Zongwu: Kill the prince? !I break the gate of heaven with one sword

Chapter 163 Two Methods?Xu Liang'an's choice

Chapter 163 Two Methods?Xu Liang'an's choice
Xu Liang'an cherished the time before he left very much.

Although he intends to find a way to revive his mother, he doesn't have to be in a hurry for a day or two.

Right now, he basically didn't have much of a clue, so he could only look for possible clues through clues as much as possible from the countless ancient books in the Tide Tide Pavilion.

There are basically two possibilities that he found now.

The first one is in Mount Landa in the Western Regions, where there is the bodhi tree left by the Buddha when he preached the Tao, and there is also a Buddhist country, where countless luck accumulated over the years are gathered.

The way to revive Wu Su here is to use this countless luck to strengthen Wu Su's remnant soul, and finally restore that remnant soul to a normal and healthy state by slowly nourishing it.

However, Xu Liang'an didn't have a good impression of Mount Landa.

Let's not talk about Liuzhu Bodhisattva, a woman who only wants to double cultivate with herself.

The Buddhist Kingdom of the Western Regions is actually a joke in the final analysis. Although it is true that a large number of Buddhist families in the Western Regions have gathered, Xu Liang'an also knows that the so-called Buddhist Kingdom is just paved with the bones of ordinary people who don't know how many people there are. burial ground.

That place that seems to be the most beautiful place in the world is actually just the place where the so-called "Buddhas" in the Western Regions enslave ordinary people.

But it is an indisputable fact that it has a Buddhist luck.

So Xu Liang'an was actually quite satisfied with this place by using this luck to revive his mother.For him, Mount Landa's method of obtaining Buddhist luck allows him to use it without any psychological burden without the consent of the other party.

But this is also a problem that Xu Liang'an is more worried about.

Although there is an accumulation of untold years of Buddhist luck, but the Landa Buddha Kingdom has killed countless people over the years, and the resentment accumulated in it has also reached a very terrifying level, which is very likely It doesn't wash off at all.

This is what Xu Liang'an is most worried about now.

After all, if one wanted to use the luck here to nourish the mother's remnant soul, one had to place the Great Liang Dragon Sparrow, which was the carrier of her remnant soul, in the deepest part of this Buddhist kingdom, and that must be the place where resentment was the strongest. ,

If it's only a day or two, it's fine, but restoring the remnant soul is an extremely long process.

Even the two months that Xu Liang'an mentioned before is definitely a very, very conservative estimate.

However, the state of the remnant soul has no ability to resist the invasion of external forces at all. If it is contaminated by those unpurified resentments, Xu Liang'an is very worried that his mother's remnant soul will be affected by these resentments, and some situations beyond his control will occur. .

If it really caused the failure of his mother's resurrection, Xu Liang'an would really regret it.

So the first method, which seemed very suitable and within easy reach, was actually full of great dangers in Xu Liang'an's eyes, and he didn't even want to try this method.

In fact, with his strength, he can also choose to purify the endless resentment in the Buddha Kingdom first, but this is not a simple matter.

What kind of resentment has the most powerful force?That is, if you can't live, you can't die!

The resentment generated by ordinary human beings after death under such circumstances often has extremely powerful power!

Even if Xu Liang'an's cultivation has reached the level he is now, and he has the blessing of the three religions in one life wheel, it is still extremely difficult to completely purify all the resentment here.

Although he hasn't actually gone to the Buddhist country to check it on the spot, Xu Liang'an can still roughly make a guess.

This is also his next plan, which is to go to the Western Regions to confirm the situation of the resentment in the Buddha Kingdom. If it is not much different from what he thought, then he really needs to think carefully about whether to choose this method to resurrect his mother.

And as for the second method...

This method is full of too many unknowns and dangers, because he wants to enter the fairy world with this method!
For countless years, the fairy world has stolen a lot of luck from fishing in the world. In addition to providing those immortals in the fairy world for longevity, they even provide the operation of the entire fairy world.

