People travel through the heavens, playing infinite roles

Chapter 166 Chapter 166, the dark dungeon of the sacrifice, the blood butterfly is here

Chapter 166 Chapter 166, the dark dungeon of the sacrifice, the blood butterfly is here

In the darkness of the ancient castle, Bai Yifei, dressed in a blood robe and as pale as snow, walked out slowly, holding two swords, one snow and one blood.

"As expected of a medical immortal who saves the world and saves people, her blood is very pure. I have never seen such pure blood. She is worthy of being my mother's resurrected sacrifice."

With every step Bai Yifei took, a gust of extremely cold air continued to spread forward from behind him, and the place where the cold air passed was covered with a layer of frost.

Everything around began to freeze, and a thick layer of ice appeared on the surface. The stone pillars were like this, and so were the surrounding decorations, such as the jade porcelain vase, which now looks like a perfect ice sculpture.

Bai Yifei raised the blood sword in front of his body, and the next moment, the terrifying chill all over his body instantly formed three huge icy thorns tens of meters long, sweeping and stabbing at Chu Yun.

At the same time as the icy thorns came, Chu Yun frowned slightly, and found that his body was slightly frozen and his movements were slow.

A gust of cold air gushed out from behind him at an unknown time, and the ground, including the place where he stood, was covered with a layer of frost.

The entire Blood Cloak Castle is now like an ice castle, everything inside is covered by ice, and there is a thick white cold air around it. This white cold air seems to be able to freeze everything, making anyone who has temperature or Things become a part of this ice castle.

No wonder Bai Yifei chose to stay here and wait. The material of this castle is special, which can completely absorb and take over Bai Yifei's chill.

That's why in Chu Yun's eyes just now, Bai Yifei's cold air obviously didn't cover it, and the frozen ground was only limited to a part of the area under his feet, but now the entire castle is completely frozen.

This ancient castle is a natural home field, Bai Yifei's natural home field, as long as he is in this home field, Bai Yifei's strength will be greatly increased, and at the same time, the opponent's strength will be reduced.

Soon, Chu Yun's feet standing on the ground of the ancient castle were frozen, and the cold air slowly climbed up, and the huge icy thorns in front of him arrived in the blink of an eye.

Chu Yun's whole body shook with internal energy, and the fiery unicorn blood began to surge rapidly. The cold air was dispelled at this moment, and he jumped up with his toes lightly touching the ground, avoiding the menacing blow from the huge icy thorns.


The top thorns of the icy thorns pierced into the ground fiercely, making a loud noise, but the thorns were not broken, and the material that made up its body did not seem to be ice, because the huge thorns had unimaginable toughness.

Under this aggressive collision, it didn't split apart!On the other hand, the ground that was pierced by the ice thorns, the layer of ice that had condensed on the surface of the mountain, had been smashed to pieces at this time.

Even the ground under the ice layer has cracked several cracks and gaps under this huge blow, densely packed, a deep and long crack appeared, and several slender cracks came out from it. Derived from left and right.

After the icy thorn failed in one blow, he just wanted to twist the direction and attack again.

However, Chu Yun was no longer in mid-air, using the icy thorn as a passage, his ghostly figure appeared on the icy thorn at some point, holding the magic knife with thousands of blades, heading towards the end of the icy thorn Bai Yifei rushed away.

Looking at Chu Yun who was rushing towards him with the help of icy thorns, Bai Yifei's expression remained unchanged, and there was no trace of panic in his eyes.

With a wave of the long sword, several huge icy thorns sprang out from behind him in an instant. These huge icy thorns twisted and circled into a ball, and stabbed at Chu Yun again.

When he was about to approach Chu Yun, the icy thorns spread out and surrounded him from different directions!

Chu Yun turned to one side first, and then jumped up again, dodging the impact of two of the ice thorns, but at this moment another ice thorn had quietly attacked from behind him, and the target was under Bai Yifei's intentional control. Go straight to his heart and stab!

