Chapter 109 The Arrival of Jiumozhi

Li Yuan's epiphany lasted for another three days and three nights.

And the news of the appearance of young gods and Buddhas on Mantuo Mountain Villa has spread, and people from all walks of life near Taihu Lake have heard the news.

Although Mantuo Villa is hidden on Taihu Lake.

However, the news of the young god Buddha spread too widely, and the waterway to Mantuo Villa was also developed by interested people.

Mrs. Wang tried her best to drive away the people who came to Mantuo Villa, but hundreds of martial arts people stepped onto the island just to see Li Yuan, the young god and Buddha.

Even though there were some people who wanted to make trouble in their hearts, they were all convinced when they saw Li Yuan sitting cross-legged under the tea tree.

Over the past few days, Li Yuan's internal energy has become more and more pure, and the golden qi is like a dragon like a phoenix, surrounding the left and right, presenting a radiant scene.

At the same time, his expression is serene, serene, sublime, and perfect, with a kind of magnanimous meaning of gods and Buddhas.

Although he has long hair and wears a white shirt, he does not look like a traditional monk, but people can see a kind of Buddha nature from Li Yuan's face at this moment.

Hundreds of martial arts practitioners stood quietly outside the courtyard, and no one dared to make a sound to break the tranquility of Li Yuan's enlightenment.

The seven or eight nearby ancient temples heard about this, and they have already sent a few old monks who have achieved great success. They all sat cross-legged around the courtyard to protect Li Yuan.

On the night of the tenth day.

Li Yuan's internal energy has accumulated to an exaggerated level.

In the starless and moonless night, the internal force of his body unexpectedly condensed like a glow, covering every inch of his body.

At this moment, Li Yuan was spotless, like a golden Arhat descended into the world.

He slowly opened his eyes, and the sober look in the depths of his eyes flashed past, and after a while, he became confused again, and he was still enlightened!

Then Li Yuan turned his palm to the sky and the ground with his left hand pointing to the sky and his right finger to the ground, posing a rather strange pose.

But when everyone was wondering.

In the next second, I saw streaks of golden internal force split into two strands, passing through the meridians of Li Yuan's arms, rushing towards the heaven and the earth respectively!

A huge palm force emanated from Li Yuan's palms.

Heaven and earth, I am the only one!
The entire courtyard was moved by these two palms, as if a major earthquake was about to occur!
The onlookers don't change their colors.

Some timid people even started to run towards the outskirts of Mantuo Villa, for fear of being affected by this force.

After ten days and ten nights of comprehension, Li Yuan has finally mastered the first form of the Tathagata God's Palm, reborn from the womb!

After Li Yuan came to his senses, he immediately withdrew his palm strength, all of his Buddha nature disappeared, and he returned to his previous calm and unrestrained posture.

When he saw so many people around him, his expression was a little strange: "Mrs. Wang, is there any grand event to be held at Mantuo Villa? So many people have been invited?"

Mrs. Wang smiled wryly, and then explained to Li Yuan.

With this explanation, Li Yuan finally figured out that he had an epiphany for ten days and ten nights.

When he had an epiphany, he fell into a state of ecstasy, and he didn't feel that so many days had passed.

“No wonder I was a little hungry”

After saying that, Li Yuan got up and strode past the crowd, finding Wang Yuyan from the crowd.

"Miss Wang, if you're not busy, can you prepare some meals for me? I'm a little hungry after practicing these days."

At this moment, hundreds of people in the Jianghu are all staring at Li Yuan and Wang Yuyan, and all the eminent monks in the dozens of ancient temples are also staring at Li Yuan and her.

This made Wang Yuyan, who is naturally thin-skinned, blush with embarrassment.

However, she thought that Li Yuan really hadn't eaten or drank for ten days, so she whispered: "Young Master Li Yuan, wait a moment, I'll go and prepare for you."

Afterwards, Li Yuan ignored the people from the rivers and lakes behind him, and walked directly into the main hall of Mantuo Villa, and several eminent monks immediately chased after him.

An old monk who was over 80 or [-] years old in the lead said, "Amitabha, young man, please stop, you are destined for my Buddha!"

"Fate? I don't have any fate with being a monk."

Li Yuan understood that these old monks wanted to drag him to become a monk, so he directly stated his position.

But an eminent monk is an eminent monk, and he was not angry when he heard Li Yuan say that.

The leading monk cautiously asked: "Amitabha, since the ambition of the young hero is not here, I can't force it. After all, everything is about a predestined relationship. But I dare to ask, the young hero has spent ten days and ten nights. What Buddhist principles come?"

The other eminent monks were also very curious and looked at Li Yuan nervously.

It is no exaggeration to say that Li Yuan's comprehension in the past ten days is astonishing. In their eyes, they must have comprehended some profound Buddhism.

Li Yuan thought about it.

The most important thing about the first palm of the Tathagata palm he comprehended is the domineering aura of being the only one in the world.

So Li Yuan said directly: "The truth I realized is that it is better to make decisions by oneself than to ask immortals and Buddhas, and it is better to have one's own ability than to chant Buddhist scriptures."


When Li Yuan said this, several eminent monks from the ancient temple were all dumbfounded.

Even the eminent monk who took the lead was dumbfounded, and even Amitabha stopped talking, and looked at Li Yuan with an expression of disbelief.

In their ears, Li Yuan's words didn't have any Buddhist principles, they were simply rebellious and arrogant words.

So the eminent monks of these ancient temples quickly retreated one by one, without further entanglement.

Li Yuan looked at the receding figures of these eminent monks, with a slight smile in his eyes.

"Hehe, these old monks seem to be in their seventies and eighties, and their cultivation of Buddhism is still a bit far behind. What I just said is the famous saying of Sun Wukong who defeated the Buddha. Why is it not a Buddhist principle?"

After Mrs. Wang and Murong Fu stabilized the people outside, they entered the hall of the villa.

Mrs. Wang didn't say much, she just stared at Li Yuan with resentful eyes.

Mantuo Villa has always been clean, but now that Li Yuan has just arrived, such a big disturbance has been caused, she is naturally resentful in her heart.

But Murong Fu smiled wryly and said: "Brother Li Yuan, why don't you go out and meet those people from the world? They are all looking forward to seeing you, the living Buddha. If you don't go to see them again, I'm really afraid that they will cause trouble here." .”

Li Yuan took a sip of tea and said intentionally or unintentionally: "Brother Murong, I'm too lazy to see those cats and dogs. Why don't you find a way to drive them out, or bring them to your Sanhezhuang, just say I will To have a chance to meet them, let them wait."

Li Yuan even made it clear that it was time for Murong Fu to take over his subordinates, he finally came to his senses, and quickly said: "Okay, okay, I'm going to appease those martial arts people!"

Wang Yuyan quickly brought out some side dishes and rice.

It's just that Li Yuan didn't take two bites.

I heard a loud shout from outside the hall of the villa: "Jumozhi, the national teacher of Tubo Kingdom, came here uninvited this time, and I hope that the Central Plains monks will come out to meet! Discuss Buddhism with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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