Chapter 165 Departure from Western Chu!

In fact, there is still a big gap between the two.

So it seems that Jiang Ni wants to take advantage of Xu Liang'an's opportunity to accumulate Buddhist luck in the Buddhist kingdom this time, and use Yuding to grab a share of luck, but in fact, she wants to use this Western Chu luck to repair the princess's fate. Remnants bring greater possibilities.

Repressing the emotion in his heart, Xu Liang'an stretched out his right hand and gently stroked Jiang Ni's head.

"Then do as you say."

"However, I will try my best to keep this national luck for you. As long as the mother's remnant soul is not in great need, I will try my best to use the Buddhist luck of Mount Landa to repair it."

After all, this is not the only method Xu Liang'an has prepared.

In the beginning, the system rewarded him with the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir. He used one when he rescued Laojiu from outside Emperor Wu's city, and later used another one when he was mending the Tiandao injury on his elder sister Xu Zhihu.

He still has the last one in his hand.

This one was reserved by Xu Liang'an for his mother from the very beginning. Whether it was the restoration of the remnant soul or the restoration of the body later, it absolutely needed the medicinal power of the Nine-Turn Golden Pill.

So for him, the matter of resurrecting his mother this time seems to be basically prepared.

The only thing that needs to be done now is to go to the Western Chu, and after obtaining the Jade Cauldron of the National Luck, transform it into a resentment purification furnace designed by him, and the rest is to go to the Western Regions.

As for the other materials needed to make the purification furnace, a lot of precious jade wares have been collected on Qingliang Mountain over the years, but they were all thrown away in the warehouse by Xu Xiangxiang like garbage, so Xu Liang'an happened to use them casually.

So he doesn't need to worry about these extra materials at all.

"Then do I need to go back to Xichu?"

Jiang Ni tilted her head to look at Xu Liang'an.

It would indeed be much more convenient for her to do this.One is that she is still the Empress of Western Chu in name after all, and if she were to fetch the Jade Cauldron, Cao Changqing would not be dissatisfied.

Another main reason is that Jiang Ni still knows Xu Liang'an's character quite well, and it is actually very difficult for him to ask him to ask others for things.

From the perspective of protecting her own man, she thinks it is more appropriate to do this by herself.

And since the two of them have already decided to get married in two months, Jiang Ni also hopes that she can tell Uncle Qi Zhao personally about such a major event in her life, including the fact that she already has Xu Liang'an's child in her belly.

In a sense, Cao Changqing now plays the role of both father and mother in Jiang Ni's life. Jiang Ni felt that he had to tell Uncle Qizhao himself about such a happy event in life.

Xu Liang'an could more or less understand what Jiang Ni was thinking, so after she proposed it, although she didn't fully agree, she didn't refuse either.

First he smiled lightly, then Xu Liang'an grabbed Jiang Ni's slender hand: "I understand what you mean, but of course I can't just let you go alone."

"The date of getting married was hastily set before, but I have never seriously asked you about your attitude, so I have a certain amount of guilt for you in my heart, and I can take this opportunity to go to Xichu with you , while taking the Jade Cauldron, you can also talk about it with Uncle Qizhao."

These words are actually Xu Liang'an's most sincere thoughts.

His original plan was to resurrect his mother, but Jiang Ni was pregnant at this time.

Naturally, Xu Liang'an was not an irresponsible man. Because of the resurrection of his mother, his marriage with Jiang Ni was greatly affected, and he always felt particularly deeply guilty.

So within the scope of his ability, Xu Liang'an still hoped that he could do better.

For example, when going to Xichu this time, since Jiang Ni wanted to help him get the Jade Cauldron, Xu Liang'an would definitely not refuse such a thing.But he also had to go with Jiang Ni, otherwise it would be unreasonable not to meet Cao Changqing until the day they got married.

Even though Cao Changqing agreed with the marriage of the two of them.

But for Xu Liang'an, this is the rule.

