People travel through the heavens, playing infinite roles

Chapter 200Chapter 200, don't bully the fox for reading less!

Chapter 200Chapter 200, don't bully the fox for reading less!

"You mean the fog outside the village?"

Hearing this, the village chief was silent for a while, and then his eyes fell into memories, and he said slowly: "That fog has been around for some years, and it began to diffuse around the village a long time ago, and the source is still unknown."

Speaking of this, he smiled and said: "I don't know the origin of the fog outside the village, but every morning, the fog will dissipate, if you want to leave, just wait until tomorrow morning to leave the village .”

Hearing the village chief's suggestion, Chu Yun nodded slightly, suddenly thought of the god statue in the ancient temple, and then asked, "I wonder which real god is carved in the god statue in the ancient temple in the village?"

"I do not know either."

The village chief shook his head, and said sincerely: "That's something about the generation of our ancestors, and there are very few records handed down, but I heard my grandfather once said that carving stone walls in ancient temples left biographical records who are the messengers of the true God."

After a pause, he suddenly turned his head to look at Chu Yun, and said with a smile, "You actually asked this question, so you must have visited the ancient temple, right?"

Chu Yun tapped lightly, "The village chief didn't know what to ask, but he gave some useful information."

For example, in the morning, the fog outside the window will dissipate, but it is not so easy to tell the time outside the dark circle.

At this time, the village head looked deep, and pointedly said: "Then you should pay attention, the ancient temple is where the statues of the true gods are located, so don't blaspheme the true gods when you enter."

"Of course not."

Chu Yun said something casually, and the corner of his eye inadvertently caught sight of the burning bonfire in front of him, the wings of his nose moved slightly, and the light in his eyes gradually deepened.

Sometimes the dog demon has a keen sense of smell, and can find some places that look reasonable but have tiny clues, such as the burning bonfire in front of him.

He smelled a familiar smell, but it shouldn't be here...

Chu Yun stared at the bonfire that was constantly rising in front of him, and finally his eyes fell on the black wood that was constantly being burned in the flames.

At this time, the village head got up and left. Tu Shan Yaya rolled her small eyes, looked around strangely, then moved her buttocks to Chu Yun's side, and said with a hint of contempt in her tone: " Stinky wood, what are you looking at?"

Following Chu Yun's gaze, I saw a tall and quite graceful young woman dancing there, with a pretty face, and three hands with black hair hanging down her waist like a waterfall, following the moving The dancing posture is floating and swaying.

There is no fabric blocking the waist, and the white and delicate waist has clear lines, swaying from side to side, like a water snake, exuding a different kind of temptation, which is extremely eye-catching.

"Of course it's watching the fire." Chu Yun didn't blush, and his heart didn't beat.

Although during this period, it is inevitable to see the water snake's waist swaying from side to side, which makes people's blood swell, but this situation is inevitable.

Tu Shan pouted Yaya, obviously not believing it, and said, "What's so good about a fire? Don't bully me for not reading enough!"

Chu Yun ignored it, stopped staring at the bonfire in front of him, turned to Tu Shan Yaya beside him, and asked, "Do you smell any special smell?"

Hearing this, Tu Shan's elegant and delicate little Qiong's nose twitched twice quickly, and then said seriously: "No."

Regarding this, Chu Yun's eyes were calm, and he had already guessed the answer. A fox's nose is indeed not as useful as a dog's.

Tu Shan Yaya couldn't bear the curiosity in her heart, and said anxiously: "Oh, dead wood, don't hold my mother's appetite, tell me quickly, what is the special smell?"

"It's the smell of blood." Chu Yun said calmly.

However, the smell of blood is very faint, so faint that it is almost inaudible, and it is difficult to detect it, but for Chu Yun, it is different.

It's very strange, how could a bonfire that is burning be filled with a bloody smell that seems to be there...

He was not the only one who was also puzzled, Tu Shan Yaya also felt very strange, she frowned slightly, and said with a pouted: "Are you joking, it doesn't look like someone has died and shed blood here?"

No one was dead, no blood was shed, so where did the smell of blood come from?

But there is no need for Dead Wood to lie to her now... Tu Shan Yaya was silent for a while, then glanced around vigilantly, and after finding no one noticed, she asked in a low voice: "Where does this bloody smell come from?" ?”

Chu Yun glanced ahead, motioning Tu Shan to look elegantly.