Unable to dodge in mid-air, coupled with this fatal blow, Chu Yun's end seemed to be doomed.

"There is no point of leverage in mid-air, unless you have wings, otherwise you can't escape." Bai Yifei stared at the scene in front of him, the corner of his mouth slightly raised, and he couldn't help muttering.

But the next moment, Bai Yifei's pupils instantly enlarged, his cold eyes were full of astonishment, and he subconsciously exclaimed: "Impossible!"

In his line of sight, there were tens of meters long icy thorns piercing into Qi's heart, but the expression on Qi's face didn't change at all, that's right, there was no change at all!

"Could it be that he's not afraid of pain, or doesn't feel pain?!"

Filled with shock, Bai Yifei immediately had this idea in his mind, but it was quickly dispelled.

Because Bai Yi saw that after the ice thorn pierced Chu Yun's heart, it directly penetrated his body, but it did not bring out a trace of blood, not even a blood hole, just like ice What the thorns pierced was just a mirror image of Chu Yun!
And the next moment, Bai Yifei's surprised eyes stopped suddenly, his tall and thin body trembled slightly, and he looked down in disbelief.

I saw a hideous blood hole in my heart, and the blood was slowly flowing out from that hole, dripping drop by drop along the body on the ground.

The severe pain hit instantly, and before he could figure out what was causing all this, a bleak cold light in front of him had already attracted his attention.

Pupils trembled constantly, Bai Yifei opened his mouth slightly, wanting to say something, but his vitality passed so quickly, he was already turned into a corpse before he even had time to say a word.

"Flowers in the Mirror and Moon in the Water" Chu Yun hadn't used this technique for a long time.

There were no guards in the entire Blood Cloak Castle, and they all died outside.

After Bai Yifei's death, the extremely cold air around has gradually dissipated, and the entire castle has returned to the way Chu Yun had just arrived before, and the ice condensed on everything around has melted, coming and going without a trace, melting After that, it didn't turn into water.

Chu Yun calmed down and searched everything around with his conscious mind. The upper floor was empty, and his consciousness slowly sank down to search.

"found it."

As Chu Yun's consciousness slowly covered the entire Blood-clothed Castle and below, Duanmurong's aura was also successfully detected by him. It was underground. There was a dark prison underground in the Blood-clothed Castle, and Duanmu Rong was there.

The aisle leading to the dark prison also appeared in his mind at the moment when he withdrew his consciousness.


Meanwhile, on the other side.

The dark prison under the Bloodcloth Castle is extremely dark, but it is not as messy as an ordinary prison. Instead, it is very clean, but the smell is a little weird.

The surroundings are all made up of black stone and stone surfaces, which looks extremely depressing. On the stone walls in all directions, there are iron buckles of shackles. On these iron buckles of shackles, there is a girl trapped, naked and with a good face. She is still in her infancy stage, she is a proper beauty.

These girls trapped here are all unconscious now, it seems that they were poisoned, or because of some reason, and the important parts of these girls' bodies are covered with a layer of bloody butterflies.

These blood butterflies lay quietly on top of the girl's snow-white delicate body, motionless as if they had fallen into a deep sleep.

And in the center of this underground dungeon, there is a crystal coffin, which is not covered with a coffin lid. Inside the crystal coffin lies a tall and plump woman with a beautiful face.

The beautiful woman was lying quietly in the crystal coffin. The blood-colored long dress she was wearing was extremely exquisite and the fabric was fine. It seemed to be the best match for princes and nobles.

Under the tall and towering snow peak, there is a slender and tight waist of a water snake. Her pretty face is exquisite and perfect, without a single wrinkle, and she is very fair. It is hard to imagine that she is a dead person, or that she is not dead, but in a half-dead state. ..

The whole body of this beautiful woman is also covered with some blood butterflies, but these blood butterflies are different from the surrounding ones in that they are moving, not sleeping, lying on the woman, slowly flapping their wings.

