The Heavens: Infinite Dimension Smash Bros.

Chapter 264 Dr. Qiangba, Experiment 626

Chapter 264 Dr. Qiangba, Experiment 626
"I have come to meet God"

This was the first sentence of the visitor. The visitor was an old man with gray hair and beard and skin like a dead tree. Even though he tried his best to suppress it, his still fierce eyes revealed a kind of extreme joy and madness!
Perhaps because scientists are all lunatics, the three of them identified him as the same kind in an instant with his eyes!
"God? Are you saying that I hiccup..." Rick took a swig of the spirits and hiccupped and asked suspiciously.

And this old man actually knelt down on one knee and lowered his head, his tone was full of joy!

"You are Rick the most Rick, the strongest brain in the universe, and your believer Gro sends you hello!"

This performance made Vegapunk couldn't help raising his eyebrows. This is not like a mad scientist but a paranoid believer!

But Orochimaru's eyes brightened. As a ninja, it is instinctive to collect information. He spent a lot of money to collect information about a lot of powerful worlds.

And the old man in front of him was also very impressive!
"Dr. Gero from Dragon Ball World?"

Orochimaru asked.

Dr. Gero looked up slightly, then nodded.

"If you're talking about Dr. Gero who created an artificial human, then it's me"

Orochimaru was obviously excited when he heard the words, he had seen the strength of the artificial man before.

Numbers 17 and 18 have the setting of unlimited physical strength, which is very powerful!
In the information, Dr. Gero also created a world-killing artificial human, the artificial human Cell!

"But I heard that Dr. Gero transformed himself into an artificial human, and was killed."

Dr. Gero's expression didn't change at all when he heard such words.

"Yes, I will indeed encounter such a thing in the future"

"And the timeline of the world I live in has not yet happened"

Different timeline?
Orochimaru stopped talking when he heard the words, and he was used to the concept of timeline and parallel universe.

"What are you looking for me for?"

Rick spoke.

"Dare to ask God..."

Rick interrupted impatiently before he finished speaking, and the disgust in his eyes was undisguised.

"Bullshit god, don't compare me to a god!"

And Dr. Gero panicked when he heard the words: "You are the god of science and technology, the belief of our scientists!"

"As a scientist you should be an atheist~"

Rick stared at Dr. Gero with a smile: "The so-called god is just a more powerful life form. I believe in gods? It's really ridiculous hahaha"

Dr. Gero suddenly had nothing to say. He wanted to refute, but he didn't dare to refute his belief.

It was Rick who made him see the power of science, and that science can crush all kinds of strong people, which is also the reason why he has faith in his heart.

"If you're okay, go away"

Rick said coldly.

"No... God... Dr. Rick, I want to ask you about Big Big Wolf..."

As soon as the words fell, a voice came from not far away.

"Yes, we also have this question"

"If I can't figure it out, I will really lose confidence in technology."

A chubby alien creature with four eyes came from a distance, and said with an extremely serious expression.

"Let me introduce myself as Jumba, an evil genius scientist"

Scientists who claim to be geniuses are often either joking or genuine geniuses. It is obvious that Dr. Jumba is a real genius scientist!
He comes from the Lilo and Stitch world, and has created a large number of experimental products with various abilities, and the ability items are very wide!

Whether it is generating electricity, causing earthquakes, or replicating, shrinking, growing, absorbing, sound, singing, wisdom, water, fire, time.

The experimental products with these abilities were also called failed works by Dr. Jumba.

Dr. Qiangba was very rude and sat down next to Orochimaru, showing no sense of awe to everyone.

"I want to ask, is this Big Big Wolf the experiment of some bastard?"

"Don't tell me he's really a scientist"

Before Rick and the others could speak, Dr. Gero looked angrily at Dr. Jumba!

"What are you? What qualifications do you have to sit down? Do you have any great works? What grade are you worthy of discussing things with us?"

Dr. Qiangba looked at him speechlessly: "If you want to kneel, you should kneel well. What is the dog barking?"

"Look at yourself, the person who transformed himself is not like a human, and the dog is not like a dog"


As if to prove Dr. Jumba's qualifications, Experiment 626, a creature called Stitch climbed onto Dr. Jumba's shoulders!

“A really wicked piece of work”

Rick saw Stitch's truth at a glance, and a rare flash of admiration flashed in his eyes.

The destructiveness in the eyes of this koala-like creature is nothing short of amazing.

Dr. Qiangba immediately became proud when he heard the words, and said proudly holding Stitch in his arms.

"Experiment 626 is my most complete work, he is almost omnipotent!"

"It has the characteristics of being invincible, and it is a great work born to destroy the world! Jie Jie Jie Jie!!"

It seems that Stitch can't breathe fire or water, can't manipulate time, and can't reproduce matter. Compared with his cousins, Stitch seems to be nothing.

It can also grow four arms with a little more strength.

However, Stitch is the most proud work of Dr. Jumba. The experimental product 626 has almost omnipotent characteristics, such as all-round transportation, whether it is a motorcycle or an interstellar spaceship, it can be easily controlled.

For example, all weapons can be mastered, whether it is a hook rope for a horse, or an interstellar laser weapon, you can also quickly master it!
The same wisdom is also very high, although Stitch's power in the original book only lifts a truck, but his setting is for destruction!
If you get angry, you will destroy the world. If you don't have the ability to destroy the world, there will be no such setting!

But Dr. Gero was full of disdain.

"What rubbish, have you heard of the artificial humans in the Dragon Ball world?"

"I developed it!"

And Dr. Gero didn't hear the expected surprise, only Dr. Jumba's face full of contempt.

"Using living people for research, you are really disgusting"

"Even if I'm an evil scientist, I still despise you!"

Dr. Qiangba made an international friendly gesture without hesitation.

Dr. Gero opened his mouth and was speechless for a while, while the scientists next to him also did not speak.

As scientists, everyone present is almost from the standpoint of villains. Isn't it normal to use living people for research?
Even Rick, the protagonist, often uses or studies other living intelligent creatures, which makes Dr. Jumba a bit out of place!

After all, their world is either a passionate comic, or a brain-oriented sci-fi comic. Only Dr. Jumba's world is essentially a world that is biased towards children!
It's like the worst thing the evil organizations in the Pokémon world have done is to rob Pokémon for sale. They don't kill people randomly.

Even if the research is done on Pokémon, the leaders of the villain organization have never thought of integrating humans and Pokémon...

(End of this chapter)

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