And these lucks have long been fused with the entire fairy world, becoming a special existence.

On the Daxueping of Huishan Mountain before, when Xu Liang'an was fighting with the immortal patriarch of Longhu Mountain, he had opened the gate of heaven.

At the beginning, he had carefully felt the breath of the fairy world escaping from behind the Tianmen. At that time, he felt a mysterious and mysterious breath, but he never figured out what it was.

After he reached the realm of immortality, he gradually realized the origin of that breath.

It was the product of the complete fusion of the originally stolen human luck and the original breath of the fairy world, which made him feel that familiar but strange feeling.

This was the second method that Xu Liang'an came up with after thinking hard.

In fact, in the final analysis, the fundamentals of the two methods are the same, but they need to face the same danger.One is the danger that the mother will face in the process of nourishing the remnant soul.The other is the danger Xu Liang'an will face when he enters the fairy world by himself.

In contrast, in fact, the second method must be more dangerous.

Just looking at those immortals who directly instilled power into Tuoba Bodhisattva before, and let him kill him on this condition, it is enough to see how deep the hatred those immortals have for him, Xu Liang'an.

Xu Liang'an didn't believe that instilling the strength and physique of the heavenly realm into Tuoba Bodhisattva was a simple matter for those immortals. Otherwise, if this was the case, why would they be forced by Xu Liang'an in this human dojo? Choose to close the mountain without any other reaction?
If it was really easy to instill power, they would have created a group of Heavenly Human Realm legions long ago, so how could Xu Liang'an, a mortal, make them into what they are now?
But Xu Liang'an also understood that although he opened the Heaven's Gate with the sword and cut the immortal with the sword on the Daxueping of Huishan Mountain, part of the reason was that the other party paid a huge price to come to the world.

And if he wants to choose the second method to resurrect his mother, he must go to the fairyland alone.

There is only one way to enter the fairy world from the human world, and that is to open the gate of heaven.It is absolutely impossible to conceal the movement caused by this method.

In other words, if he really wants to enter the fairy world, those so-called immortals in the sky will definitely find him immediately.

If it was just him and there was nothing else to do, Xu Liang'an would naturally be fearless.

But his purpose was to resurrect his mother after all. Xu Liang'an was not arrogant enough to think that he could withstand the pressure of the entire fairy world to resurrect his mother with peace of mind.

Therefore, the second method will only become the object of Xu Liang'an's consideration if it is really impossible to revive the Buddhist kingdom in the Western Regions, but if he chooses this method, then he will definitely not be able to do it in a short time, at least not You have to wait until your own strength has been further improved before trying.

Otherwise, even if he could settle down in the fairy world, it would be a long way off to revive his mother.


"So you plan to go directly to the Western Regions?"

After hearing Xu Liang'an's plan, Jiang Ni showed a look of worry on his face.

"If you really want to do this, you will undoubtedly shake the foundation of the entire Mount Landa, and they will definitely not agree with you."

"Will there be any danger then?"

What Jiang Ni said was indeed a problem that Xu Liang'an would inevitably encounter. He had no friendship with Mount Landa in the first place.And even if there is friendship, it is impossible for the other party to be willing to spend so many years of accumulated luck just to help Xu Liang'an revive his mother.

So in other words, he must rely on his own realm advantage to forcibly requisition their luck for this trip.

A fierce battle is inevitable.

However, there is actually nothing to worry about Xu Liang'an. The strength of Liuzhu Bodhisattva is now in the realm of heaven and man. Even with the blessing of the home court advantage, at most it can reach the realm of half-step great longevity. It is impossible to be his. opponent, so Xu Liang'an didn't have the slightest worry in his heart.

"Don't worry, Mount Landa won't have any impact on me. My main concern is those resentments."

Having said that, Xu Liang'an let out a long sigh.

"Mother, her current state is really no different from that of running out of oil, so even now I don't dare to penetrate my spiritual consciousness into the dragon bird of Great Liang, for fear that even a little temptation will make the This last feeble candle goes out."