"Okay, then let's go back together."

There was also a happy smile on Jiang Ni's face, and she could feel that Xu Liang'an attached great importance to her, so she was naturally extremely happy and happy in her heart.

Although Jiang Ni didn't have any dissatisfaction with Xu Liang'an's inability to personally prepare for their marriage, she still had regrets.

Although Xu Liang'an specifically told Xu Fengnian and the others that he had to listen to his own opinion on all arrangements, how could Jiang Ni really speak to Xu Fengnian and the others?
But now Xu Liang'an said that he would follow him and tell Uncle Qizhao about this matter together, which is enough to show that he attaches great importance to him, and it is enough for Jiang Ni who is always easy to be satisfied!

"To Xichu?"

After hearing Xu Liang'an's words, Xu Xiao was a little surprised.

"That's right. After all, that's Jiang Ni's natal home. Since the two of us are going to get married, we have to go there."

"That's what you said."

Xu Xiao rubbed his left leg lightly: "Then do you go out directly from Xichu to retreat, or go out after you come back?"

There was a touch of worry in his eyes.

Knowing son Mo Ruofu, when Xu Liang'an said before that he was going to find a place to retreat, Xu Xiao actually knew that what he said was not true.

But when his son grows up and has his own ideas, and his current strength is already at the pinnacle of the world, Xu Xiao naturally has no reason to stop him.

But Xu Liang'an could even make up a reason, if there was no danger in it, Xu Xiao really couldn't convince himself of it.

But he didn't want to interfere with Xu Liang'an's own choice.

"I left directly from Xichu, anyway, it's too soon. Two months is just the longest period, maybe I won't take such a long time before I come back."

What Xu Liang'an said is indeed the truth.

According to his preliminary estimate, with the blessing of the medicinal power of the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir, it should not be that difficult to use the Buddhist luck of Landa Mountain to repair his mother's remnant soul, so it will not take too much time.

The main problem is how to restore the mother's soul and body to a state that is [-]% compatible.

During this time, Xu Liang'an also looked through books that mentioned "soul". Although each one was more mysterious than the other, and even said to be difficult to understand, Xu Liang'an still found a common point in it.

If you have practiced the method of separating the soul from the body on weekdays, the fugue will not cause much impact while the physical body is alive.

But like Wu Su whose physical body has been dead for too many years, even if her remnant soul can be repaired completely, whether it can directly fit with the physical body is actually still unknown.

At least this is the thing that Xu Liang'an is most worried about besides repairing the remnant soul.

Everything went well and it took less than two months.

If it doesn't go well...

Xu Liang'an tried his best not to think about it.

"Okay, as long as you two have made a decision, I don't care about the rest, just remember to be careful in everything and pay attention to safety."

"Do not worry!"

The father and son are tacit at the moment.

One knows that the other knows that he is not actually going to retreat.

The other also knows that the other party knows that he knows that the other party is not actually going to retreat.

But neither father nor son directly stated this, but expressed their father-son love in a way that both of them understand.

"However, since you are going to Xichu, our old Xu family still needs to express their feelings."

Xu Xiao laughed happily, at this moment he couldn't see half of the appearance of that Rentu back then.Instead, he was just an ordinary rich man whose son wanted to marry a wife.

"Just randomly pick from the warehouse to see if there are any suitable things to take to Xichu. It should be a dowry gift from our old Xu's family."

Hearing the word "betrothal gift", Jiang Ni blushed a little.

"The general doesn't need to be like this. I have been growing up in the palace for so many years, so it doesn't have to be so complicated."

"Huh? No, no!"

Xu Xiao waved his hands pretending to be angry.

"Then if this gets out, wouldn't the old Xu family really have no manners at all? Besides, my Xu Xiao's son marrying a wife is the most important event in the world. How can there be no dowry? I still want my old face!"

