People travel through the heavens, playing infinite roles

Chapter 106 Chapter 106, The General Blocks the Car

Chapter 106 Chapter 106, The General Blocks the Car
"Ma'am, the carriage is ready."

Not long after, Xiao Cui's voice came from outside the hall.

"You two, let's go."

Princess Yan turned her head and smiled charmingly, and walked forward first. She knew that according to the vigilant temperament of the man in front of her, she had to accompany him to finish this trip.

Outside the gate of Zhaoming Hall, Xiaocui, who was waiting, looked at Chu Yun and Shao Siming who walked out together, and there was a hint of surprise in her eyes, but the surprise quickly disappeared, and she quickly lowered her head without asking any more questions.

Even if Chu Yun and Shao Siming in front of her came out of Zhaohe Hall where Lord Yanchun lived, even if she had never seen Chu Yun and Shao Siming in the palace, she didn't ask much.

In this deep palace, asking less and answering less, and pretending to be deaf and dumb is the way to survive.

The person who can be trusted by Yan Wangfei in front of her and let her watch the door is naturally not a simple character.

The night was dark and windy, and there was no one around at this time. After Princess Yan entered the carriage first, Chu Yun and Shao Si ordered to get on the carriage next, and the maid named Xiao Cui took on the role of groom. .


As Xiaocui picked up the reins and let out a soft drink, the handsome horse drove the carriage through the deep alleys of the palace.

In the carriage, Princess Yan's soft eyes kept looking back and forth between Chu Yun and Shao Si Ming, hoping to guess their identities.

Her eyes looked at Shao Si Ming for a long time, but she still didn't get anything. She moved her eyes to the side and leaned against the wall of the room, closing her eyes and resting her mind on Chu Yun.

Dressed in purple and black, holding a single knife, and has an indifferent and cold personality, could he be the shadow assassin Qi who has gained fame recently?

Concubine Yan's eyes suddenly lit up. A few days ago, Wang Xi of Yan whispered in her ear from time to time that recently an assassin appeared among the Seven Kingdoms, code-named Qi, who specialized in killing princes and ministers.

From this point of view, the man in front of him is most likely the rumored Shadow Assassin Qi?Yan Chunjun is her mission target this time, and he is probably dead now.

It has to be said that the Dark Night Tower is indeed the third largest assassination organization distributed in the Seven Kingdoms, and its ability to publicize its reputation is very good.

In just a few days, the name of Chu Yun's Shadow Assassin had been spread throughout the Seven Kingdoms, and everyone knew it.

However, if there is no corresponding absolute strength, the effect will be counterproductive if you use the completed assassination mission. Not only will people in the Seven Kingdoms not be afraid of you, but they will treat you as a joke, a joke after dinner.

In order to test the conjecture in her heart, Princess Yan asked tentatively: "Sir, could it be that you are the shadow assassin Qi who has recently become famous and made all the princes and officials in the Seven Kingdoms fearful?"

Chu Yun, who was leaning against the wall of the carriage, didn't open his eyes, but simply replied, "Usually, people who are curious die quickly."

As soon as this remark came out, Princess Yan immediately settled down and did not dare to say any more.

Inside the carriage, it became quiet again in an instant. Chu Yun embraced the magic knife and closed his eyes to rest alone. Princess Yan was too frightened to speak, while the other person in the carriage did not say a word from the beginning to the end. talk.

Whether it was when he was in a dangerous situation or after being poisoned, Chu Yun never saw her say a word, let alone a word, not even a single word.

For Shao Siming who never spoke, Chu Yun guessed that this should be the reason for the Onmyoji technique she practiced.

For example, Da Siming, the elder of the Fire Department of the Yin-Yang family, practiced the Yin-Yang secret art "Yin-Yang Combined Mudra" all the year round, so that his hands became as red as blood, and covered with silver patterns, which looked extremely weird.

The techniques created by the Yinyang School are extremely powerful and very strange, but it is worth mentioning that most of the powerful techniques created by the Yinyang School seem to have certain hidden dangers for the users themselves. It is an influence.

The reason behind Shao Siming's inability to speak is presumably because of the Kibe technique he has practiced.

