The Heavens: Infinite Dimension Smash Bros.

Chapter 318 Courage and innocence, the ultimate evolution of flower fairy beasts!

Chapter 318 Courage and Innocence, the Ultimate Evolution of the Flower Fairy——!
Facts have proved that misfortune really comes from the mouth!

At the moment when Arceus appeared in front of Mengmeng, Mengmeng felt that she was really dreaming, lowered her head and threw herself directly into Fengwang's feathers.

The other beasts also fell silent, and the feeling that the boss suddenly appeared in front of the staff dinner is indescribable!

But Arceus didn't care about this, he stepped on the void, and looked at the many beasts with indifference.

"Have fun"

With an understatement, Arceus disappeared in front of him, and the gods and beasts breathed a sigh of relief.

And Arceus was indeed just passing by, and he was also invited by the creation gods of various worlds to gather somewhere to discuss the lofty topic of creation.

The time for half-time passed quickly, and the night flew by.

The next day, the Rising Sun Gorgeous Contest was still going on.

Countless spectators sat in their seats and discussed in whispers, looking forward to the hostile players they imagined jumping out of the sky screen!

At this moment, in the players' lounge, there were only half of the players left compared to yesterday, and the remaining half of the players were also nervously looking at the screen.

Following Captain Dragonfly's chanting, two head portraits slowly stopped on the big screen!
"It seems that this time is another duel between two players from the same world!"

Captain Dragonfly shouted loudly: "I invite Mimi Tachikawa and Taichi Yagami from the Digimon world!"

In the lounge, the eyes of Meimei and Taiyi collided immediately.

"It's very troublesome." Meimei looked at Taiyi with a smile on her face, "You are not my opponent Taiyi, how can you compare to me in terms of gorgeousness and beauty?"

Taiyi smiled suddenly: "Then let's wait and see, Meimei"

Meimei raised her head proudly, and exchanged a glance with Baru Beast, her eyes were full of confidence!

The special training is not for nothing. After coming to the arena, Meimei and Barumon also received special training from a Digimon named Grannymon. They are really confident at the moment!
"Just wait and see, Taiyi"

At the same time, the two set the stage as an endless plain, no mountains, no forests, no water flow, only plains full of green grass!
Taiyi and Meimei appeared on the contestant bench at the same time, and they looked at each other from a distance, both showing confident expressions!

But the children who were selected for photos in the auditorium looked at each other in blank dismay. They were all eliminated in the previous rounds.

"I'm afraid Meimei is not Taiyi's opponent, but Agumon has already been able to evolve to the extreme."

Koshiro shook his head and gave a judgment.

It has not been a day or two since they have been in the digital world. Although they have not seen other ultimate bodies except War Greymon and Steel Garuru, the gap between the perfect body and the ultimate body is too obvious!
The appearance of the arena stopped the group of children and completely disrupted the original story line. After hard training, all of them had completed full body evolution before returning to the real world.

By chance, the orc Garuru also completed the ultimate evolution.

"There is still suspense in the battle, and the proportion of gorgeousness is still very large."

Su Na dragged her cheeks and looked at the stage quietly.

At this moment, Meimei waved Balumon and ran to the stage, and Yagumon also ran over when seeing this.

The two Digimon nodded to each other first and then showed serious expressions at the same time.

"Let's strike first! Baru!"

Meimei took out the divine plan and winked at Balu Beast, representing the pure divine plan to shoot out a stream of data in an instant!

Seraphine also picked up the microphone and hummed the Divine Comedy of Digimon Evolution, the stream of data shot straight into the sky, and Balumon's body also swelled up rapidly!
A huge humanoid cactus waved its fist, shooting its spikes in all directions!

"Barumon evolves into Cactus Beast!"

The demeanor of evolution has actually deducted the blood volume of the Balu beast, and the cactus beast looks a bit abstract and ugly!
Meimei also noticed this and snorted angrily, the light of the sacred plan in her hand was still shining.

The body of the cactus beast suddenly stopped, and the light shot out from the eyes in an instant. The flower on the top of the head bloomed quickly, and an enchanting flower fairy appeared from the petals with leaf-like wings, and the petals surrounded the body of the flower fairy!

"Cacti Beast Super Evolved!"

"Flower Fairy Beast!!"

The petals flying around seemed to be celebrating the birth of the flower fairy, and the blood volume of Agumon dropped sharply!
Taiyi shouted excitedly: "Now it's our turn, Agumon!"

"Direct ultimate evolution, let Meimei see how powerful we are!"

The pattern of the badge of courage flickered!
Agumon was instantly covered by golden light, and the data flow enveloped it, and Agumon's body quickly changed into various forms!
"The ultimate evolution of Yagumon!"

"Battle Tyrannosaurus!"

The giant steel claw swung violently, and the golden light exploded instantly and shone all around!

Seeing the ultimate evolution of Battle Greymon Mimi's expression also changed subtly, but the confidence in her eyes did not weaken at all!
Koziro in the auditorium frowned and closed the computer silently.

Something is wrong!
Meimei blinked her left eye lightly, and Huaxianshou immediately showed a sweet smile.

The pattern of the badge of innocence slowly emerged on the divine plan, and the soft light was like the first ray of sunlight falling on the earth in the early morning of spring.

"Strong!" Meimei shouted loudly.

"Integrity!" Hua Xianshou responded with a smile on his face.

"Beautiful!!" Meimei and Huaxianshou shouted in unison, one person, one Digimon seemed to merge into one, and the pattern of the badge of innocence instantly appeared at Huaxianshou's feet!
"Flower Fairy Beast Ultimate Evolution—!"

The badge of innocence instantly shattered and turned into circles of golden ripples that echoed at the feet of the Flower Fairy Beast. The golden ripples turned into circles and slowly enveloped the Flower Fairy Beast!
The body of the flower fairy beast instantly digitized and the blue data flow continuously echoed around the flower fairy beast, and the body of the flower fairy beast also matured instantly!
From the top to the bottom of the golden light circle, the data-filled body of the Flower Fairy also slowly appeared in color!

A white cloak like trumpet petals, big red rose petals covered her eyes, the color of her legs turned black like a pair of black leather boots, and the thorns and vines in her hands directly cut the front of her Air!

If the flower fairy beast is a girl, then she who has evolved to the extreme is the Queen Yujie with an explosive figure!
"Rose Beast!"

The flaming red lips raised slightly, and the Rose Beast grabbed the battle tyrannosaurus' momentary loss of consciousness and threw out the long whip of thorns in its hand!
"Battle Greymon!!"

The battle tyrannosaurus suddenly woke up and looked at the long whip of thorns in front of it, and immediately set up a giant shield!

"Shield of Courage!"

"Forbidden temptation!"

The thorn whip bypassed the shield of courage like a swimming snake, as if it had its own life, and slammed it on the battle tyrannosaurus!
Suddenly rose petals appeared out of thin air, and countless rose petals instantly surrounded the battle tyrannosaurus. The beauty reveals the ultimate danger!
"Battle Greymon!!"

"It's not over yet, Taiyi!" Meimei immediately shouted in Taiyi's direction.

Rose Beast's red lips parted slightly, and the long whip of thorns in its hand was like a sword, and the tip stabbed fiercely at Battle Tyrannosaurus!
"Rose Rapier!"

At the same time, countless roses completely engulfed the battle tyrannosaurus!
(End of this chapter)

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