Zongwu: Kill the prince? !I break the gate of heaven with one sword

Chapter 35 Cao Guanzi, a cat who falls into the trap

Chapter 35 Cao Guanzi, a cat who falls into the trap
For some reason, Jiang Ni, who originally came to ask Master Xu Liang'an Xing for his crimes, felt a sore nose for no reason after hearing his gentle concern.

"It's hard work! It's also very tiring! But I don't know why, but when I saw the smiles on the faces of those old people in Western Chu, I felt that all this was worthwhile. So it wasn't so hard and not so tiring. Rather, Uncle Qizhao, since he took me back to West Chu, he has a lot more white hair on his head."

Jiang Ni softly responded to Xu Liang'an's words, although her tone was flat, but every word came from her heart, which made Xu Liang'an's eyes look at her even more distressed.

"Come on, I'll take you to eat first."

Xu Liang'an couldn't help but grab Jiang Ni's hand directly. It turned out that when he was in the palace, he was never really willing to let Jiang Ni do any tiring work, so this so-called maid has always been thin-skinned and tender.But it wasn't long before they separated, and Jiang Ni's hands were already covered with calluses, which made Xu Liang'an a little annoyed.

"Then Guanzi Cao has to ask you to do everything by yourself? You, the princess, are you going back to do those cool jobs?" Xu Liang'an's tone was a little irritable. Of course, Jiang Ni knew that he was caring about herself, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly. He smiled, and then explained: "Uncle Qizhao didn't want me to do these things either. I just thought that those old people went back to their hometowns just because of my title of a subjugated princess. If I don't treat them better, I always feel I feel ashamed."

Hearing what Jiang Ni said, the expression on Xu Liang'an's face softened: "I will be staying in Yuhang during this time, you can stay with me here first, and then I will send you back to Xichu."

Jiang Ni nodded when she heard the words, she had already agreed with Cao Changqing to stay for a while when she came to Xu Liang'an this time, after all, she finally came out this time.It was said that Xu Liang'an took away the Great Liang Dragon Sparrow without saying a word to instigate the teacher, but in fact, why didn't she miss Xu Liang'an very much in her heart?
Seeing that Jiang Ni directly agreed, Xu Liang'an was also happy from the bottom of his heart.He is not someone who ignores emotions for the sake of strength. On the contrary, his family and the people he thinks and misses are Xu Liang'an's greatest motivation to continue to become stronger.

"By the way, how did you come to Yuhang? Didn't Guanzi come with you?" Xu Liang'an was a little curious. According to Cao Changqing's personality, if it was Yuhang who came with Jiang Ni, he should be by her side at this time.

Jiang Ni looked at Xu Liang'an hesitating to speak, and opened his mouth after a while and said, "Uncle Qizhao sent me here, but we met a person outside the city, and he asked me to come to you first, and he and that person found a place Got into a fight."

"Looking for someone to fight with?" Xu Liang'an became interested when he heard this. This officer Cao is best at ending his career, and the strength of a great celestial phenomenon is definitely a first-class existence in this Jianghu.Xu Liang'an was really curious about who the person who could make Cao Guanzi take action.

"Hmm! I heard that Uncle Qizhao seems to call that person a Korean cat, but I don't know the specifics."

"Korean cat?" After hearing this name, Xu Liang'an immediately narrowed his eyes, which became even more gloomy.

"What's the matter? Do you also know this Korean cat?" Jiang Ni still doesn't know much about the affairs in the Jianghu, and she doesn't know much about those masters who have been in martial arts reviews.So after seeing Xu Liang'an's expression, he only assumed that he knew this person.

A murderous intent burst out from Xu Liang'an's eyes, and he nodded slightly: "He was one of those people who besieged my mother back then."

"What?!" Jiang Ni exclaimed and then covered her mouth with her jade hand: "This person is related to the incident with the princess?"

"Well, it's not only related, but also the main participant." Xu Liang'an had already adjusted his emotions at this time: "It's just that I didn't expect that he would dare to come to Yuhang at this time."

But Xu Liang'an figured this out in a flash. Xu Xiao hadn't mentioned the white clothes case to Tai'an City for so many years, and they probably thought it had already been exposed.

But it doesn't matter whether it's for Xu Xiao or Xu Liang'an.How could he let go of the hatred of killing his wife and mother?
There was a cruel smile on the corner of Xu Liang'an's mouth, and he turned to look at Jiang Ni beside him: "Do you want to see how your man has improved in martial arts during this time?"

"Bah!" Jiang Ni blushed instantly after hearing the words "your man". Hearing Xu Liang'an say such words at this time, he still blushed and spat.

But she is indeed very curious about Xu Liang'an's strength: "When I followed Uncle Qizhao, he said that you might be in the realm of a land fairy. But it wasn't long before I heard that you killed all immortals. What are you now? What strength?"

Xu Liang'an gave her an inscrutable smile, but didn't answer directly: "Go, I'll take you to find Guanzi Cao right now." After speaking, he took Jiang Ni's hand and walked towards the outside of Yuhang City.

And when the figures of the two had just left the street, several figures full of inner strength instantly appeared at the position where the two of them had just stopped.

"That woman is Jiang Ni, the empress of Western Chu who recently threatened to restore the country?" One of them asked with doubts.

The other figure couldn't help laughing after hearing it: "What empress Xichu? She's just a little girl of the first rank. With this kind of strength, she still wants to restore the country. It's just a dream!"

"Okay!" A steady voice came: "Remember our mission clearly! Collect the information well, and we don't need to worry about other things."


After hearing the voice, several men in black responded in unison, and then left quickly.And after they disappeared, Lao Jiu's figure reappeared with a playful smile on his face.

"I'd like to know, just a few people who have just entered the Vajra Realm, how can they have the courage to follow the prince?" He immediately followed up, following these people who had just entered the Vajra Realm with the land fairy realm, I am afraid Old Jiu swayed directly in front of them, and they couldn't even notice it.

Outside Yuhang City.

With Xu Liang'an's current cultivation base, it is very easy to find someone with his aura.Cao Changqing and Han Shengxuan didn't seem to want to disturb too many people, so they fought after leaving a barren mountain thirty miles away from Yuhang.

Although one of Han Shengxuan and Cao Changqing refers to the Profound Realm and the other refers to the Great Celestial Phenomenon Realm.But anyway, Han Shengxuan has the reputation of "killing Tianxiang with good fingers", and he really fought back and forth with Cao Changqing in the beginning.

But what kind of person is Cao Changqing?He originally cultivated Confucian grandeur and righteousness, and he paid attention to the long-lasting vitality. Han Shengxuan's three thousand red silks could not cause any effective harm to him at all.

In addition, Cao Changqing was good at making moves, and he knew people's hearts like the back of his hand, so it didn't take too long to beat Han Sheng into a mess.

(End of this chapter)

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