 people means that more than a hundred people die every day outside this new hometown where their names are written with great difficulty!

This is undoubtedly cruel, extremely cruel!

Yan Wenluan was also silent, this old general who had fought all his life, actually wanted to pretend to be relaxed in front of Xu Liang'an and say: "Is there anyone who survives a war?" But after he choked up a few words, , I found myself unable to say such words after all.

He also looked into the distance like Xu Liang'an, and seemed to vaguely see those old brothers who had been by his side all the time, smiling at him one by one.

"These things may be the price. If you want to live a good life, you have to pay some price. Otherwise, how can there be so many good things in this world, and let us all pay for them?"

Xu Liang'an was in a daze, and didn't immediately answer Yan Wenluan's question.

For him, because he has never really been on the battlefield, he is not qualified to say that he can empathize with many things. For example, he simply cannot understand what Yan Wenluan is thinking at this time.

But now he can always participate in changing these things.

Bingbing Beimang, at least for a certain period of time, people in this world no longer need to worry about being disturbed by the war. This is Xu Liangan's wish to be fulfilled.

"Let the world see."

(End of this chapter)

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