Chapter 8
Yu Xinlang at the side couldn't help but frowned at this moment: "How can a swordsman give up the sword in his hand?"

"This may be his last sword in this life." Louhuang's voice faintly rang in Yu Xinlang's ear: "Look at Master."

Although Yu Xinlang was puzzled when he heard the words, he put his gaze on Master Wang Xianzhi at that time, and the next moment his pupils shrank sharply.

He swore that this was the first time he saw such a solemn expression on this old man since he became a disciple of Wang Xianzhi.

"Master he..."

Before Yu Xinlang's words could finish, he was directly interrupted by Jian Jiuhuang in the distance.

The full sword intent burst out from his whole body in an instant, and in just a breath, the figure of the groom Huang had completely disappeared between the sky and the earth.Instead, Yu Xinlang only had a long sword full of divine power in his eyes.

His thoughts were instantly occupied by the long sword.In a daze, he seemed to see this vast world, there are street vendors yelling hard, women in plain clothes are doing laundry by the river, there are old women with white hair crouching and sewing under the light, there are white and tender children Frolicking in groups.

But right now!
All the pictures suddenly disappeared, replaced by two figures, an old man and a young man, and the back of a short and thin yellow horse, gradually drifting away in his sight.

"This..." Yu Xinlang didn't know what words to use to describe his feelings at this time. He had never thought before that there is a sword technique that can directly present a piece of the world in front of others.

"go with!"

But at this moment, Jian Jiuhuang's soft drink interrupted all his thoughts, and then everything turned into darkness in front of Yu Xinlang's eyes, except for a bright light piercing the sky, just like the sky at night. The Milky Way, become the only light in this world!
The sword is raging!

Even though Yu Xinlang and Louhuang who were hiding a hundred meters away were still affected by this incomparable sword energy, there seemed to be countless sharp flying knives in the air, constantly cutting the clothes on their bodies, one by one Small wounds also appeared on their bodies.

Even though Yu Xinlang and Louhuang tried their best to stimulate the true energy in their bodies, they still couldn't stop those sword intents.

"Back!" Louhuang yelled, and Yu Xinlang controlled his body to retreat quickly towards the rear in a state of panic.

At the same time, the world was once again in silence.The light returned to the earth, and all the visions caused by Jian Jiuhuang's sword finally dissipated, and Yu Xinlang and Louhuang finally saw everything that happened on the field clearly again.

Wang Xianzhi was still standing there, but compared to the calm and breezy before, he was still more or less embarrassed at this moment.

Although he didn't seem to have suffered much damage, at this time his originally neat hairstyle had a few strands of hair floating uncontrollably in the air, and even a section of his sleeve had been cut off.

Just this is enough to make Yu Xinlang and Lou Huang extremely astonished. "He actually hurt Master?" Yu Xinlang's tone was full of disbelief, and Lou Huang was also a little surprised at this time: "As expected, even Master nodded and affirmed the super strong swordsman!"

"It's just..." When looking at Lao Huang, there was a trace of solemnity in Louhuang's eyes, and then it turned into a deep look of pity.

Right now, Jianjiuhuang just sat quietly on the ground with his head lowered and his arms hanging down very naturally.

"He is..." Yu Xinlang's eyes were full of confusion.

However, he was interrupted by Wang Xianzhi in the next second: "Li Chungang is number one in swordsmanship in the world, and Jianjiuhuang is second!" After finishing speaking, he looked at Yu Xinlang and Lou Huang in the distance: "You two, let him Have a good burial!"

"This... is dead?" Yu Xinlang finally realized that Jianjiuhuang had already fallen!
"Death from exhaustion." Lu Huang beside him nodded lightly, as if paying tribute to Jian Jiuhuang, the master of swordsmanship, his eyes were full of respect.

"Previously, the master wanted to cherish his talents and let him leave, but in order to hand out the strongest sword in his life, he would rather choose to exhaust all the sword intent and use his body as a sword without retreating. It was not the master who seriously injured him, but It was he who died from exhaustion." Louhuang's tone was full of respect.