Tu Shan Yaya took a deep breath, followed the direction indicated by Chu Yun, and then she fell silent suddenly, unable to see the expression on her face.

However, her fists were clenched suddenly, and she ruthlessly glanced at Chu Yun next to her, gritted her silver teeth and said angrily, "I'm warning you, stinky wood, although I don't study much, you can't treat me as a fool! "

The direction Chu Yun indicated with his eyes was the burning bonfire, which meant that the smell of blood came from the bonfire.

Isn't this just bullying the little fox for not having gone to school and how many books he has read? !

Which fire smells like blood when it burns? !
It's too much, to actually bully her a little fox!

Chu Yun glanced at Tu Shan Yaya, who was so eye-catching as the snow peak was rising and falling, and said, "Didn't you notice the color of the wood?"

Tu Shan Yaya glanced slightly out of the corner of her eye, glanced at the bonfire again, curled her lips and said, "It's black, isn't the wood all black when it burns to charcoal?"

"Look carefully."

Chu Yun reminded: "There are also some logs that have just been filled in and have not been burned into charcoal. Look at the color of those logs."

Tu Shan Yaya looked at the bonfire seriously again: "It's also black?"

"But is there any problem?" Tu Shan Yaya frowned, puzzled.

There is no problem with burning the black wood. Why do you have to take a closer look at this wood?

"The whole body of that locust tree is also black, and the wood burning in the bonfire in front of me is the same kind as that locust tree." Chu Yun pointed out the key point.

Isn't it normal for villagers to split trees into lumber?Tu Shan Yaya thought of this as a matter of course, and was about to say it immediately. As soon as she opened her small mouth, she realized something was wrong.

"The locust tree was worshiped by the villagers before, how could it be so easily cut down into wood and burned?"

After thinking clearly about the contradiction, Tu Shan Yaya's face was full of seriousness.

Chu Yun looked at Tu Shan Yaya who finally realized something was wrong, his eyes were slightly relieved, and he was a little relieved, and then said: "If I guess right, the reason why the bonfire in this village can dispel the fog outside the village .”

"This has a lot to do with it because the wood that supports the bonfire is taken from the locust tree."

This may be the reason why the villagers worship the locust tree and regard it as a god.

There was a starlight in Tu Shan Yaya's eyes, and she suddenly understood all the previous doubts, her tone was a little excited, but she still lowered her voice and said: "The bloody smell you mentioned earlier refers to the smell produced when the locust tree is burned. Smell!"

Looking at Tu Shan Yaya, who was so rare to be smart for a while, Chu Yun nodded slightly, and said softly, "That's right, you're not too stupid."

"My old lady is very smart, isn't she?" Tu Shan Yaya stood up from the ground all of a sudden, pouting her mouth dissatisfiedly to retort.

Standing up suddenly at this moment, all the eyes of the surrounding villagers looked towards this side.

The atmosphere was silent for a few moments, a little awkward.

Tu Shan Yaya, who was stared at by the villagers around her, was a little embarrassed, and sat back silently, with embarrassing eyes.

Tu Shan Yaya, who was back in her original position, opened her small mouth slightly, and just when she was about to speak, the village head who had left before suddenly came back, smiled and said to Chu Yun and Tu Shan Yaya: "The visitor is a guest, we have already arranged The banquet is ready, please hurry up, both of you!"

"I think you must be hungry all the way here."

"Thank you for your kindness, we haven't..."

Before Chu Yun could utter the word "hungry", he heard Tu Shan Yaya's stomach next to him, protesting and screaming non-stop!

Chu Yun glanced sideways from the corner of his eyes, and saw Tu Shan Yaya touching her belly, her pretty face flushed slightly, she lowered her head in embarrassment, her eyes slightly embarrassed.

She doesn't want to do this either, but it's beyond her control!It's an instinctive reaction!
"Ha ha."

The village chief leaned on a cane, with a kind smile on his wrinkled face, and persuaded again: "You two friends, please don't be too polite, please hurry up. Although our village is not rich, we still need some wine and meat. of."

Well, now that Tu Shan Yaya's stomach growled so loudly, if he refuses to be emotional and reasonable, he will be at odds... Chu Yun's eyes were calm, he glanced lightly and lowered his head, embarrassed, looking at himself Tu Shan Yaya, then withdrew his eyes and said lightly: "Then trouble the village chief."

"No trouble, no trouble."

