The Heavens: Infinite Dimension Smash Bros.

Chapter 413: So weak and weird

Chapter 413: So weak and weird

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult is too thoughtful, and the water monster has already faintly felt fear!

The flood is enough to destroy the world, and no one can stop the huge wave caused by the water monster this time!
In the Immortal Sword World at this moment, there is no Dayu who can come out to control the flood. A flood sweeps the world, and at most there will be no human habitation in the world for thousands of years.

At that time, the Five Elements Spiritual Pearl will be used to recreate the earth, wind, water, and fire to recreate the human world, and Nuwa's descendants will be used to recreate mankind. If the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult is allowed to obtain the Xuanyuan Sword, then humanistic principles can be established!

By then, the strength of the Moon Worshiping Leader may reach an unimaginable level!

And it may not take thousands of years for the arena to exist!

Can the gods in heaven stop the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult?

You must know that the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult seems to be researching some thermal weapons recently.

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult did not know what the water monster was thinking, and had already led the water monster towards the direction where Li Xiaoyao and Yuwen Tuo were fighting!
"It seems we are not the only ones who want to reap the benefits."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult stood in the clouds, looking down with some indifference.

"They're just some ants, not worth mentioning." The Water Monster looked disdainful. As a strange beast from the ancient prehistoric period of the Fairy Sword World, even the Great God Nuwa could not completely kill the Water Monster.

Water Monster is still very confident in its own strength!
Only a strong person like the Moon Worshiping Cult Leader with both IQ and strength can make the Water Monster fearful.

At this moment, Yuwen Tuo and Li Xiaoyao naturally noticed the malice coming from around them.

The two looked at each other and smiled, sitting cross-legged on the ground together.

"Who's your name?"

Yuwen Tuo asked softly.

Li Xiaoyao chuckled: "The hero's surname is Li and his first name is Xiaoyao. I will definitely become a carefree hero in the future!"

"Of course, all this will have to wait until the matter is over. What about you? If you have the same name as me, you can't call me something like a dog and a donkey, right?"

The corner of Yuwen Tuo's mouth twitched and he snorted: "Yuwen Tuo, don't think that I approve of you. One day I will still tear off your face with my own hands."

"Then we'll wait and see"

The two looked at each other, and their breath became weaker and weaker.

In this battle, Li Xiaoyao exhausted his spiritual energy, the Wuchen sword was broken, and even the blood was almost drained!
Yuwen Tuo was also having a hard time. Although his condition was slightly better than Li Xiaoyao's, it was already difficult to escape.

"Are you just going to sit here and wait to die?"

Yuwen Tuo glanced around, and the auras of those guys were no longer concealed. The thick malice made Yuwen Tuo couldn't help but want to laugh.

"Actually, I can also choose to commit suicide." Li Xiaoyao wanted to appear lazy, but even breathing would cause unbearable injuries all over his body!
"You can't let them torture me. I can't stand the torture. If I spit out the secret of Shushan, I will die."

There was a slight smile in Li Xiaoyao's tone. You didn't need to think about it to know that no matter how much you tortured Li Xiaoyao, you wouldn't be able to get anything out of his mouth.

But if someone knows some kind of soul-searching technique or some secret method of retrieving memories, then it will be in vain!
Yuwen Tuo curled his lips: "Coward"

"Instead of killing yourself, why not come with me and kill him again to turn the world upside down!"

"Even if you die, you have to take a few with you."

Li Xiaoyao nodded in agreement, but the mere act of nodding almost knocked his head off!

"Then you can kill me with my head, or I can do it too."

Yuwen Tuo suddenly felt dumbfounded when he saw Li Xiaoyao like this.

Is this guy blaming himself for being too harsh?
But it does seem to be a little heavy!

At this moment, Li Xiaoyao's left arm has long since disappeared, half of his neck has been cut off, and every wound on his body is deeply visible. The fact that he is still alive already shows that Li Xiaoyao is very powerful!
"Then let me kill you with my own hands."

Yuwen Tuo struggled to stand up from the ground, turned over with one hand, and the Xuanyuan Sword appeared in his hand again.

"Instead of dying in the mouths of those jackals, it is better for me to take your life with my own hands." Li Xiaoyao did not refuse: "Don't chop it in the face, I rely on my face to make a living!"

Yuwen Tuo: "..."

Why does Li Xiaoyao look like a street gangster when he is so powerful?
What kind of environment did you have to grow up to this point?
Just when Yuwen Tuo was lifting his sword, a ray of black light suddenly struck from the distance, and an ugly-looking man stood between the two of them!

"Hey hey hey, don't kill yourself"

A fierce light flashed in Yuwen Tuo's eyes, and he directly raised his sword and stabbed!

Although he was seriously injured and his strength was far inferior to before, Yuwen Tuo was confident that he could kill him directly with this sword attack at close range!

The Fifth Young Master was startled, and jumped directly behind Yuwen Tuo, who barely managed to dodge Yuwen Tuo's weak sword!
Normally, the five masters of Immortal Sword wouldn't even bother to hide, but this is Xuanyuan Sword!

Even though I have never seen Xuanyuan Sword, the reputation of Xuanyuan Sword is like thunder!
He is not arrogant enough to carry the Xuanyuan Sword!


Yuwen Tuo was a little unwilling to be stabbed at such a close distance.

These jackals, tigers and leopards really came up after smelling the smell of blood. If they had done so before, they would have been skinned and their muscles cramped!
Seeing that Yuwen Tuo had completely lost his strength, the Fifth Young Master suddenly became excited.

The meat of these two immortal masters must be extremely delicious!
"Look, you two have no room to fight back. Instead of taking advantage of others, why not take advantage of me?"

"I don't want the Xuanyuan Sword, nor do I want your unique secret technique."

The Fifth Young Master looked at Li Xiaoyao with some distress. How could such a good two-legged sheep be beaten like this? All the flesh on his body had been chopped off!

"Why do you look like you want to eat me?"

The corners of Li Xiaoyao's eyes twitched wildly. He had indeed encountered human flesh shops when he was traveling in the world before, but he had never encountered the Fifth Young Master's look like this!

"Oh, I promise it won't hurt."

The Fifth Young Master licked his lips: "Really, I don't feel any pain at all. I guarantee you will leave peacefully."

Yuwen Tuo: "..."

Li Xiaoyao: "..."

In fact, you don’t have to be so blunt!


"A little monster dares to covet blood."

Yuwen Tuo growled, raised the Xuanyuan Sword and said coldly: "Then today we will see whether you are sharper or my Xuanyuan Sword is sharper!"

"The Xuanyuan Sword is naturally sharp."

The Fifth Young Master glanced at Xuanyuan Sword with fear: "But many people are worried about your Xuanyuan Sword."

"For example, the person behind you"

A sword cry came from behind, and a sword-wielding ghost rushed towards him with a ferocious face. He was a ghost king who was good at swordsmanship!

The Fifth Young Master turned around with a grin, his head instantly transformed into a prototype, and his huge mouth swallowed up the Ghost King directly like a black hole. The faint sound of chewing directly dissuaded many onlookers who were not strong enough!
"I remember you…"

The Fifth Young Master's move reminded Li Xiaoyao of the other party's identity.

"Are you a glutton?"

The Fifth Young Master turned around, with a trace of residual Yin Qi hanging from the corner of his mouth. He swallowed the Yin Qi like a noodle and smiled kindly.

But the venerable appearance of the Fifth Young Master really has nothing to do with the word "harmony"!

(End of this chapter)

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