Zongwu: Kill the prince? !I break the gate of heaven with one sword

Chapter 158 The day of destruction is not far away!

Chapter 158 The day of destruction is not far away!
In short.

Not only the court, but the whole world at this time was in shock because of the series of changes that took place in Liyang after the death of the old emperor Zhao Dun.

Especially Beimang at this time.

Northern Mang Palace.

The beautiful Empress Murong stretched out her beautiful hands and gently rubbed her temples. Her long hair, which was originally coiled meticulously like a waterfall, now also fell down a few strands.

On the table in front of her, there are the troop movements that Liyang and Beiliang have carried out at their respective borders these days.

With Empress Murong's great talent and general plan, how could she fail to see the intentions of these two places?

But at this time, she was as if her hands and feet were bound by someone, and she couldn't make any good countermeasures at all.

The death of Tuoba Bodhisattva was definitely a fatal blow to the entire Beimang, because he was not only the person with the highest cultivation level in Beimang, but also his identity as the military god of Beimang.

The word "Military God" is naturally more than just a simple title. Tuoba Bodhisattva is almost equivalent to the Dinghai God Needle in the hearts of everyone in Beimang.

The fall of the Dinghaishen Needle now undoubtedly has an unparalleled impact on everyone.

Normally, even if Tuoba Bodhisattva did not appear during a battle, those Beimang people knew that their army god was sitting behind them, and their hearts would be filled with infinite courage.

And now.

The death of Tuoba Bodhisattva can be described by more than the four words "people's panic" for all Beimang people?

They completely lost the most important spiritual pillar!
"Everyone, let's talk about what you think about the current actions of Beiliang and Liyang?"

The air pressure in the hall was extremely low, everyone's mood was extremely depressed, and the expressions on their faces became more and more serious.

If it were in the past, after hearing the words of their own empress, everyone would rush to answer enthusiastically, but this time they all just lowered their heads and said nothing, even fearing that they would be the one who was called out to ask questions.

But what surprised them was that this extremely quiet situation lasted for a long while, and Empress Murong, who was sitting on the throne, remained silent, as if she was not at all angry that no one answered her question .

If it were in the past, this kind of daring not to respond to her behavior would definitely arouse Empress Murong's anger, but in the current situation, she just looked at her highness and ministers and sighed lightly.

"I know that the fall of General Tuoba must be an unacceptable thing for you all, but are we going to sit and wait for death because of this? You may wish to think about it, if this Beimang is really killed by Liyang and Beiliang is broken, what should you people do?"

Empress Murong's tone, which was originally full of softness, suddenly turned cold after saying the previous words.

"Are you expecting Xu Lizi to let you go, or are you expecting Gu Jiantang from Liyang to spare your life?"

When the word "Xu Xiao" was mentioned, an extremely complicated expression appeared in the eyes of the empress.Her feelings for Xu Xiao are not a secret at all to those who know the past. Even when she was young, she was very envious of the woman in white who followed Xu Xiao and gave birth to his children.

But what she couldn't let go of was the power in her own hands, otherwise she would have had better choices when she was young.

But it doesn't make much sense to talk about it now.

Being able to lead this group of rebellious people in Bei Mang as a woman, Empress Murong's methods are powerful, but even if she is as strong as her, she is now in deep helplessness and despair.

From the news of Tuoba Bodhisattva's death to Beimang, to Beiliang and Liyang's joint action, it took only a few days, and there was no time for her to react too much.

Coupled with a series of negative effects after the death of Tuoba Bodhisattva, the morale of the entire army in Beimang was even lowered. At this time, it was difficult to immediately find a person who could replace Tuoba Bodhisattva.

A group of dragons has no leader, no matter how powerful the Beimang cavalry is, without the leader, how can they compete with the Beiliang cavalry who are no less powerful than them?

For the entire Beimang, the seemingly calm lake surface has already been raging, and if one is not careful, it will directly fall into a place of eternal doom!There is no longer any possibility of turning over.

As for the fate of her, the empress of Beimang, she can think clearly without too much thinking.