"This made it impossible for me to communicate with my mother at all, let alone confirm her state at this time, let alone tell her in advance to prepare to resist resentment."

His eyes were full of deep worry, and then he inserted his true energy into the Great Liang Dragon Sparrow in his hand in an extremely gentle and cautious way.

"She is extremely weak now, if she is suddenly invaded by resentment, it is very likely that she will be completely destroyed in an instant."

"So the biggest problem facing me now is actually how to let my mother block the impact of the first wave of resentment. As long as she can successfully absorb the first wave of resentment, it will be much better later on. I'm mentally prepared."

Other than that, Xu Liang'an couldn't think of any other way now.

The only thing he can do now is to constantly use his true energy to nourish his mother's remnant soul, try his best to restore her ability to resist resentment, and the second is to entrust the message that he wants to rescue her to the mother-child connection.

Apart from these, he can do nothing now.

However, after Jiang Ni heard Xu Liang'an's words, she looked thoughtful.

"If that's the case, maybe you can actually ask Little Nanbei?"

"Little Nanbei?"

Xu Liang'an frowned slightly: "Ask him what?"

"Of course it's about resentment!"

Jiang Ni looked as if it should be taken for granted: "Didn't you say that Xiao Nanbei is the real reincarnation of Buddha's disciples? And he is the kind who knows Buddhism and Buddhism from birth. If that's the case, you can directly ask him about resentment." Doesn’t it work? Maybe he really knows?”

Hearing what she said, Xu Liang'an's eyes lit up.

He hadn't thought about this at all before, and he had always been thinking about problems from his own realm, the most powerful person in the world today, but he ignored one of the most basic points, that is, although his realm was the highest , but it is not to have a specialized attainment in one of them to reach this realm, but to rely on the existence of the system.

Regardless of his high level, even the Buddhist exercises he understands are extremely powerful, but if he only starts from the perspective of understanding Buddhism, he has a great possibility that he is not as good as Wu Nanbei, this little guy!

"What you said was indeed ignored by me!"

Xu Liang'an's tone was mixed with a touch of excitement: "Apart from resentment, the most important thing is that I can ask him if there is any way to protect the remnant soul! If there is, then this trip to the Western Regions I have greater confidence."

"That's right, that's what I mean. You'd better ask Little Nan Bei. If he really knows any useful information, wouldn't it be more certain for the resurrected princess?"

Xu Liang'an couldn't control the excitement in his heart anymore, and after slapping his thigh hard, he stood up directly from the chair, not caring that it was already late at night, and went directly to the small courtyard where the two little guys lived in the north, south, east, and west ran over.

3 minute later.

Wu Nanbei was dragged off the bed by Xu Liang'an with sleepy eyes and a dazed expression.

"What's the matter, Your Highness?"

Looking at Xiao Nan Bei who was struggling to stay sleepy, but insisted on putting on a respectful posture after seeing him, Xu Liang'an couldn't help but smile in his eyes.

First, he sent a sliver of his true energy towards Xiao Nanbei's body to help him regain some energy, then Xu Liang'an said, "Xiao Nanbei, what do you know about resentment?"


After hearing Xu Liang'an's words, a trace of thought appeared in Xiao Nanbei's eyes immediately, and the true energy that Xu Liang'an had just overcome completely dispelled the last trace of drowsiness in his body.

"His Royal Highness, let me think carefully."

The little guy scratched his bald head, and then his eyes lit up.

"I remember!"

"I have seen records about the emotions of 'anger', 'hate', and 'resentment' in a scripture in the temple. If you die with such strong negative emotions, you will form a similar pattern after death. Yu Shizi, what you said about resentment."

Although what Xiao Nanbei said was what Xu Liang'an already knew, this answer still pleased him.

Since there are records in this regard in the Liangchan Temple, there may be a special solution or way to deal with it.

"Then do you know how to deal with these resentments?"

"How to deal with it? How does His Royal Highness want to deal with it?"

Xiao Nanbei didn't quite understand Xu Liang'an's meaning, and still had a puzzled look on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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