Zongwu: Kill the prince? !I break the gate of heaven with one sword

Chapter 171 During the February period, there was no news

Chapter 171 Two months, no news

Liu Zhu Bodhisattva is also very clear in his heart.

With their strength, it is impossible for them to be Xu Liang'an's opponent.

It's just that she really didn't expect the gap between the two sides to be so big.

First, a master of the land immortal realm was lost, and then even Zhikong, the heavenly realm, was also lost here by name. This price is almost the limit that the entire Mount Landa can bear.

No matter how much more people are lost in the future, there is no need for it anymore.

"Seat master! But..."

Monk Zhiyan's eyes were full of unwillingness.

However, he was directly stopped by Liu Zhu Bodhisattva raising his hand——

"Go back, uncle, after this battle, my vitality in Mount Landa has been severely injured, and I don't even have the capital to fight against him, why bother?"


Monk Zhiyan took another look at the place where Xu Liang'an had just disappeared.

But in the end, he had no choice but to leave behind Liu Zhu Bodhisattva unwillingly.


Fortunately, Xu Liang'an looked at the resentment purification furnace in front of him.

Fortunately, he just left Xiaotiandi after re-blessing the Buddha's mantra against the pressure.

At this time, Xiao Tianzhong was still slightly affected by the battle just now.

The reason why Xu Liang'an was able to directly kill the Zhikong monk who was in the realm of heaven and man with one blow at the moment of meeting.

In fact, it was because he directly mobilized the power of his own small world, otherwise, even though he is now an absolute leader in the realm, it would still be very difficult to crush Monk Zhikong into a meat paste in a direct face-to-face.

It is precisely because of his mobilization of the power of heaven and earth that the power protecting the resentment purification furnace has been directly weakened, allowing the huge amount of resentment outside to take advantage of it and sneak into the small world.

Seeing that the grievances rushing in from Xiaotiandi did not have any impact on the normal operation of the grievance purification furnace, Xu Liang'an was relieved.

The light of the life wheel flickered, and the Buddha mantra was blessed again.

After doing all this, Xu Liang'an returned to the position where he sat cross-legged just now, and carefully confirmed that there would be no problems in every filtering process.

But as time went by, Xu Liang'an became more and more flustered——

From the very beginning when the dragon bird's phantom solidified, and then returned to the Great Liang dragon bird sword, there has been no movement so far.

Including the mother's remnant soul, there was no response to Xu Liang'an at all at this time.It returned to the state before repairing the remnant soul, and fell into complete silence.

This made it impossible for Xu Liang'an to understand the state of his mother at this time.

However, his strength is too strong, if he uses his own method to forcibly enter the inner space of the Great Liang Dragon Sparrow Sword, that space will not be able to bear his strength at all.

This is also the most troublesome problem for Xu Liang'an now, that is, he has no such method of spiritual cultivation, let alone any method of control.

Even if he uses the method of the Great Dream Spring and Autumn, what comes out of his body is the power of his complete soul, and he doesn't know how to restrain himself at all!

This situation of not being able to check the state of his mother at this time made Xu Liang'an fall into complete anxiety.

But now he has no other better way, he can only bite the bullet and continue to slowly transfer the power of luck into the Great Liang Longque Sword, and can only pin his hope on his mother being able to survive this special situation. levels.

And he couldn't help at all.

But fortunately, the only thing that makes Xu Liang'an feel very gratified is that this power of luck is very gentle, even if the mother's remnant soul can't absorb it now, these powers of luck will not cause any harm to her remnant soul, on the contrary It can continuously fill the inner world of the Great Liang Dragon Sparrow Sword, making it stronger and stronger.

And Xu Liang'an took advantage of this time to comprehend all his current skills. The previous moves like the Thunder Mahamudra were comprehended by himself from the moves and skills provided by the system.

But at present, there is only one big thunder handprint that he can comprehend by himself.

In fact, Xu Liang'an wanted to research the most suitable attack method a long time ago, but he was busy all the time before, and he didn't have much time and energy for him to do this.

Now is a good time to think about it and study it.

