Chapter 88 Do you think anyone can do Lu Zu?

What exactly is my swordsman's heart?
Li Chungang kept asking himself this sentence in his heart.

For so many years, he attributed all of this to the fact that he accidentally killed the green robe, but he never seemed to think about whether this was the reason?

What kind of emotion did I see in her eyes back then?

Is it hatred for what I have done, or... relief?
Li Chungang hugged his head in pain and squatted down on the spot, wisps of sword intent escaped uncontrollably from his body.

"Brother, the old man..."

Xu Fengnian's eyes were full of anxiety. After getting along for this period of time, he and Li Chungang had established a teacher-friend relationship. He was naturally very worried about Li Chungang's current state.

"It's okay."

Xu Liang'an's calm voice sounded, and after soothing the panic in Xu Fengnian's heart, he said calmly:
"If you want to get rid of your inner demons, this level is essential, otherwise his strength will never be restored."

Hong Xixiang had just said a few words about the matter, and he didn't expect that some moths would appear on Li Chungang's side, but Xu Liang'an didn't mind, since he planned to take action to do this matter, naturally it would be best to solve it all at once.

Out of trust in his elder brother, although Xu Fengnian didn't know what he meant, he still forcibly suppressed his inner anxiety, but his body was out of control, and he kept pacing back and forth in this small courtyard step.

Xu Liang'an glanced at him from the corner of his eye, but didn't say much.

At this time, Li Chungang's sword intent erupted around his body became more and more manic.

"Did she ever blame you?!"

Another shout of anger.

Xu Liang'an's voice once again broke into Li Chungang's ears like thunder, and he, who was still in great pain, suddenly became quiet.

It's just that his eyes are still full of dull expressions, and he keeps repeating in his mouth: "Did she ever blame me... Did she ever blame me..."

Finally, the violent sword intent disappeared completely, and the whole courtyard fell into silence again.Only Li Chungang was still squatting there, muttering to himself constantly.

After seeing this scene, Xu Liang'an gradually heaved a sigh of relief.

His original intention was to help Li Chungang open his knot in his heart, not to make him fall into a state of madness.

Now that he has calmed down, it means that his words should have worked.

The previous cry seemed to be only a few simple words, but in fact Xu Liang'an not only used the Confucian method of awe-inspiring righteousness and meditation, but also added some power of the Buddhist lion's roar.

Although up to now, Xu Liang'an has only practiced the Sutra of Subduing Demons in Buddhism, but in fact, this set of Sutras of Subduing Demons contains various Buddhist techniques.

As a move with a powerful means of killing, the lion's roar has another very powerful function, which is to have a spiritual impact on people.

Why do many people fall into a sluggish state after being hit head-on by the Lion's Roar?
Of course, it can't be the impact caused by the loud voice, but because this kind of power can actually act on the human spirit.

And using this kind of power when untying Li Chungang's heart knot can make him accept Xu Liang'an's words more calmly.

Li Chungang's problem is actually much more serious than what Xu Liang'an thought before. He thought that the other party at most was because he failed to discuss the Dao with Qi Xuanframe first, so the rift in his mind caused him to be bitter about the death of Lu Pao'er bosom.

But now Xu Liang'an realized that it was because of Lu Pao'er's death that Li Chungang was unable to repair his broken state of mind due to his failure to discuss the Dao with Qi Xuanframe for a long time.

causal transformation.

The difficulty of solving it is naturally very different.

Fortunately, there is a huge gap between the two sides. Through the power of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism, he can directly invade Li Chungang's state of mind.

Seeing that Li Chungang's state gradually stabilized at this time, Ye Bai dissipated the power that surrounded his body.

"Don't worry, he's fine."

Hearing the words, Xu Fengnian walked to Xu Liang'an's side, with strong expectations in his words: "Then will his strength recover slowly after he wakes up?"


Xu Liang'an raised his eyebrows: "Whether he can recover depends on whether he can untie his knot in his heart, but even if he can't recover, at least he won't continue to fall."


Xu Fengnian was shocked.

Naturally, with his current strength, he couldn't see Li Chungang's physical condition, but Xu Liang'an could clearly sense that the power in his body was constantly passing away.

Although this speed is extremely slow, his realm is indeed slowly declining.

This is also due to the advantage of the opponent's swordsman, otherwise, if one is cultivating the Tao, the heart of the Tao is broken, let alone a fall, and he is afraid that he would have already died.

He didn't pay too much attention to Li Chungang. The reason why he put in all his effort to do this was because Xu Fengnian was taken care of by the other party, and secondly, he had learned some swordsmanship from him.

No matter how the two ends of the scale fall, there is always an upper limit. For Li Chungang, Xu Liangan's ability to solve his demons is the best way to repay him.

"He probably won't be able to wake up in a short time. You can move him back to the carriage."

"Huh? Carriage?"

Xu Fengnian's expression froze, he didn't understand Xu Liangan's way of asking him to move Li Chungang to the carriage.

"Nonsense!" Xu Liang'an couldn't help but give him a blank look, and then pointed to a few houses in the small courtyard: "They are already full of people, otherwise you just let him hang out in this courtyard? Anyway, I am do not mind."

Only then did Xu Fengnian come to his senses, and after a sneer, he directly called Wei Shuyang to move Li Chungang together.

And Xu Liang'an put his gaze back on Hong Xixiang.

"Well, what do you think of what I just said?"

After saying that sentence earlier, the conversation between the two was interrupted by the suddenly crazy Li Chungang, but it also happened to give Hong Xixiang time to think.

Why didn't he think about what Xu Liang'an said?But for him, that was the worst possible situation.

The most important thing is that Prime Minister Hong Xi doesn't think that he has enough capital for Tiandao to calculate for 800 years.

"But, if you're just looking for someone who practices the way of heaven, why do you have to choose me? Why do you have to use her to restrain me?"

Hong Xixiang's tone was full of doubts.

And Xu Liang'an just sneered.

"Do you think anyone can do Lu Zu?"

(End of this chapter)

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