After Yu Xinlang heard Louhuang's words, his eyes also burst out with deep respect: "Let's go, let's go to Haosheng to bury the senior!"

After finishing speaking, he walked directly towards the direction of Jian Jiuhuang's corpse.

Right now!

Suddenly, an incomparably powerful aura came from the sky, followed by a voice full of true energy: "Everyone in Wudi City!"

Yu Xinlang and Louhuang were horrified!Because they could clearly feel that the sense of oppression brought by this aura, even at such a long distance, was still stronger than Jian Jiuhuang's "bad horse rice wine six thousand miles" just now!
"Who?!" Wang Xianzhi also snarled, and fixed his eyes on the direction where the voice came from.But he didn't have any other emotions, only full of excitement!
"A strong man! A strong man in the realm of land gods!" Wang Xianzhi kept roaring in his heart. He knew that the man who just made the sound was definitely an opponent who could bring him a hearty battle!

There was no answer, neither Yu Xinlang nor Lou Huang noticed that Jian Jiuhuang's body had disappeared in place without the slightest notice.

Looking back in horror, even the sword box on the city wall and even the sword that Jian Jiuhuang left in Wudi City all those years ago disappeared.

"Huh!" At this moment, Wang Xianzhi let out a cold snort, and then his figure also disappeared in place.

His two apprentices couldn't keep up with the speed of the person coming up, but it was not enough to deceive the eyes of a pure martial artist like him!
A powerful breath came from the sky, and it was Wang Xianzhi who was chasing after him.Only then did Yu Xinlang and Louhuang look up belatedly, and they found Wang Xianzhi's figure, and not far in front of him, there was still a rapidly shrinking black spot.

"Stay!" Wang Xianzhi shouted again from the sky, and he directly punched the black spot with almost all his energy and energy.

A powerful momentum suddenly broke out!The dark clouds in the sky were directly dissipated by this punch, and the powerful aura bursting out from the fist chased towards the black spot at an extremely terrifying speed.

But at the next moment, Wang Xianzhi's eyes contracted unconsciously, because he clearly saw that facing such a powerful punch from him, that person was easily defeated with just a single punch, and his flying speed was not even affected. half impact.

Standing in the air, Wang Xianzhi knew that if that person wanted to leave, he might not be able to catch up with him, so he just quietly watched that person leave.

It wasn't until the black spot completely disappeared that he stepped down step by step from the high altitude, but before the figure disappeared in the sight of Xin Lang and Lou Huang, he left behind a voice that only the two of them could hear: "You guys The four brothers, be sure to search the rivers and lakes to find out the strong ones that have appeared recently!"

There are countless powerful people in this world, Wang Xianzhi.He can be sure that the person just now has never appeared before, otherwise he would never feel so strange.

And the opponent's strength is to make his fighting spirit, which has been silent for a year, burn vigorously again!

"As expected of Wang Xianzhi..."

Thousands of miles away from Emperor Wudi City, in a valley.

Xu Liang'an gently placed Lao Huang's body on the stone platform, and then sighed softly.He was the one who took Lao Huang away just now, since the battle between Lao Huang and Wang Xian started, he had been watching the battlefield all the time.

And the reason why he chose to take action after Lao Huang used the trick "Bad Horse Yellow Wine Six Thousand Miles" was naturally to let Lao Huang and the name "Jian Jiu Huang" make a final farewell.

From then on, there was no Jianjiuhuang in the rivers and lakes, only Lao Huang, a groom in the Northern Liang Palace.

Xu Liang'an circulated his true energy, then took out a elixir exuding crystal luster from the cloth bag on the chest of his clothes, and stuffed it directly into Lao Huang's mouth without hesitation.

At this time, Lao Huang was naturally dead and couldn't die anymore.But since Xu Liang'an made such an arrangement, he naturally has his own means to pull him back from the gate of hell.

(End of this chapter)

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