In a certain sense, the realm of heaven, man, and immortality has completely integrated all of Xu Liang'an's martial arts, and all the martial arts minds of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism have been integrated into Xu Liang'an and become a brand new thing.

But Xu Liang'an's method of using this power now is still to convert it into what he needs before releasing it.

For example, when he attacked Zhikong before, he first converted his power of immortality into the power of Buddhism, and then used it.

But if he can completely control the current power, he will definitely be able to explode with even stronger combat power.

Thinking of this, Xu Liang'an blessed the Buddha's mantra again, and then he held his breath and concentrated on entering the state of practice.

For a month and a half, Xu Liang'an almost remained in this state, switching back and forth between practicing and blessing the Buddha's mantra to ensure that there would be no accidents in the repair of his mother's remnant soul.

And in the process of his cultivation during this period, he has gradually mastered part of the use of the current state ability. Although there is no change in the state, the combat power that can actually be exploded is extremely huge. promote.

Just like Zhikong before, if Xu Liang'an wants to deal with him with his current strength, he doesn't need to mobilize any small world's power at all, and he can easily crush him.

This is the change brought about by the level of control over his own power.

Even if there is another strong man who has stepped into the realm of immortality and immortality appearing in front of Xu Liang'an at this time, with such a gap in power control, there is no chance of winning against Xu Liang'an at all.

A powerful aura flashed away from Xu Liang'an's body.

After sitting quietly for more than a month, my body slowly stood up.

Perhaps it was because of the good fortune of the Buddhist kingdom of Landa Mountain. Although Xu Liang'an did not take the initiative to practice his own skills during this period, the light of the life wheel behind him was much brighter than before.

Xu Liang'an's chest kept rising and falling.

As he took a deep breath, a large amount of pure Buddhist luck filled the small world, and it was directly sucked into Xu Liang'an's body to replenish his body's consumption like a whale swallowing a cow.

He has not eaten for such a long time, and he has always replenished his body in this way.

Doing this for a long time almost forced out all the impurities that were already left in Xu Liang'an's body.

Compared with the flawless celestial body of Tuoba Bodhisattva back then, how much higher is the purity?
He clenched his fists fiercely with both hands. Although there is no direct comparison yet, Xu Liang'an now has a kind of confidence in his heart. His physique is more than one level stronger than the physique of the monk Nagarjuna and Li Beware. !
The light flickered, and there seemed to be a dragon circulating in Xu Liang'an's eyes.

next moment--

Xu Liang'an slowly closed his eyes, and the strange look slowly dissipated.

When he opened his eyes again, everything was calm.

Even with Xu Liang'an's calm state of mind, a smile couldn't help but appear on his face.

His one-time improvement in strength far exceeded his previous expectations.

The most important point of this is the control over the method of using the power of the soul——

Now he can finally control his spirit relatively subtly, and allocate an extremely small part to explore the Great Liang Longque Sword.


Take another deep breath.

A cautious look appeared on Xu Liang'an's face.

Then he directly closed his eyes and began to separate his soul in the sea of ​​qi.

This is an extremely complicated process, and requires a considerable degree of pain, but it doesn't matter to Xu Liang'an, no matter what kind of difficulty it is, it can't stop him from wanting to check the state of his mother's remnant soul as soon as possible.

Enduring the pain of being forcibly torn apart by himself, Xu Liang'an finally tore out a very small part of his soul under the profuse sweat, and then carefully plunged into the Great Liang Longque Sword.

But after he learned about the internal situation, the whole person's face instantly became extremely ugly...


The news that Xu Liangan and Jiang Ni are going to get married——

As soon as it appeared, it made the whole world boil in an instant.

After all, the name "Xu Liang'an" is too dazzling!
The son of Beiliang, the No. 1 in the world today, and even the man who everyone tacitly stands behind in Liyang.

And although not many people knew the name "Jiang Ni" before, it couldn't stop everyone from exploring it carefully.

The widowed daughter of the former Western Chu Emperor, she grew up in the Northern Liang Palace.

