Chapter 87, Three Talents Formation
Before the long sword had time to penetrate, their masters had already lost their vitality, and one after another fell into a pool of blood.

Chu Yun's mind moved slightly, and the magic knife Qianren was guided, and thousands of fragments gathered together again, re-forming the original cracked blade.

The attacks of the Demon Saber Thousand Blades are ever-changing, extremely weird and tricky, and it is difficult for ordinary people to resist, not to mention that it is normal to be killed with a single knife without any precautions.

However, the strange attack method of the Demon Saber Thousand Blades still shocked the surrounding people.

" could there be such a strange long knife? After being turned into thousands of pieces, it can still be combined together?!"

"At first, I thought it was a broken knife full of cracks, the kind that would shatter when touched, but I didn't expect it to be a sharp weapon!"

"The strangeness and terror of this knife, in terms of power alone, I am afraid it is not inferior to any famous sword in the famous sword book!"

They had never seen the scene that happened before them just now, and for a moment, they couldn't help whispering, completely forgetting that the prince of Wei State was being assassinated at this time.

"Disciples of Renzong listen to the order and set up the formation of three talents!"

"Disciple is ordered!"

Mu Xuzi on the other side looked dignified, and took a step forward to stand on the main seat of the formation, while the two Renzong disciples behind him stood on the left and right sides of Young Master Wei Wuji, surrounding Wei Wuji to form a three-sided defense situation.

This is the Taoist three-talent formation, which is taken from the unity of heaven, earth and man.

In the formation of three talents, heaven, earth and man echo each other, and the three are united. When attacking the heaven, man and earth respond, and when attacking the position, heaven and man respond. The same is true for attacking the human. In terms of formation, it is also like three people.

What's more, what they are facing now is only Chu Yun.

Mu Xuzi was confident that under the protection of the Sancai Formation, no matter how weird the knife in the hands of the assassin code-named Qi was, he would not be able to break through the defense of the Sancai Formation and assassinate Wei Wuji.

Besides, although the knife in Qi's hand is weird, it can be turned into thousands of pieces to attack with extremely tricky moves, but this is not completely without countermeasures, as long as the Taoist qi is released outside, forming a layer around the body Defense, I don't believe that the knife can play any role!
As for the death of the three Menke brothers before, it was completely caused by carelessness. They didn't understand the characteristics of that knife at all, so they died with hatred under Qi's random knife!

However, their deaths were not useless, at least it reminded themselves that they dare not be careless when facing the cracked knife in Qi's hand!

Although the Sancai Formation is mainly a defensive formation, it is actually both offensive and defensive. Now, what happened here has already been known to the army in the city. I believe that the army will come here soon. Stay here, and protect your young master Wei Wuji. When the reinforcements arrive, Qi Zi will retreat.

Thinking of this, the expression on Mu Xuzi's face was not as serious as it was at first, the next thing to do is to protect his son Wei Wuji when the reinforcements arrive.

He wanted to delay time... Understanding Mu Xuzi's intentions, Chu Yun frowned, leaned forward with a knife in his hand, "Shua!" The purple-black figure instantly disappeared during the charge.

A faint light flashed, and Chu Yun, who had disappeared, reappeared. At this moment, his figure had already appeared behind the three-talented formation, which was the only vacancy in the three-talented formation.

Mu Xuzi and the other disciples of the Taoist sect on the left and right were all looking ahead and had no time to look behind them, so Chu Yun chose to start with the only vacancy in the formation of the three talents!
Towards Wei Wuji, who was protected by the Sancai Formation in the center, he slashed downward with a knife, the light of the knife seemed to be able to tear through the space, and the cold light pierced the bone. The disciples on Wei Wuji's left and right sides noticed it and turned back their swords to block.

The two long swords were superimposed together to block the menacing knife, but the magic knife Thousand Blades in Chu Yun's hand suddenly turned into fragments, bypassed the long sword blocking the attack, and stabbed towards Wei Wuji!
Seeing this situation, Wei Wuji was so frightened that his face paled, and his whole heart was raised, but soon he let it go again, bypassing the blade fragments of the long sword, and was blocked by the Gang Qi released by Taoism up.

Chu Yun frowned slightly. He is not acting fast enough now, and the magic knife can't break through the defense, especially after the opponent has taken precautions, the various weird and tricky attacks of the magic knife Qianren will not be very effective.

At least it doesn't have much effect now, because Qi's performance is not high enough, and her control over the magic knife is not so complete.

With the current acting speed, using the magic knife can't break the defense. Only after the acting speed is raised to a higher level, the magic knife Qianren in his hands will be truly unparalleled in the world, an attacking weapon!
At that time, in Chu Yun's eyes, any defense would be as if it were fake and completely useless.

At this time, a snow-white sword glow struck, and while Chu Yun retracted the knife and jumped in the air to avoid it, the fragments recondensed into a complete blade.

Withdrawing the long sword in front of him, Mu Xuzi looked at Chu Yun who had jumped up and landed firmly on the guardrail of the second floor, and said, "Qi, I will give you one last piece of advice in the name of the Taoist clan." , leave here now and give up assassinating Young Master Wei Wuji, otherwise, you will become the enemy of the entire Taoist school!"

Although Taoism has been split into Tianzong and Renzong, the two schools belong to Taoism in essence. When necessary, the two schools will abandon their previous differences and share the same hatred. His words are not false.

If you assassinate the young master Wei Wuji, you will undoubtedly slap Renzong in the face, slap the Taoist in the face, and this move will offend the Taoist clan and Tianzong.

But since he became an assassin, how could he not offend others? Mu Xuzi wanted to force Chu Yun to leave in the name of Taoism. Although this idea was good, it was too naive.

However, this three-talent formation is dedicated to defense. If the three of them don't take the initiative to attack, it will take some time to crack it.

And what Mu Xuzi was thinking now was to delay the time and wait for the reinforcements to arrive, so he would always protect Young Master Wei Wuji's side and not take the initiative to launch an attack.

It's kind of deadlocked...

But it's not like there's no way to break the game.

Chu Yun's deep eyes remained unchanged, his thoughts moved slightly, and the magic knife Qianblade in his hand immediately flew into the air, with the tip of the knife pointing straight down, and the cold purple light flashed slightly, making people shudder.

"Watch out for the splinters on that knife!"

Seeing this, Mu Xuzi immediately yelled loudly, reminding his disciples to cheer up and release Taoist Gang Qi to resist!
It was obvious that he had guessed correctly what Chu Yun was going to do next, but so what, the eyes of Chu Yun who had been guessed right still remained indifferent, and his sword was pointed downwards slightly.

The thousand blades of the magic knife suspended in the air immediately burst into a purple-blue light, and the next moment, thousands of blades swooped down, like a sharp arrow, with an unstoppable cold light!

Dozens of magic knife fragments can be blocked by Taoist body protection, but what if there are hundreds or thousands of pieces?
Could the body-protecting qi of Taoism block it?


The sound of sword clashing sounded, and the cold light suddenly brightened. Mu Xuzi also knew that the Taoist qi could not completely block the thousands of fragments, so he swung the long sword in his hand vigorously, parried desperately, and flew the incoming fragments.

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(End of this chapter)

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