However, it is still unknown whether it is really impossible to speak, and it is also possible that once it is spoken, it will pay a huge price, or be backlashed by magic, which is also possible.

However, all of this is just speculation at present, and the truth behind it is still unknown...

Suddenly, the traveling carriage stopped.

Concubine Yan frowned, and immediately let out the anger she had received from Chu Yun just now, and sternly scolded: "Xiaocui, why did you stop, don't you know that I am in a hurry to get out of the city?!"

"Your Majesty, the Forbidden Army is blocking the way ahead, and it is Wang Yu, the leader of the Forbidden Army." Xiao Cui said while sitting outside the carriage.

Hearing that it was Wang Yu, the leader of the imperial army, Princess Yan's cold expression eased a little, and she ordered: "Send him away as soon as possible."

But Chu Yun opened his eyes slowly, the leader of the forbidden army, he is not at the top of Yanwang Palace to observe the overall situation, what is he doing here?

At this time, his skill has recovered by [-]%, and coupled with the magic knife Qianren, which he can already master completely, he is not afraid of Wang Yu, but once there is a conflict, after beheading them all, he will not be able to get out. So easy.

But there is a hostage in hand... Chu Yun glanced at Princess Yan from the corner of his eye, and then closed his eyes again and held the sword to rest his mind.

"Yes." Xiaocui outside the carriage responded to Princess Yan.

Soon, Wang Yu, who led a group of imperial guards patrolling the palace, walked up to the carriage, holding his sword and clasping his fists.

Before he could say anything, Xiao Cui spoke pre-emptively: "General Wang, the person in the carriage is Concubine Jing, and the empress needs to leave the palace for something, so I would like to ask the general to make it easier."

"I'm sorry, the king has orders. Recently, the palace needs to be heavily guarded to prevent assassins from breaking in. Therefore, the passing vehicles are routinely checked, and the empress in the carriage is invited to come out."

Wang Yu refused to enter, even if Xiaocui first opened his mouth to reveal the identity of the person inside, he still insisted on checking.

On the other hand, the imperial guards behind him could not help showing hesitation and worry on their faces at this moment, for fear that they would offend the lady in the carriage because of the inspection.

"General Wang, the person in my carriage is Concubine Jing." Xiaocui's expression froze, and she mentioned the identity of the person in the carriage again.

"Routine inspection, I hope it will be convenient." Wang Yu looked as usual, and still had no intention of moving out of the way.


Just when the two sides were at a stalemate, Concubine Jing yelled coldly in the carriage: "General Wang, don't you think that this palace is the assassin who assassinated the king?!"

"In that case, why didn't you take Bengong into prison?!"

"Your king is so arrogant, you dare to even stop my palace's driver?"

Hearing the voice from the carriage, Wang Yu's expression changed drastically, he quickly bowed his head and cupped his hands and said in a deep voice, "I dare not, I just follow the king's orders..."

Whether it was the King of Yan or the concubine Jing in the carriage, he could not afford to offend either of them. He wanted to check the carriage just because he had obeyed the king's orders.

Otherwise, if he saw Xiaocui driving the car normally, he would choose to turn a blind eye and close his eyes, but these days are different, he was ordered by the king.

In addition, I didn't see Concubine Jing just now, so I wanted to check the carriage with a gamble mentality. Unexpectedly, this carriage was actually one of the king's favorite concubines, Concubine Jing.

"Since you don't dare, why don't you hurry up and step down!" Concubine Jing's stern voice came from inside the carriage again.


Wang Yu gritted his teeth, but in the end he couldn't afford to offend Concubine Jing, and then he waved his hands to the side at the same time, and the guards behind him immediately divided into two teams and stood by the wall, clearing the road in the middle.

The carriage started on the road again, driving along the deep alley ahead, and it was almost dawn at this time.

Chu Yun glanced at Concubine Jing who had returned to her usual charming manner, and the light in her eyes could not help but move slightly. The way of dominating others with power is perfectly used by a high-ranking person like her, and she deserves to be able to climb to the position of concubine woman.

Noticing Chu Yun's eyes, Concubine Jing smiled back.

The carriage drove out of Yanwang Palace. At this time, there were no people on the streets of Jicheng, and the road was unimpeded, and within a stick of incense, they came to the gate of the city.

