Chapter 230 Chapter 230
Well, in order to ensure that he was not deceived, and to ensure that he was an alchemist, all these materials were prepared.

Chu Yun looked in the direction of Medusa's finger, and saw all kinds of medicinal materials placed on the table at a glance, and a pill furnace with three legs supporting the ground next to it.

"Your Majesty, the preparations are really complete!"

Chu Yun roughly glanced at the medicinal materials placed on the table. There are many types, but none of them are rare medicinal materials. Using these to practice, you can probably practice some common pills.

It's just to test whether I'm an alchemist, so I don't even bother to download the book, so as to prevent myself from harming the medicinal materials?

"Congratulations, you really did the right thing!"

Chu Yun murmured in his heart, having inherited Bai Xiaochun's talent, he can now be regarded as an alchemist, oh no, he is a small expert in alchemy.

It's really difficult for him to practice without bombing the boss!

The villagers want to feed Pinger, who is a foreigner, including her unborn child, to the sacred tree. For some reason, Pinger, who first appeared at the beginning of the memorabilia, survived as a foreigner.

At first, he was puzzled, but when he saw the last sentence, Chu Yun suddenly understood the reason. The middle-aged uncle married Pinger, which was the reason why she survived in the village for the time being.

However, people in the village have not forgotten her identity as a foreigner. When there are no other foreigners in the village for a long time, Pinger will be used as nourishment again, including the child in her belly.

When Chu Yun came to this room for the first time and saw the middle-aged uncle, there was only the middle-aged uncle in the whole room, which meant that Pinger had been used as nourishment by the villagers in a certain period of time in the past.

Sure enough, when he turned to the next page, the above content verified his conjecture,
[Damn it, they beasts!To actually use my Pinger and her unborn child as nourishment...]

[Pinger is gone, and my heart is also cold...]

【Two more foreigners came to the village today...】

Seeing this, Chu Yun's heart skipped a beat, isn't Xixuan plus him two?
Keep looking down.

[I reminded them to leave quickly, but they still entered the village...]

With a creak, the door was pushed open.

In line with the concept of taking the initiative rather than accepting it passively, Xixuan waved the folding fan in his hand and looked at the fierce villagers in front of him with a smile on his face, "Monk, I can't take care of you when we fight later."

"Amitabha, the poor monk believes in the strength of the donor."

Chu Yun stepped back into the house, folded his palms together and recited the Buddha's name, and then closed the wooden door.

Hearing the sound of closing the door from behind, Xixuan's expression was a bit unnatural, he was so angry that he had nothing to do, so he had to cast it all on the villagers in front of him.

Mana surged on the folding fan in his hand, and he fanned it.


At this time, Chu Yun opened the door again and walked out after hearing the screams from outside the house.

I saw that the villagers who were still vicious before were already lying on the ground and howling continuously from their mouths.

"In these days, big fists are the last word."

Looking at the villagers who were no longer able to stop them on the ground, Chu Yun couldn't help sighing.

In this world, the fist is justice, don't talk about the difference between the righteous way and the evil way, those are all false. A hundred years ago in the evil way, a young genius appeared, and at that time, the geniuses who overwhelmed the righteous way couldn't hold their heads up.

"This is the sacred tree in your village?"

Xixuan waved his fan and looked at the sacred tree in front of him, jokingly said: "It's not that good, it looks like a broken jujube tree."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the old village chief on the opposite side instantly became stern, "Shut up, the sacred tree is something you, an ignorant child, can talk about!"

Then, he reached out and touched the dry bark of the jujube tree in front of him, his sinister eyes softened: "No hurry, the whole village is your nourishment tonight..."

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly took out a dagger from his sleeve and stabbed it into his stomach. The whole movement was done in one go without any hesitation.

His rickety old body fell to the ground, blood gradually flowed into the ground along the wound, his vitality slowly disappeared, but the jujube tree became more and more verdant.

The dense tree roots rushed out from the ground, moved closer to the corpse on the ground, and then wrapped it tightly. In an instant, the roots dispersed, and the wrapped corpse was exposed. There were flesh and blood corpses before, but now Become a horrified bone!
In the blink of an eye, the village chief's body was reduced to bones, and all the flesh and blood in his body was sucked up by the roots of the tree.

