Chapter 23
In the special supermarket, Saitama was standing behind the egg sales area with a hood and a special mask on his face.

This equipment was given to him by Genos. After all, people all over the world now know that he appears in any place, which may cause trampling incidents!

So camouflage is inevitable!
"Qitama..." King, who hurried over, recognized Qitama in disguise at a glance, stepped forward and whispered.

"Don't be noisy!"

King, who hadn't finished speaking, was directly interrupted by Saitama, who looked at Genos who was looting eggs in the crowd with burning eyes!

Genos clenched his teeth, feeling the push of the uncles and aunts around him, his whole body was like a small fish in the upstream water.

He couldn't push hard, these old men and aunts couldn't bear this kind of force, so he could only drift around in the crowd.

And Janos not only didn't feel irritable, but became more and more excited, his eyes sparkled brightly!
It turns out that this is what the teacher wants to tell me!
Control your own strength to swim in the water waves and swim in the crowd without hurting others, and use your strength to cooperate with the strength of these uncles and aunts to get into the innermost from the outside!

That's it!

Genos, who had mastered the essentials, quickly entered the innermost part, looted a large number of eggs and then raised them above his head, and then escaped from it with the help of the uncles and aunts who pushed the soil!

Holding the egg, Genos looked at Saitama excitedly.

"Thank you teacher for teaching!"

Saitama: "??"

What is this kid talking about?What did I teach you when I just grabbed an egg?

The king next to him looked at Genos a little frustrated. Sure enough, there was a gap between people. He didn't see what Saitama was guiding, but Genos had already understood the other party's guidance.

Bang Gu, who was following behind, was completely shocked. He never thought that he could understand martial arts through trivial things in life!
With his eyes, he fully saw what Genos had just realized, and he used his strength to follow the trend!

"As expected of the strongest man..."

This also loosened the tight string in his heart. How lucky it is to have such a peerless powerhouse standing on the human side!

Then, he immediately decided to move next door to Saitama, without even thinking that the area where Saitama lives now will become the safest place in the world!
It will be hard to find a room at that time!
"By the way, teacher, what reward did you get?"

Qiyu tilted his head, and there was a look of satisfaction in his eyes: "It's a good thing, a coupon for a special price."

Janos: "..."

ha?Is the reward you get after destroying a few planets just a special purchase coupon?
But Saitama took out the special purchase coupon from his pocket very preciously, only to see that this thin piece of paper glides with a purple-gold streamer, which looks extremely noble.

Genos reached out to take the purchase coupon. The purchase coupon was engraved with mysterious runes, which seemed to be an anti-counterfeiting mark left by an existence.

And in the center were written a few words that he didn't understand at all, but the strange thing was that he could understand it!
"Super Dimensional Myriad Realms special coupon?"

"And then? How can I use this?"

Jie Nuo was bewildered. Although it looked tall and powerful, coupons are coupons after all. There must be a store that uses this coupon, right?
Saitama also shook his head: "Anyway, this coupon can be used to buy something at [-]% off. I haven't said where the store is."

"That's weird..."


Naruto World, this battle didn't have a big impact on Naruto World, what really made a huge impact was sitting in the same spectator seat with Pirate World!

At this moment in Muye Village, two men in dark green clothes are doing leapfrog around Muye Village. Their thick eyebrows are quite joyful, but at this moment they are constantly roaring with enthusiasm!

"If you can't complete 1000 laps around Konoha Frog, go to practice and step on the spot 2000 times!"

"Teacher Kai! We will be able to master the six styles!"

"Xiao Li!!" Kai burst into tears and continued to do leapfrog: "Navy Six Form is a martial art with thousands of possibilities! We must work hard!"

"Teacher Kai!!! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo""

Kai's pair of big teeth were extremely shiny, and he gave a thumbs up while doing leapfrog.

"Mr. Raleigh taught us the art of armed domineering, and we must not forget, Xiao Li!"


"Then double our training from now on!"

"Yes!!! Teacher Kai!"

At this moment, in Naruto's hut.

Namikaze Minato and Kunaixin sat on chairs and looked at Naruto who was laughing beside him.

"The main reason for our family meeting this time is this thing"

Kunai Xin pretended to be serious and said, but her love for Namikaze Minato and Naruto could not be hidden in her eyes.

He took out a weird fruit from the package and put it on the table. The fruit was covered with spiral patterns, which was very weird.

"I exchanged this with the Flying Thunder God Art and a strong man from the Pirate World. He said that after eating this superhuman devil fruit, he would have the power like Polusalino."

Namikaze Minato said softly.

But Jiu Naixin laughed and his eyes were full of schadenfreude.

"In their world, Chakra doesn't even use the Flying Thunder God technique? After all, I was fooled by the clever me!"

"As for this devil fruit, he only said that it is of the superhuman family but did not specify what kind of power it is, full of randomness and uncertainty"

Namikaze Minato glanced at Kunaixin helplessly, and then changed the topic to the Devil Fruit.

"Take a bite and you'll know, Naruto, come and eat"

Naruto was stunned for a moment, this devil fruit knew without thinking that it must be a very precious thing, and his parents didn't even hesitate to let him eat it...

"No! It's better for my mother to eat it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiu Naixin dragged his mouth open forcibly, and then directly stuffed the devil fruit into it!
"If I tell you to eat it, you can eat it, don't be so wordy!"


Namakaze Minato didn't stop him, watching his son howl with great interest.

After a while, Naruto, with a dark face, finally heaved a sigh of relief, and looked at his parents blankly.

When can this tough family style be changed?
"How come, have you gained any ability?"

"I'm actually Sasuke Uchiha"

Namikaze Minato and Kunaixin frowned instantly, seeing the familiar son in front of them gave birth to a sense of strangeness, as if Naruto had really turned into Sasuke.

This trace of trance was quickly dispelled by the two of them, and they also realized that this might be Naruto's fruit ability!
"What is this? Can change our cognition?"

Kunaixin asked impatiently.

And Naruto twitched his mouth, and answered with some excitement.

"This devil fruit is called Yuyu fruit. No matter what I say is true or false, there is a certain chance that people who hear these words will believe what I said, and even be changed by me!"

"It's just a pity that it takes physical energy to activate the ability. It would be fine if it consumes chakra."

Namikaze Minato is very satisfied with this ability, for a leader, this ability should not be too wonderful!
And Naruto jumped directly onto the table, clapping his little hands.

"Zuidun, Dad taught me how to cook!"

Namikaze Minato laughed when he saw the funny Naruto, and slapped the table to get up.

"Then let's eat ramen today!"

(End of this chapter)

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