Jiang Ni naturally knew that Xu Xiao said this on purpose, so there was a dumbfounding smile on his face, and he didn't continue talking on this topic.

"So when are you going to leave?"

"Tomorrow! Let's make some preparations today, and the two of us will set off for Xichu tomorrow morning."


The next morning.

Xu Liang'an and Jiang Ni were watched by their family early in the morning, using Xu Liang'an's power of the small world to fly directly into the mid-air, and disappeared from their field of vision in the blink of an eye.

The power of the small world is indeed incomparably convenient.

In addition to being able to provide Xu Liang'an with a powerful boost when fighting against the enemy, the most convenient thing is to use it in daily life.

For example, at this time, there are still all kinds of valuable items in the small world, but Xu Liang'an himself can't feel any weight, which is very convenient for him.

"When will I have such power?"

Jiang Ni's eyes were full of envy. This was the first time she had shown her yearning for strength in front of Xu Liang'an, so Xu Liang'an was a little surprised.

"Didn't you always have no high pursuit of cultivation and realm before? Why are you thinking about this all of a sudden?"

Facing Xu Liangan's curiosity, Jiang Ni just shook her head slightly.

"In the past, I always felt that there was nothing I needed, so my cultivation base was useless to me. But since the last time I heard the news that Wang Xianzhi was going to intercept and kill you, for the first time, I suddenly felt that How good would it be if I had great power?"

After hearing Jiang Ni's words, Xu Liang'an's eyes flashed with distress.

"These things should be done by a big man like me. You are right behind me, so that I don't have any worries. This is the most reassuring thing for me."

Listening to her man's affectionate expression, Jiang Ni still just smiled and shook her head.


"If this is really the case, that would be great, just like you are going to save the princess now, if there is a trustworthy person to help you, your pressure will be much less, but now all this can only make you You bear it on your own."

But as soon as she finished speaking, Xu Liang'an stretched out his index finger and gently scratched her nose.

"I think you want to ascend to the sky in one step. Why do you still want to directly possess my strength? If it is true, then those old monsters who have lived for a hundred years but are still only in the realm of land gods, I am afraid that they will go crazy with envy."

Jiang Ni shrugged her slightly red nose from Xu Liang'an's shaved eyes, and gave him a light look.

"Hmph, whether it's Uncle Qizhao or Old Swordsman Li, they all say that I'm a once-in-a-thousand-year swordsmanship genius. If you dare to bully me, give it a try, and be careful that I'll cut you open with my sword!"

While saying this, Jiang Ni still did not forget to glance at Xu Liang'an's lower body.

"Wow! You vicious woman!"

Xu Liang'an made a gesture to reach out to "punish" Jiang Ni, but when the other party made a defensive move, he hugged her directly into his arms.

"My only wish is to be able to protect my home. Whether it is you or your mother, including our child in your womb, I will never let you get hurt again."

The group of "family" occupies an incomparably important position in Xu Liang'an's heart, nothing can compare to it, he can even give up his life without hesitation.

Especially when it was discovered for the first time that a brand new life was being conceived in Jiang Ni's stomach, the feeling in Xu Liang'an's heart reached an unbelievable level.

This is the first time he has experienced what it means to "give up the whole world for one person".

But this also strengthened his original idea, that is, he must create a better world for his family.As for whether they practiced or not, Xu Liang'an actually didn't care that much in his heart.

With his current strength, although it is still difficult to forcibly increase a person's strength, it is actually not that difficult for him to prolong a person's life.

So what he yearns for most now is to wait until his mother is resurrected, so that she can see herself getting married and the birth of her child with her own eyes, so that the whole family can live happily together.

"It's nice to say, but like the current situation, I can't help you with what you need to do, and I will be very sad in my heart."

Gently stroking Jiang Ni's head, a gentle smile hung on the corner of Xu Liang'an's mouth.

"Okay, then let's work hard together. When mother comes back and you give birth, I will teach you to practice together!"

(End of this chapter)

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