Chapter 48 God Level Delicacy
On a vast and boundless grassland, super chefs from various worlds appear here one after another. The breeze blows through the lawn, and the aroma of soil and grass makes people feel comfortable physically and mentally.

"This... this is actually true..."

Xiao Fugui looked at the people standing around him, and his body trembled with excitement.

Compete with chefs from all over the world!

It's so beautiful!

"Hmph, chefs from other worlds don't look very good either."

Nakiri Erina from the Halberd Eater Spirit World curled her lips, and then said.

She saw many familiar people around her, and there were a lot of chefs from their world, which was enough to prove the culinary skills of other worlds.

"You are arrogant, little girl"

Chef Long Bread of the Charlotte Pirates hummed a song, inserted the dagger into the lawn, and then the cut grass instantly turned into pieces of chocolate!
The chefs around are all dumbfounded!

Nakiri Erina rubbed her eyes frantically, she couldn't believe it when she saw the long bread picking up the chocolate!
Sanji also picked up a piece of chocolate and stuffed it into his mouth.

“The taste is perfect, but such food is soulless”

Long Bread sneered: "I have eaten a lot of food with soul, but I am looking forward to your ability to make food with soul."

Sanji said very gentlemanly: "I will!"

In the end, he directly knelt down on one knee towards Nakiri Erina, and said devoutly.

"Then can you ask this beautiful lady to date me?"

Nakiri Erina: "..."

Snake disease!

Are chefs from different worlds out of their minds? !

Somewhat terrified, she took two steps back, but she quickly regained her aura as the eldest lady of the Demon Eater King.

He said to the long bread: "Even if you can use magic to create food, I still won't admit defeat!"

At this time, several rays of light fell from the sky, attracting the attention of all the chefs.

When the light dissipated, 12 people appeared in front of everyone!

There is a sign 'Food Judge' on their chests to prove their identities!
Except for the newly added worlds, the world chefs who had watched the battle looked at them excitedly!

Their reputation is very big in every world, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are big stars!
"Oh~ It seems that I am very famous!"

Tony Stark said very badly, and then patted Wayne on the shoulder.

"Although you beat me, it's obvious that the masses like me more!"

Wayne was still in the same bat armor and shook his head helplessly.

"You really know how to be handsome, and you have to wear a battle armor when you come to be a judge"

"Because I came here on the way to fight," Wayne said softly.


"Everyone! I don't think any of you can compare to me, a billionaire, in terms of eating?"

White Beard laughed loudly: "Gu la la la ~ the banquet with the family is the most delicious food"

The golden lion glanced sideways at him.

"Delicious food is delicious, bad food is as bad as eating it with people you care about, Newgate, you just like to brainwash yourself"

"I don't understand, Shiki"

"Yo? Brother, you don't seem very happy!"

Tang San raised his head, looking at the tall figure blocking the sunlight in front of him, he was speechless for a while.

so high!
"Be happy." Polusalino rubbed Tang San's head like a stray dog.

Pigman cast a glance at Tang San, and immediately walked away.

Tang San's face was gloomy at this moment, as if his family members suddenly died violently on the street, looking at it made people lose their appetite for food.

But at this moment, an ethereal voice suddenly came from the sky.

"All participating super chefs will be teleported to the rest of the world in 15 minutes. Please recite the places you are going to, such as mountains, oceans, volcanoes, plains and other geographical locations."

The scene suddenly calmed down. Before they came, they had already thought about what kind of food they would like to cook, but they didn't expect to ask them to get the ingredients themselves!
"It's too dangerous..."

Xiao Fugui's face turned pale with fright, it was impossible for him to search for ingredients in the depths of the forest alone!
And Yile's expression on the side was also not very good-looking. Although he still has some means of self-protection, he can't be called strong.

If you add the word Otsutsuki in front of Yile, you should be able to sweep the battlefield, but unfortunately Yile is Yile after all, not Otsutsuki Yile.

Seeing the embarrassment of the two, Sanji suddenly lit a cigarette.

"Let's choose a place together"

Xiao Fugui and Yile were taken aback for a moment, and then said in unison.

"No! This will drag you down"

As soon as this remark came out, Sanji felt a little more favorable in his heart.

"It's okay, it's okay to find some ingredients and bring them with you. You can tell from your hands that you are also people who study cooking skills, and you should help each other."

For these infatuated cooking people, Sanji still likes it very much.

Fifteen minutes soon passed, and some chefs who had little combat power paid a certain price to find those with high combat power to join them.

The light flickered in the sky and the earth, and all the people on the scene disappeared in an instant!
At the same time, the animals on the entire planet also ushered in a great escape!

The live broadcast screen is also divided into thousands of live broadcast images of each chef!

A high platform was raised on the grassland, and the judges sat in turn.

And Tony Stark also lay in Wayne's ear and kept talking about the various delicacies he had tasted.

Wayne took a deep breath and reached out to push Tony's head away.

"I inherited my family's inheritance since I was a child, and I am also a billionaire. I have eaten all the delicacies you mentioned!"

Tony Stark's eyes widened slightly: "What a coincidence? I also inherited my family's inheritance from a young age and became the world's largest arms dealer, philanthropist, and billionaire."

Pigman sitting next to him was silent for a moment, then looked at the two of them.

"Can you just skip this topic? Isn't it great to be rich?"

Tony Stark nodded very seriously: "It's great to be rich."

Wayne shook his head: "It feels good to buy the whole bank in order to redeem the mansion"

But Jin Shizi kept frowning and looked at the two of them, he was very puzzled about one thing.

How did these two guys manage to have more money than him, a big pirate? Is there any way faster than directly robbing money?
Under the chatter of many judges, the chefs who went out to collect materials also returned to the competition scene one after another, and the huge stone in their hearts fell down from the kitchen utensils that appeared out of thin air.

Soon, a chef from the world of One-Punch Man came up with his creation.

"Let the judges taste"

The chef went straight to Tang San, and put down the plate in his hand.

On the dinner plate was a kind of brown food, the soup was evenly sprinkled on the food, the food was dotted with chopped green onions, and a somewhat weird scent spread into Tang San's nose.

"what is this?"

The chef raised his head proudly with his hands behind his back.

"It's my fame stunt, nine-turn large intestine!"

Tang San picked up a piece with chopsticks, put it in front of his nose and smelled it carefully, the fragrance was tangy, it should taste good.

If it tastes good, I just don't know if I can take some back for Xiao Wu to taste.

Slowly put it in the mouth, and chewed slightly.

Tang San's brows were instantly furrowed, and an indescribable excitement instantly filled his mouth!
Straight to the brain!

"What did you put in there?"

The chef still said proudly: "I kept the original taste of the large intestine!"

"I added large intestines to my shit!"

I don't think you need to say it out, in fact, the taste is not bad...

(End of this chapter)

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