"Your Majesty, I think we should properly reduce our defense forces and concentrate as many troops as possible. Only in this way can we effectively defend against the double attack from Beiliang and Liyang."

Reduce defense force?

After hearing these words, Empress Murong's eyes turned cold.

Well said!

What is an effective defense against double pinching?In fact, it was nothing more than the fear of Beiliang and Liyang's coalition forces in his heart, so he proposed such a method!

For those who dare to disturb the king's heart in this special period, Empress Murong hardly hesitates in her heart.

"Come on, drag it down and behead it!"

"His Majesty!"

After hearing Empress Murong's voice, the face of the person who spoke just now became extremely terrified: "Your Majesty! I just proposed the most suitable method! Please forgive me, Your Majesty! Please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

However, facing his begging for mercy, Empress Murong who was sitting on the throne didn't even lift her eyelids lazily, she just closed her eyes slightly, raised her right arm slightly and waved it.

At such a critical moment, a person who dares to speak out to shake the morale of the army, no matter who the other party is or what his purpose is, it is impossible for her to have half a bit of kindness in her heart, otherwise it will only make other people feel a little bit cautious .

As for His Highness and ministers, who would dare to touch such an eyebrow at this time?

Based on their understanding of Empress Murong's character, if they stood up to speak for that person at this time, there is no doubt that those who were dragged down together would add their names.

Whether it's out of loyalty or other ideas, they won't be able to make fun of their own lives at this time.

After the screams outside the hall came to an abrupt end, Empress Murong slowly opened her eyes, her phoenix eyes swept across the crowd, her voice was cold.

"No matter what you are thinking in your heart, you should put away your small thoughts at this time, otherwise Xian Yuchun will be a lesson for you."

Xian Yuchun was the one who had just been dragged down, and he was considered to have a pivotal position in Beimang in terms of official position, but he was still beheaded by Empress Murong at will, without any mercy at all.

His Highness naturally understood the signal she sent out, and everyone wanted to bury their heads in their chests.

But thinking of escaping Empress Kai Murong's attention in this way is naturally whimsical.

Her eyes lightly fixed on a middle-aged civil official standing on the right side: "Qu Tu is not me, what do you think?"

Qu Tubu, who was called by his name, couldn't help shaking his body, and then moved his body with difficulty to get out of the queue.

"Returning to Your Majesty, although Liyang and Beiliang are completely united for some unknown reason, it is still difficult to erupt a strong fighting force in a short period of time. After all, the two parties have always been in a state of incompatibility. It is also very difficult to integrate in a short period of time.”

Having said that, he raised his head in embarrassment and looked at Empress Murong who was looking at him with burning eyes on the throne: "So I think that it is better to take the initiative to attack than to sit and wait for death."

This passage was naturally made up by Qu Tubuwo. Where does he have any good ideas?Although he is the Minister of the Ministry of War, in fact, everything in the army has been controlled by Tuoba Bodhisattva for so many years, and there is no need for him to do anything at all. Basically, sitting in this position is just a decoration.


When he finished speaking, he saw Empress Murong's thoughtful expression on the throne, and he was secretly happy.

"Could it be that I am a blind cat and a dead mouse, just as His Majesty thinks?"

Thinking of this, his brain started to run wild in an instant, and his tone of speech became much more confident.

"I thought that our Beimang army could focus on Liyang. The old emperor of Liyang had just died not long ago, and their morale was in a state of disarray. Even with Gu Jiantang in command, it would be difficult to completely stabilize the army's morale. Opening this breakthrough may allow the alliance between the two parties to break down directly."

After speaking a long paragraph in one breath, Qu Tu and I also breathed a sigh of relief in my heart.At least judging by the expression on the empress's face at this time, not to mention how satisfied she was with his answer, but at least she would not be dragged outside the palace for questioning like Xian Yuchun just now.

"You go down first."

Empress Murong's voice rang in Qu Tu Wuwo's ​​ears, whether it was joy or sorrow.Qu Tu Wuwo didn't dare to raise his head to look at Empress Murong sitting on the throne at this moment, after hearing her words, he respectfully responded and stepped back directly.

