Heavens: More sons, more blessings, cut off Hu Yunyun at the beginning!

Chapter 468 Descends to Song Dynasty, girl Huang Rong!

Chapter 468 Descends to Song Dynasty, girl Huang Rong!
Chapter 468 Comes to the Great Song Dynasty, the girl Huang Rong!

Great Song.

In Qiantang County, in front of a bun shop.

"Sell buns!"

"Freshly baked, hot big meat buns!"

But in front of the steamed stuffed bun shop.

The shopkeeper is also holding a tall stack of cages.

Lift the steamer lid.

The fragrant smell spread to the street in an instant.

It also attracted a lot of attention for a while.


"What's the stuffing for your buns? How much is one?"

Just at this time.

A somewhat pleasant voice suddenly sounded.

The shopkeeper turned his head involuntarily, looked in the direction of speaking, and subconsciously spoke.

"Of course it's stuffed with meat, twenty cents each!"


"Do you little beggar have money to buy buns?"

As he said that, he also looked at the person in front of him with disgust on his face, and waved his hands as if chasing flies away.

"Go! Go! Go,"

"Don't get in the way of my business, just go!"

The little beggar in front of him was about fifteen or sixteen years old, with a black ripped leather cap on his head, his face and hands were covered with black coal, he couldn't see his true face for a long time.

Hearing the shopkeeper speak so rudely and mocking himself, he was not annoyed.

Instead, he grinned, revealing two rows of shiny white fine teeth, which did not match his whole body.

The eyeballs are pitch-black, very agile.

But the next second.

Just when the shopkeeper was not paying attention.

But the little beggar took out two big steaming buns from the steamer like lightning, stuffed them into his arms, turned around and ran away.

If so, that's fine.

The shopkeeper also took a look at the steamer, many of the buns were stained with black handprints, obviously they couldn't be sold.

I was also angry and annoyed.

He couldn't help but greeted the clerk in the store, and then ran after the little beggar in the direction where the little beggar was running away.


Although the store owner is a businessman, his movements are not slow.

But this little beggar is like a fish swimming among the crowd, relying on his thin and small stature, extremely agile.

In a blink of an eye.

It was a long distance from the shopkeeper, and even turned to make a face at the shopkeeper.

"Liu Wei Wei, come and catch me?"

"I can't catch it, hehe!"

As soon as he turned around, he directly bumped into a pedestrian beside him.


That is, he fell on his back and turned his back on his back!

But the little beggar felt as if he had hit a solid wall all of a sudden.

The two buns in his arms also rolled to the side, covered with dust.

Obviously can't eat it!
"You are..."

He saw the young man in front of him who was hit by him but remained motionless.

If it is changed to weekdays.

The little beggar should also be amazed that the other party has a good skin.

Yet now.

But she was annoyed that the other party blocked her way without saying anything, and let her "hard work" get all the steamed stuffed buns wasted!

"I don't know anything,"

"It hit me not only did I not know how to apologize, but also didn't know how to help me up,"

"and also,"

"You...you pay me Baozi!"

"Ha ha!"

As for Xiao Yun's side, when he saw the little beggar in front of him, especially the other party pinched his waist and looked at him angrily.

There was a lively color in those sly eyes, which also felt a little funny.


"Isn't it true that some villains will sue first?"

"Let's not say that it's because you didn't pay attention when you walked and bumped into me on your own initiative. That's where the steamed stuffed bun came from. Doesn't it seem a bit wrong?"

As he spoke, he signaled the little beggar to look backward with his eyes.

But he saw that the treasurer of the steamed stuffed bun shop also came to the two of them out of breath, and slapped the little beggar in front of him.


"Stole my steamed stuffed bun, and ruined my cage of meaty stuffed buns,"

"You little beggar has a bad heart too, right?"

"See if I don't arrest you to see the magistrate, let the county magistrate give you dozens of slaps!"


"Who made you look down on people before?"

"When you see an official, you see an official..."

The little beggar was also confident and confident, without showing any weakness.

"Hey, you little beggar,"

"You really don't cry until you see the coffin!"

Saying that, the shopkeeper of the steamed stuffed bun shop raised his thick arms, as if to fight.

On the other hand, look at the little beggar on the side.

It's about time.

But he is also fearless in the face of danger, and there is no look of fear in his eyes.

Seeing this, Xiao Yun felt more and more amused.

can only say.

When Huang Rong was young, before she met Guo Jing, she was indeed a master who was not afraid of anything.

It does have a bit of a small east evil taste.

Not bad!

The little beggar in front of him is Huang Rong, a girl from the Condor Shooting period.

Count the time and age.

It was almost the time when he had just run away from Peach Blossom Island and hadn't met Guo Jing yet.

And the moment he saw the other party, Xiao Yun recognized Huang Rong.

at this time.

It was also taking back the photo stone that was secretly responsible for recording in a hurry, and it was the palm that stopped the shopkeeper of the bun shop.


"A cage of steamed stuffed buns, I will pay for this...little brother!"

And when he heard that someone was willing to lose money, the shopkeeper of the bun shop couldn't help but turn his anger into joy.

Originally, when he met Huang Rong.

He also knew that even if such a little beggar was taken to the officials, he would not be able to get back the money for a basket of buns.

I just want to vent my anger!

But now.

Since Xiao Yun is willing to compensate him for the loss, the shopkeeper of the bun shop is naturally happy to let things go!


"Why do you kindly pay for my bun money?"

"I have no money for you!"

And wait until the treasurer of the steamed stuffed bun shop leaves.

Huang Rong, who was dressed as a little beggar in front of her, also gave Xiao Yun a wary look, and couldn't help saying.

"Need not,"

"Just pay me yourself!"


"You are..."

"You don't have any special hobbies, do you?"

"Anything to do with a dirty little beggar?"

Huang Rong, who heard this, couldn't help being startled, and subconsciously covered her chest.

To know.

She is quite confident in her disguise.

Anyone who sees this little beggar's attire can't help but back away three feet.

But Xiao Yun actually followed her?
Could it be that……

For a while, Huang Rong's mind was full of thoughts, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that she accidentally got on some thief ship!
"Do not worry,"

"Ordinary little beggars, I definitely don't like them."

Before Huang Rong could breathe a sigh of relief when she said these words, Xiao Yun raised her eyebrows and said.


"The dignified owner of Peach Blossom Island, the daughter of Dongxie Huang Yaoshi, dressed as a little beggar, is rare in this world!"


Naturally, Huang Rong secretly groaned, not knowing which part of her went wrong.

Why was Xiao Yun's identity revealed just after he left home?


Huang Rong also seemed to think of something, and her eyes couldn't help rolling.

"You were sent by my father... to arrest me and bring me back to Peach Blossom Island?"

"What do you think?"

"Yaoshi Huang is not qualified to order me to do these things!"

Xiao Yun also said quietly.

 After thinking about it, there are not many Menghua records and it is also the Song Dynasty, so let’s just collect the Condor Shooting. After filling the pits, this month is almost over. Let’s take a rest for a while, and the mental internal friction is serious.

(End of this chapter)

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