A strange bloody light flashed, and countless tree roots began to sweep away in the direction where Chu Yun and Xixuan were.

Seeing this, Chu Yun's pupils shrank suddenly, and before he could turn around and run away, Xixuan had already actively blocked himself in front of him, and he was so excited that he said, "Good brother!"

The folding fan in Xixuan's hand was swung open, and the roots of the tree were blown away.

At this time, a human face slowly appeared on the trunk of the jujube tree in front, and the dry and wrinkled bark looked like an old man in his twilight years.

Xixuan looked at the tree face vigilantly. For some reason, this tree face gave him a strong sense of crisis, but it didn't seem to come from the tree face itself.

He didn't dare to approach, and asked in a low voice, "Monk, are you leaving now?"

"If you leave now, I can still protect you, but if you stay longer, I won't be so sure." Xixuan clenched the folding fan in his hand, his eyes full of vigilance.

Just as Chu Yun was about to blurt out the word "go", Aunt Yue said in her divine thoughts, "Little monk, there is something strange under that jujube tree, which seems to be a treasure. I feel that as long as I get him, I can get to this place." The end of the world..."


Chu Yun was shocked. He had seen these two words in Buddhist scriptures before, and he only knew that they were a very ancient existence, but he didn't know what they were.

"You go first, I will stay here."

Chu Yun frowned slightly. This kind of matter doesn't need to involve Xixuan who just met for a day. He has to explore the secret behind the end by himself.

He didn't believe that the snake people would not be able to produce some rare medicinal materials, even if there were few alchemists, the snake people still didn't lack these resources.

Chu Yun turned around, looked at Medusa who had been waiting impatiently, and said seriously: "Your Majesty, I invite you out while I am refining alchemy."

"Why?" Medusa frowned, a trace of doubt flashed in her beautiful eyes.

"Because it's a secret."

Medusa let out a "hmm", glanced at Chu Yun coldly, and said with a hint of danger in her tone, "What did you say?!"

Chu Yun straightened his face, and immediately changed his words: "I said that I need to be absolutely quiet when practicing alchemy, so that I can better serve Her Lady Queen and practice a batch of high-quality pills."


Medusa frowned slightly, although she was a little impatient, she still wriggled her tail and walked towards the door.

When she was about to come out of the door, she stopped suddenly, then turned her head and sneered, "Human, you'd better hope that you can refine the elixir, otherwise, heh!"

With a cold snort, Medusa slammed the door and left.

Tsk tsk tsk, inexplicably feeling that waiting will be a little dangerous.

"This is your territory. Now that you are the boss, I won't fight with you. Sooner or later, I will let you kneel down and sing Conquer!"

Chu Yun curled his lips, and immediately set up an ambition in his heart. In the future, this beautiful snake must know: "What is 30-year-old Hedong and 30-year-old Hexi? Today you are the boss, but you can't always be the boss!"

Sooner or later, you, a beautiful snake, will cry.

Chu Yun let out a breath, let go of these random thoughts, and began to concentrate on alchemy.

Some Bai Xiaochun acted as a template, he knew how to practice alchemy, the knowledge about alchemy and the degree of mastery of the fire, as if it was born in his mind.

Chu Yunxin grabbed a few herbs and threw them into the furnace. With a flick of his sleeve, a ball of flames immediately burned in the furnace.

At the same time, several snakemen gathered outside the gate of the palace.

Medusa waited quietly outside the gorgeous gate, without saying a word, her gaze quietly staring at her eyes, as if she could see through the gate to see clearly the situation inside.

Yue Mei standing beside her also did not say a word, just quietly accompanying her most respected queen.

Just when the atmosphere was extremely quiet, there came a rustling sound, which was the sound made by the slender tails of their hands rubbing and swinging on the ground.

【Looks like the sacred tree will bloom again tonight. 】

There is no content in the note here.

Chu Yun put the blue book together calmly, and then put it back to its original place.

Not surprisingly, the sacred tree that appeared many times in the notes was the unfruitful jujube tree in the center of the village.

It needs to be fed with human flesh and blood. What kind of sacred tree is this? It is clearly a demon tree!
The last sentence of the note is:

【Looks like the sacred tree will bloom again tonight. 】

This means that the villagers will attack them tonight.