The village chief smiled and waved his hands, saying that these are trivial matters, so there is no need to care about them, and then walked forward to lead the way: "This way please, two friends."

"It's over, I was so embarrassing just now, I will definitely be laughed at by this dead wood for the rest of my life!" Tu Shan Yaya walked on the road, feeling a little depressed in her heart, thinking of her future, she felt hopeless.

Not long after, under the guidance of the village chief, Chu Yun and Tu Shan Yaya stepped into a house, saw the dishes on the table, including wine and meat, just looking at them made them very appetizing.

A desire arises out of thin air in people's hearts, and they can't help but want to pounce on it and wipe out all these good wine and food.

Tu Shan Yaya's throat rolled subconsciously, her eyes lit up, she was staring at the wine and meat on the table, and she couldn't bear it anymore.

Tu Shan Yaya's bright eyes immediately attracted Chu Yun's attention, and he was a little helpless, wanting to say: "Don't say you know me after you go out."

However, the meat, wine and delicacies at this banquet really make people very appetizing...

Chu Yun was stunned, and subconsciously took a step forward. At this moment, he seemed to have lost the ability to think independently and rationally. His consciousness was dull, and a voice whispered in his ear all the time: "Eat, eat, eat all... ..."

But soon, a bright light suddenly appeared in the depths of Chu Yun's eyes, his consciousness returned, he regained his sobriety, and he calmed down the demon power surging in his body. There were slight ripples in the calm eyes, like a still lake being blown by a breeze.

"Stupid fox, wake up!"

Chu Yun's voice was slightly cold, and he raised his hand to catch Tu Shan Yaya who jumped up and rushed towards the delicious food on the table in front of him.

"I... what's wrong with me?"

Tu Shan Yaya, whose consciousness was suddenly recalled by Chu Yun, had a dazed and dazed expression on her small face, obviously she hadn't figured out what happened just now, why was she suddenly lifted up, with her hands and feet dangling in the air up?
She looked around blankly, opened her mouth slightly, and couldn't help gasping, "Everyone around has disappeared?"

The village head who warmly invited them to come here just now, as well as some simple and honest villagers, are all gone at this moment!
I don't know where to go, and the most important thing is that all the delicacies on the banquet in front of me have also changed, from delicious and colorful delicacies to a pile of disgusting and foul-smelling carrion!
Tu Shan Yaya's face was pale, and after being put down by Chu Yun, she couldn't help covering her mouth and retching, this scene was really disgusting, the clumps of deep black carrion were still wriggling on the plate .

Tu Shan Yaya, who came back slowly, smiled at Chu Yun and said, "Thank you."

If Chu Yun hadn't stopped her in time just now, she would have swallowed all these disgusting carrion.

"Hey! I feel sick just thinking about it!"

When Tu Shan Yaya thought of this, pimples suddenly appeared all over her body, and she couldn't help shivering.

Chu Yun nodded slightly, his calm eyes fixed on the carrion on the table, "The smell of these carrion is very ominous to him."

I don't know what will happen after eating it...

In short, try not to touch it as much as possible. In addition, the surrounding environment has also undergone great changes. From a clean and tidy appearance, it has changed back to the deserted and ruined village that Chu Yun saw when he first came to this village. It's like it hasn't been lived in for decades.

Everything seemed to be back to the original point, and changed back again. The surrounding furniture was scattered on the ground and covered with dust, and the corners of the eaves and walls were covered with cobwebs.

It was strange, at the moment when Chu Yun was attracted by the delicacies on the table, the whole village was transformed again, the villagers and the village chief disappeared, and the houses returned to their previous appearance.

"Dead wood, what should I do now?" Tu Shan Yaya couldn't help but feel a little flustered in this weird environment, and tugged on Chu Yun's sleeve.

"Go back to the ancient temple first." Chu Yun frowned, and quickly made a decision. He always had a premonition that some changes should have taken place in the ancient temple at this time, perhaps different from before.

"Well, then let's go quickly."

Tu Shan Yaya urged with a slightly relaxed expression, anyway, she doesn't want to stay in this place for a while now.

Just when the two were about to leave the house, a sudden change occurred, and bursts of deep roars suddenly came from a dark corner.

"Bang bang bang!"

Immediately afterwards, there was a violent impact sound, and the whole ground began to tremble violently. It seemed that some huge monster was crashing into the ground and was about to break out of the ground!

(End of this chapter)

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