If you observe carefully, you will find that while these blood butterflies are flapping their wings, they are still sending some kind of bloody streamer into the body of the woman in the crystal coffin, which seems to be made of blood, full of very strong vitality .

As these blood-colored vitality entered the body, the beautiful woman lying in the crystal coffin, her long eyelashes moved slightly, and her pale and bloodless pretty face gradually returned to rosy. At this moment, she seemed to be a living The woman doesn't look like someone who has been lying in a coffin for many years.

The corners of the delicate and perfect mouth of the woman in the crystal coffin rose slowly, evoking a faint smile.


At this time, the underground dungeon was the only way to the top. The iron door at the passage was opened, and Chu Yunzi's black figure appeared, stepped over the last step of the stairs at the passage, and walked into the dungeon.

I glanced at the general situation around and came into view, the girl who was trapped to draw blood, and the bloody butterflies everywhere around the wall.

The ground is entirely paved with black stones, and there are some strange patterns engraved on each piece of black stone. These strange patterns spread all over the ground of the dark prison, and when they are combined together, they form a strange pattern.

It's like some kind of belief, and here is an altar.

Looking across the dark prison, Chu Yun quickly found Duanmu Rong's figure on a raised stone platform.

Duanmu Rong was lying quietly on the stone platform all the time, unconscious, just like the girls who were bound by the locks on the wall around her.

The breath is stable, it seems to be fine, is it poisoned...Chu Yun approached the stone platform and looked down, picked up the magic knife Qianren, and swiped at the fingertips, the blood slowly dripped out, drop by drop fell on the Between the girl's plump and seductive red lips, it slowly flows into the girl's body.

Duanmu Rong's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and her closed eyes slowly opened. The original pair of purple eyes seemed to be a little silent because she had just woken up.

"Thank you."

The girl smiled weakly, and the first thing she saw after waking up was Chu Yun. Apart from thanking her, she really didn't know what to say at this time.

Chu Yun nodded slightly, helped Duanmurong off the stone platform, and just as he was about to leave, "Alas." A mournful and resentful sigh slowly sounded from behind.

It was the crystal coffin in the center of the prison. Duan Murong was leaning against Chu Yun's arms. The two of them turned around and looked behind them. They saw a delicate and pale jade hand protruding from the crystal coffin in the center not far away.

The jade hand grabbed the side of the crystal coffin, and then the sleeping woman inside stood up, a pair of eyes that had been sleeping for a long time slowly opened, revealing a pair of empty and lifeless pupils.

Her eyes swept around, and finally landed on Chu Yun and Duan Murong who were not far in front, mainly on Duan Murong, her eyes gradually regained their color, and a charming smile appeared on her pretty face:
"It's so pure blood, I never imagined that there are such pure women as you in this world."

She moved her eyes away from Duanmurong's delicate body, and looked directly at Chu Yun, her charming smile slowly retracted, and after sensing the astonishing aura of the other party, a deep fear flashed in her long and narrow eyes.

"Leave my sacrifice, you can go."

"She's mine, you don't deserve it."

A blood-red light flashed in Chu Yun's eyes, he stepped forward and stood in front of Duan Murong, with the magic blade Thousand Blades in his hand, pointing the tip at Bai Wei in front of him.


As if sensing the master's emotions, the Thousand Blades of the Demon Knife hummed with thousands of pieces on its body, trembling and making a shrill cry, and a bright purple light shone out at this moment.

The saber intent pervades, chilling.

In Chu Yun's hands, the magic knife Qianren emerged with a strong fighting spirit, and he couldn't wait to use fighting to stop his desire.

Duanmu Rong behind him, with his cold and unchanging eyes, seemed a little flustered at this moment.

A touching blush floated on her delicate pretty face, causing her frost-like temperament to dissipate most of it in a short time. With a girl of this age, she should have a shy and cute look.

The hot and numb emotions arose from nowhere, and they were gradually spreading in a heart, like a deer bumping around, blushing shyly and not knowing what to say.

However, the girl did not object.

(End of this chapter)

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