"Monk, do you want to run away at night?" Xixuan was also aware of this.

"I can't run anymore, people are already here."

Chu Yun glanced at him, then looked outside the room.

I saw the flames outside the house, and the shadows of dozens of villagers holding torches were reflected on the window paper. It seemed that they had been to the room they were in before, and came here after seeing that their room was empty.

Die hurried over with a worried expression on her face. Before meeting her, she didn't have time to catch her breath, so she hurriedly asked, "Sister, did you force that guy to make alchemy?"

"He did it voluntarily, I didn't force him." Medusa looked calm and her eyes were calm.

"But he doesn't know how to make alchemy!" Die said anxiously, just as she was about to persuade her sister to let Chu Yun go, Medusa's next words made her stunned.

"He can make alchemy."

From the corner of Medusa's calm eyes, she glanced at Die who was stunned, and said, "Didn't that human tell you about this?"

"Yeah." Die nodded subconsciously, with a sincere face. Ever since she met Chu Yun, the other party had never mentioned to her that she knew how to make alchemy.

She frowned, feeling a little wrong, and then asked, "Sister, did he tell you that he can practice alchemy?"


Medusa tapped her head lightly, if it wasn't like this, she wouldn't waste this time, she waited here, and even specially called for medicinal materials and pill furnace for Chu Yun.

At this time, she lay quietly on the bed, and let the bastard human who almost abducted her sister's heart squeeze her shoulders and beat her legs, oh no, is it not good to beat her tail? !
Fortunately, she is a dignified queen of the snake-human clan, but she is guarding outside because of a human being!

Damn it!
Thinking of this, Medusa was so angry that her teeth itch, and she swore inwardly: "Human, if you can't make a pill later, I will definitely make you look good!"

In the end, it was the saintess of the Hundred Flowers Sect who lured him to the righteous way. Facts have proved that as long as your potential is large enough and your strength is strong enough, the boundary between the righteous and evil ways has long since disappeared. People, but if you join the righteous way later, then a generation of heroes will be respected.

The villagers' matter was settled for the time being. Chu Yun glanced at the ground and found that there was no village chief, so he squatted down in front of a villager casually and said, "Where is your village chief?"

"The village... the village chief is at the sacred tree."

The villagers looked at Chu Yun in horror, not daring to hide anything.

After a beating, he really became a lot more honest. He got up and walked towards the center of the village, intending to meet the village chief.

Xixuan followed up shaking his fan, "Do you know where the sacred tree they are talking about is?"

"It's just a jujube tree in the middle of the village." Chu Yun nodded lightly, and didn't hide anything.

At this time, at the jujube tree in the center of the village, the old village chief looked at the two people who were walking towards here, his eyes gradually became gloomy, "What a bunch of trash..."

Die on the side shivered involuntarily, and uttered a puzzled voice in his heart: "Hey, it's such a hot day, why do I still feel so cold?"

Subconsciously, she looked towards the source of the cold air. Feeling the cold air emanating from her sister, Die began to worry about the situation of Chu Yun and others.

"Look at my sister, wait for a while, if the bad guy can't practice the pill, what will happen to him..."

Conservation must be a fracture... Die subconsciously swallowed the incense in her throat, and couldn't help but pray: "Bad guy, although you always took advantage of me before, if you really can't practice the elixir this time, then I will I can't keep you, I hope you can succeed!"

Another rustling voice came, and Medusa looked in the direction of the voice, and immediately frowned: "Mobas, what are you doing here?"

The person who came was a burly man. After bowing down and saluting, he respectfully stated the purpose of his visit: "Your Majesty, I heard that you captured a human man as a slave. Human beings are always cunning, especially It is the men among them who are even worse, they can use sweet words to coax them, so as to achieve their own goals..."

Before he finished speaking, Medusa raised her hand impatiently, interrupted him, and said coldly: "Mobas, do you think this king will fall into the hands of a human?"

"Or do you think this king is no longer worthy of the queen?!"

As soon as these words came out, Mobas was so frightened that he knelt down on the ground, his face extremely terrified, and he said quickly: "This subordinate didn't mean that!"

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(End of this chapter)

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