If it's just like this, people in this world still feel that Jiang Ni's identity doesn't seem to be worthy of Xu Liang'an's identity at all.

But as people in the world continue to dig deep——

Today's Empress of Western Chu, Grandmaster of Vajra Realm...

When these halos appear on the same person at the same time, the effect is completely different.

Qingliang Mountain, Liangwang Mansion.

For this wedding, the entire Liang Palace has been preparing for a full two months.

There are lights and festoons everywhere, full of festive atmosphere.

But when it was supposed to be a happy time, the air pressure in Beiliang Palace was extremely low at this time.

Because the two months that Xu Liang'an said before, it's the last days!

Tomorrow is the day when Xu Liang'an and Jiang Ni got married according to the original plan.

Moreover, the Beiliang Palace had already spread this time around the world early, and there was no possibility of delaying it later.

If Xu Liang'an can't show up at the wedding in time——

The Xu family didn't care that this would damage the Xu family's face in Beiliang, but worried about what danger he would encounter.

After all, they all knew Xu Liang'an's character, as long as he made a promise, no matter how difficult it was, he would definitely fulfill it, unless he didn't have the ability to fulfill the contract at this time.

But what else can make Xu Liang'an lose this ability?
The answer seems obvious -

Even Jiang Ni, who knew what Xu Liangan was going to do in advance, only had endless worries in her heart at this moment.

After all, she knew that although Xu Liang'an was going to resurrect the princess, he wanted to forcibly seize the luck of the Buddha Kingdom of Landa Mountain in the Western Region, which would undoubtedly cause a fierce battle with the other party.

And some time ago, there was also news from the Western Regions. For some unknown reason, the entire Landa Mountain was hidden in the mist with the entire Buddhist kingdom, making it impossible for those spies to go to find out any news.

Even the elite of Baixiao Pavilion's elite went to try one by one, but they all failed in the end.

This made Jiang Ni, who was already extremely worried, even more flustered!

But in the end, she resisted not telling her family members, but she just endured this anxiety silently.In the final analysis, she still believed in her man in her heart, and believed that no matter what, he would be able to come back to hold the wedding ceremony on time.

But today--

Even Jiang Ni's heart is already full of worries.

She naturally didn't want anything to happen to Xu Liang'an, but she couldn't convince herself at this time.

"Don't worry, brother, he will be fine."

Xu Zhihu sat gently beside Jiang Ni, slowly holding her hands to comfort her.

"With Liang'an's strength, no one is his opponent. I also asked Xixiang, and he told me firmly that even a fairy who can break through the limit and descend to the mortal world, it is absolutely impossible to do anything to Liang'an, so you don't want to Too worried, maybe he's on his way back now."

"Sister, I know."

Jiang Ni suppressed the crying in her tone as much as possible.

Seeing her expression and posture, Xu Zhihu swallowed his comforting words back into his stomach——

He didn't say anything more, just took out a hand and put it on Jiang Ni's back and patted it lightly.

"Sorrowful, you are not just a person, but more importantly, you are the child in your stomach. No matter what you do, you must consider the child in your stomach. So even if it is for the child, you must not always think about these things , must cheer up!"


After hearing the word "children", Jiang Ni's eyes finally recovered a little.

She understood that Xu Zhihu's words were correct, no matter what, she had to think about the child in her belly, and don't think too much about other things.

Forcibly squeezed a little smile on his face: "Don't worry big sister, I will definitely stop myself from thinking wildly for the sake of the child."

"Okay, then go to sleep! Waiting to be a bride tomorrow!"

Xu Zhihu gave another word of comfort before turning around and leaving.

It's just that just after leaving Jiang Ni's room, her eyes were filled with tears.

I don't know why, since her brother left two months ago, she has been feeling restless, but nothing happened in these two months.

It was not until today that she related this restless feeling to her younger brother Xu Liang'an.

After all, with the continuous blessing of the nine-turn golden elixir, she now has the strength of the celestial phenomenon.So that feeling of restlessness is definitely not because of any disease in my body.

He looked up at the bright moon in the sky.

"Hope everything is fine with you."

(End of this chapter)

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