Chapter 82 Xu Liangan's True Ambition
For high-level monks, or monks with sects and family inheritance, in fact, what Xu Liang'an said was not too secretive.

of course.

The premise is that the sect or family must be strong enough.On Mount Lantuo, Xu Liang'an didn't know if the other party had such an inheritance, but he was certain that there must be one in the Liangchan Temple, and one in Wudang.

Thinking of this, he looked at the north and south things that came with Jiang Ni without any trace.

The identity of that little monk was astonishing. The Two Chan Temples were able to find out even this kind of news, and they definitely knew more about luck than they imagined.

Not too much entanglement in this matter.

Smiling, he looked at the people who were startled by what he said just now and seemed to be unacceptable, and then he continued to speak.

"Since ancient times, the word "immortal" has always been deified, but since the so-called "immortal", it is still difficult to escape the word "human" in the title. In the final analysis, they are nothing more than people with strong cultivation bases."

Some people fell into deep thought about Xu Liang'an's words, but some did not agree.

"His Royal Highness, if it is according to what you said, then why is there a fairy world and why is there a heavenly gate?"

Xu Liang'an was not surprised that this kind of question appeared, and he naturally had his own answer in his heart:
"It's just like the life in the city in our world. Rich people like to buy large courtyards and live in them. In fact, it's not that there is anything unusual about living in a large enough courtyard. It's just that it is quiet and undisturbed. Do whatever you want."

"As for the impoverished people, the first thing to consider is to live, so what qualifications do they have to think too much? So they all sharpen their heads and work hard to make money, practice, and the purpose is In order that one day I can also live in that kind of compound."

"The same is true for immortals and immortals."

The example Xu Liang'an gave was quite vivid, and people who had doubts in their hearts immediately understood the reason after hearing his words.

"Then, according to His Royal Highness, doesn't it mean that everyone has the chance to become a fairy?"

Someone couldn't help but jokingly said, but there was no malice in the words, it was more like persuading himself and adding some confidence to his practice.

"That's true." Xu Liang'an nodded lightly: "But just like doing business, not everyone can really earn a lot of money."

What he said was quite realistic, a sneer appeared on the face of the person who had just teased him, and he patted his head in embarrassment.

But Liuzhu Bodhisattva spoke lightly again: "But how can we cut off the source of luck in this fairy world? It's impossible to really disperse all the luck in the world, right? If that's the case, wouldn't the world be in chaos? .”

Speaking of this, her beautiful eyes narrowed: "Unless..."

But before she could finish her sentence, Xu Liang'an interrupted directly and rudely: "Unless the world actively creates a barrier that can cut off luck, right?"

The expression on Liuzhu Bodhisattva's face was no longer relaxed, but looked at Xu Liang'an solemnly. The realm accumulated after years of practice told her that what Xu Liang'an was going to say next seemed to be his so-called dragon slaying technique and longevity method this time. The core of preaching.

Facts have proved that her guess is completely correct.

A look of respect suddenly appeared on Xu Liang'an's face: "People in the world feel that it is difficult to produce a Confucian saint. Even before Mr. Xuanyuan, there was only one first-generation Confucian saint Zhang Fuyao in 800 years."

"People in the world originally thought that Zhang Shengren had dissipated in the world 800 years ago, but some time ago, I found out that he has actually been sitting in the Shangyin Academy all these years."

These things are not considered secrets now, after all, Zhang Fuyao's return to Confucian luck in the past almost disturbed the whole world.

"Many people don't know why Zhang Shengren hid in the human world for 800 years. Today I can tell you clearly that his purpose is to prevent the heavenly immortals from descending into the mortal world indiscriminately."

"And the reason why he can live a long life of 800 years is precisely because one person monopolizes [-] years of Confucian luck."

The place was silent.

Monopolizing Confucian luck for 800 years, this matter is actually a thing that would be hated if it is said, it is equivalent to him taking all the good things in the world by himself.

But when he thought that his purpose of doing this was not for himself at all, but to keep the world from being disturbed by those immortals, everyone couldn't help but feel infinite respect in their hearts.

After Xu Liang'an saw everyone's reaction, he nodded in satisfaction.

"But in the end, manpower is sometimes exhausted. Only relying on the strength of Zhang Shengren alone, at most, he can only restrain the immortals when they come down to earth, but can't really stop the immortals from going down to earth fundamentally."

After hearing Xu Liang'an's words, all the beings above the land gods and fairylands present understood what he meant almost instantly!
His ambition is greater than that of Zhang Shengren back then!
Xu Liang'an's purpose has never been to prevent the people from the sky from descending to earth!But to completely cut off the connection between the two worlds!

More than just the luck he said in his mouth?

Xu Liang'an clearly wanted to let the fairy world never come to the human world again!

He wants to turn the fairy world into another human world with life, old age, sickness and death.

The mind that has been cultivated for many years on Mount Lantuo is like still water. Just because of Xu Liang'an's words and the speculation in his heart, Liuzhu Bodhisattva felt that the Buddha Kingdom in his heart was showing some signs of collapse.

The Buddhist heart dharma circulates.

Forcibly suppressing the fluctuations in his heart, Liuzhu Bodhisattva once again looked at Xu Liang'an with a look of joy in his eyes.

"Then can I understand that what His Royal Highness said before, everyone can become a fairy god, refers to having the strongest cultivation in this world? It doesn't mean going to that fairy world."


Xu Liangan nodded slightly.

"Humans are conceived by their parents, grow on the fruits of the ground, and breathe the air between heaven and earth. Whether it is the cause and effect of Buddhism, the so-called past of Taoism, or the cause of Confucianism, we should be strong after we are strong. , to give back to the land under my feet and the world in front of me.”

There was another sentence that Xu Liang'an didn't say.

If it is after entering Tiantianmen, in the fairy world, to put it another way, it is to step on the sky above the head under one's own feet.

At that time, how can the so-called immortals be worthy of being described by the word "human"?

At best, it's just a puppet under the Dao of Heaven.

What is the meaning of becoming a fairy?
(End of this chapter)

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