At this time, more people gathered around the street.

After hearing that the person inside was Concubine Jing, and seeing that the carriage was indeed from the palace, the soldiers guarding the city naturally did not dare to stop it, and immediately let it go.

Just as Xiaocui pulled up the reins and wanted to continue walking, there was a sound of hoofbeats behind her, and it was the messenger, "Jun Yanchun was assassinated in the palace, and the king has ordered that the whole city be banned, and no one can leave the city!"

As soon as this remark came out, the idle people around suddenly quarreled.

"What's going on? Lord Yanchun was assassinated! That's the king's younger brother, which assassin dares to be so bold?!"

"Speaking of which, have any of you heard of the famous shadow assassin Qi recently? I reckon he did it."

"It is said that he has assassinated two important people before, and one of them is Wei Wuji, one of the four sons!"

"Oh, I also remembered when you said that. It is said that the Shadow Assassin Qi assassinated Young Master Wei Wuji under the shame of everyone!"

"In this way, it is the assassin Qi who assassinated Yanchun Lord this time, and he is probably the only one who can do it. Don't forget, Yanchun Lord was assassinated in the palace!"

"Under heavy guards, who can sneak into the palace and assassinate Yan Chunjun, besides this shadow assassin Qi?!"

The people around whispered one after another, and there were endless voices of surprise, but what they didn't know was that the Shadow Assassin Qi they were talking about was now very close to them.

"Girl, I'm sorry, the king has ordered no one to leave the city."

The soldiers guarding the city also looked embarrassed at this time, but compared to the concubine Jing in the carriage, King Yan's majesty was undoubtedly more terrifying and could not be offended.

Xiaocui frowned and said nothing, she didn't know what to do at this moment, she could only wait for Concubine Jing in the carriage to give orders.

There was another wave of unrest, and shortly after the arrival of the orderly, there was another sound of horseshoes, but this time it was very messy, a bunch.

A group of troops came, and the leading general came straight to the gate of the city.

"Your Majesty, General Yan Yi is here, and he seems to be aiming at us." Xiaocui reminded in a low voice.

Inside the carriage, Concubine Jing looked nervous. She had no choice but to turn her head to look at Chu Yun, holding on to her last hope, and asked, "Sir, what should we do now?"

Concubine Jing was completely panicked and couldn't make up her mind at all.

Now she is on the cusp of a storm, and if she is not careful, she will fall into a place of eternal doom!
Whether it was finally found out that she was harboring an assassin, or being dragged into the back by Qi, this was the ending she didn't want to see, the situation she didn't want to fall into.

Although the man did not admit his identity now, she was not stupid, and could tell that the man in front of her was the legendary Shadow Assassin Qi.

Chu Yun slowly opened his eyes, and his skills recovered by about [-]%. There were at least a few hundred Yan soldiers who came outside by the sound of footsteps, and they were all equipped with sophisticated weapons, crossbows, and long swords.

It's not suitable to fight, the cold eyes swept around in the carriage, and stayed on the long object on which Concubine Jing sat.

At this moment, Yan Yi had already led the army to the outside of the carriage, got off his horse and looked at the curtain in front of him, jokingly said: "Your servant, Yan Yi, came here to search for the assassin under the king's order, and I hope that it will be convenient for Concubine Jing."

They had searched the palace for a long time, but they found no trace of the assassin, and according to the guards, the only vehicle that left the palace gate was the carriage that Concubine Jing was sitting in.

There is no doubt about where the assassin who assassinated Yan Chunjun is hiding.

"Since it is ordered by the king, then General Yan Yi will come up and search, and I will not go down."

Concubine Jing's steady voice came from the carriage.

When death is imminent, you still dare to pretend that nothing happened, let alone, when the general finds the assassin in your car, how will you defend yourself?
Yan Yi smiled disdainfully, jumped onto the carriage, and lifted the curtain covering his eyes. When his eyes entered the carriage, the expression on his face froze. is it possible, how is it possible that Concubine Jing is the only one here? !

Where did the assassin who assassinated Yan Chunjun go? !

I saw the dignified Concubine Jing sitting in the huge carriage, other than that, there was no one else who was clean!Not even a hair!
(End of this chapter)

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