"Do you have any other ideas, my love?"

However, there was still silence to greet Empress Murong.


The cold snort full of anger, although extremely slight, still brought great oppression and fear to the ministers of His Highness.


The sound of Qi Qi kneeling down was extremely ear-piercing in the silent hall, but after seeing this scene, Empress Murong on the phoenix chair, the cold expression on her face did not ease at all, on the contrary, it became more and more gloomy.

"When General Tuoba was here, you all agreed with each other on weekdays. Now it's your turn to use your own brains, and you have learned that silence is golden one by one?"

Empress Murong suddenly stood up from the phoenix chair.

"Zhen! What's the use of raising you trash?"

Qu Tu Wuwu, who was kneeling in the crowd, could not help but secretly rejoice when he heard Empress Murong's words, just now he at least came up with a plan, not to mention the specific feasibility, at least separate him from those scolded around him open.

But what Qu Tu Wuwo never expected was that Empress Murong's next words made him fall into an ice cave.

"Especially you, Qu Tu, have no self, dare to use such jokes to fool me. Could it be that in the eyes of you, Qu Tu Shangshu, I am a three-year-old child that you can fool at will?"

"His Majesty!"

Qu Tuwu, who was originally kneeling in the crowd, stopped breathing and thinking for a moment, and then quickly crawled out of the crowd: "I dare not! How dare I fool Your Majesty! Your Majesty has learned a lesson!"

His tearful look, coupled with the tone of his shouting, made it hard not to believe what he said.

However, Empress Murong in front of the phoenix chair was not moved at all.

"Ming Jian?"

"What a lesson!"

The phoenix eyes are filled with infinite anger,

"At this time, Beiliang and Liyang are at the horns of each other, and there is a clear tendency to gather together. At this time, you tell me to take the initiative to attack and catch them by surprise? You still haven't figured out who is the real one. Is the one caught off guard?"

Empress Murong felt her heart was very tired.

For so many years, Tuoba Bodhisattva has been in charge of military affairs almost alone, and she has given the other party enough trust, never asking too much, and has always been tolerant towards these people under him, As long as Tuoba Bodhisattva can use it easily.

But now the group of civil servants and military generals headed by Qu Tu Wuwo really disappointed her.

"One day!"

Empress Murong's voice was extremely majestic.

"I will give you one day, no matter what method you use, I will see three feasible solutions to deal with Beiliang and Liyang at this time tomorrow, if you can't think of one..."

She didn't say what she said later, but why didn't the generals and officials kneeling below understand what she meant?
If it is light, it will be stripped of this official uniform. Whether it is exiled or disarmed and returned to the field depends on the mood of the empress.

If it is heavy, the head of the item will not be guaranteed.

There is no other third possibility at all!


After all the people in the main hall had dispersed, Empress Murong couldn't bear the burden on her body, and she fell directly on the phoenix chair.

"His Majesty!"

Seeing this, the maid at the side hurriedly stepped forward to help, but she waved her hand and refused.

"Go down and leave me alone."

At this time, Murong felt extremely tired, partly because of the death of Bodhisattva Tuoba and the actions taken by both Beiliang and Liyang.

But more of it was because of the performance of the officials just now.

In fact, in the past, Murong had worries about this in his heart. He was worried that because Tuoba Bodhisattva's performance was too dazzling, the other civil servants and generals would gradually become more and more dim, until finally they lost all their brilliance.

However, because of Tuoba Bodhisattva's own strength and the fact that Beiliang and Liyang have always been at odds, her worries are somewhat unnecessary.

But Murong never imagined that everything that was originally stable would undergo earth-shaking changes in such a short period of time.

Bodhisattva Tuoba died, Emperor Liyang died, Beiliang Liyang almost put on the table the meaning of merger, including their respective moves towards the border of Beimang.

All of them are undoubtedly sending out the same signal, that is, the day of her Bei Mang's destruction is not far away!
(End of this chapter)

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